Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 703: "Get away if you don't want to die!"


No wonder Wang Hao sighed. Le Wen Fiction|At this time, his whole body is entangled with black energy. These black air has undergone a qualitative change at this time. It is almost like a piece of armor around Wang Hao's body. Although it looks like a flowing liquid, Wang Hao touches it. After the touch, you can clearly feel that the black air is very strong.

And his body at this time has also been greatly strengthened. Wang Hao is not yet able to make a final conclusion about the specific strength. However, if he compares it horizontally from the movies and TV series he has watched, his current body strength is about It can be comparable to Captain America.

This Nima is really going against the rhythm of the sky!

"Huh..." Wang Hao took a deep breath, and then said: "It feels really good, there are such benefits..."

While feeling the strength of his body, Wang Hao frowned.

Ordinarily, this world shouldn’t have such a "superman" as it is now, but now the luck dice obviously means something. Why can I transform into this way? Or, why are many things in this world different from the original world? , This is very strange.

In the original world, it was definitely impossible to have such obvious evolution. Although Feng Shui did exist in the original, it was obviously not as effective as this one.

In this way, something must have happened in this world...

"What the **** is it?" Wang Hao frowned and thought about it, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think of a reason.

He thought about it for more than an hour, and when he recovered, it was already 7 or 8 in the evening.

got windy.

It's very windy and very cool. But in this gust of wind, Wang Hao clearly felt something unusual.

"Wait, the wind is wrong!" Wang Hao stood up, and then looked around. Sure enough, all the other people gathered around at this time. Zhang Chu said, "Master Wang, I didn't feel much about the wind just now. Yes, I feel cold all over. It's the kind of cold from the bones, obviously there is a problem."

The others also nodded together: "Indeed, the gust of wind just now was obviously not right, it was cold to the bone."

"Well, wait for me to take a look." Wang Hao closed his eyes and felt it carefully, then opened it sharply, "It's a yin wind! There is a lot of yin in the wind. Someone is doing it nearby!"

Someone is doing it!

Who would actually do it in such a place? And looking at the Yin Qi that suddenly emerged just now, this spell is very unusual!

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, no time to think about it, nodding their heads to each other, and then they begin to follow the Yin Qi all the way forward.

On this road, there were thorns on the mountain road. Everyone followed the mountain road down the mountain, and soon reached a bluestone road through a withered flower bush. When they reached the ground, everyone looked at the things in front of them and took a breath.

In front of everyone, there is an abandoned old house, which is not very dilapidated, and I don’t know the origin of the former owner of the house. However, depending on the size of the house, the former owner of this house should be a local tyrant. I don't know why it was abandoned.

At this time, the villager Xiao Zhang also rushed over, and when he saw the house, he was taken aback.

"This is... the former residence of Commander Zhao?" Xiao Zhang was puzzled and said in a low voice: "Master Wang, you said that the yin wind came from here?"

"Yes, it's here," Wang Hao asked a few people in an inconspicuous little corner, and Wang Hao whispered, "Is this Commander Zhao?"

Xiao Zhang is also a person who has stayed behind in the village for several generations. He has a good understanding of the surrounding environment of the village. This explains to Wang Hao: "This Commander Zhao was a bandit leader after the Founding War, and he was also a famous local tyrant here. It is said that this house I asked Mr. Feng Shui to look at it when it was built. This place is a wonderful homestead site. It was a bit weird when it was built. There is a dry well in the corner of the yard. The Feng Shui man said that this dry well was very strange. , But what is the weirdness of the dry well, Mr. Feng Shui is unclear, so Commander Zhao never touch the dry well and let it be placed in the yard. Over time, there will be blessings."

"What's this?" Wang Hao touched his chin: "What about then?"

"That Feng Shui Mr. Feng Shui was also very famous back then," Xiao Zhang continued: "Because of this, Commander Zhao obeyed his words, so he started the house, the house was completed, and he had not caught up with the Zhao family's housewarming banquet. The ten-year old Mr. Feng Shui couldn't afford to be ill and died soon after. However, as soon as this Mr. Feng Shui died, Commander Zhao's family obviously started to go smoothly. Commander Zhao was on the same path, and every time he thought of Mr. Feng Shui, he felt that this person was true. He is a man of God, the Zhao family's house was built, and his blessing came, and he couldn't stop with luck. As a result..."

Everyone asked: "What happened?"

"Later, Commander Zhao went well for about ten years," Xiao Zhang mentioned this obviously shivering: "Suddenly there was a year when Commander Zhao's family started from the grandfather to Commander Zhao's youngest son. In that year, the family died. Absolutely, there are any methods of death. Because of this incident, the yard was completely abandoned, and the people in the village did not dare to come over for half a step."

A year is full of young and old to die? So cruel? !

Everyone's scalp got cold when they heard it, and they intuitively told them that there was obviously a weird place here!

"Wang Hao," Bai Yaning shrank behind Wang Hao, whispered: "I always feel weird here, let's..."

"Go in and take a look!" Wang Hao said solemnly, "The yin in the air before is not right, you have to go and say anything."

He is now a master of art and bold, and he has absorbed the ferocity of the white sword. Now he can say that he is not invaded by evil, naturally he is not afraid of this.

Everyone entered the yard and chased in after the Yin Qi.

Soon I arrived at the bitter well, but Wang Hao saw a figure standing there far away. The tall and thin figure was very clear under the moonlight.

Looking at the layout of nearby buildings, Wang Hao immediately understood what was going on~www.readwn.com~ The entire courtyard was facing this dry well, and the position where the figure stood was the only air outlet. At this moment, he was casting a spell, and the air was gusty, so you don't have to think about this guy and he must have done nothing!

"Who are you?" Wang Hao instantly called out the black armor, put on a defensive posture, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Don't be nosy!" In a cold voice, Wang Hao saw a face.

Originally, Wang Hao thought that this guy must have a wretched look when he did this kind of activity, but he didn't want this guy to have a good-looking face. A pair of sword eyebrows were long and thin, flying into the temple. His long eyes revealed a murderous look under his single eyelids. The nose is straight and straight, the lips are red and thin, and the face is thin and beautiful. How should I say, he is definitely a handsome guy!

The long windbreaker dances with the wind, and the strong aura is aggressive in the moonlight.

Wang Hao asked in a deep voice, "Why do you want to do this, do you know that it will cause disaster?"

"Hmph, I don't have to explain to you!" The young man said in a cold voice: "Get out of the way if you don't want to die!"

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