Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 704: Side sect


"Get away if you don't want to die!"

What a big tone! As soon as the young man's words were uttered, everyone present immediately felt an anger rushing from the soles of their feet directly above their heads!

Who are they? Wang Hao will not say that he is currently recognized as a master-level figure, and Fang Huaide is the elder of the Fang family. As a result, this young man actually told them to get away without dying? !

"Your tone is not small, you just don't know what your real strength is," Wang Hao sneered, and suddenly the whole person rushed up. In the end, he didn't want to. He originally thought that the other party was an ordinary person at best, so he made a good effort.

As a result, after this charge, a white gas suddenly burst out of the young man, and he bounced him back!

what's the situation? ! What was that white gas just now? !

"It's weird!" Wang Hao took it seriously this time, stopping the crowd who were about to move, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Speaking of which, Wang Hao was surprised, but the young man was even more surprised!

"I can't see that you have two things, haha!" The young man was obviously excited and laughed wildly: "It is not easy to meet someone with a bit of strength today! I want to see how sacred you are!"

As he said, he fisted fiercely, and suddenly a milky white mist erupted from his body!

Those mists were so thick that they looked almost like running water, forming a set of faint armor on his body!

"Fuck, what's the situation?!" Wang Hao couldn't help but uttered a foul language! The white mist on the young man may not be seen by others, but Wang Hao is absolutely familiar. This thing is almost the same as the black mist on him except for the color!

"Hahahaha! This set of gang-qi armor of mine is not bad, right?" The young man laughed triumphantly, and then looked at Wang Hao and others, and said coldly, "Since you have all seen it today, then... Don't blame me!"

"Why, do you still want to kill someone?" Wang Hao saw that the other party actually used the white foggy armor at this time. For the safety of other people, he himself had to use all his strength!

"Hey——!!!" Thick black smoke was ejected from Wang Hao's pores, and in a blink of an eye he was covered in black foggy armor. Wang Hao looked at the young man with a sneer: "You think you have is it?"

At this time, the field was black and white, and the two almost identical forms looked at each other.

When everyone around saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded!

"What the **** is this?! What is the origin of this young man?"

"A white misty armor, this Nima..."

"Brother Hao, what the **** is going on? Why am I a little confused?!"

Not only were these people stunned, the young man was also completely stunned. He stared at Wang Hao blankly, and suddenly yelled: "It's impossible! How could you also have this stubborn armor?! How can your armor be black?!"

Wang Hao: "..."

I still want to ask you, what's the matter with your white armor? !

Of course, although I was surprised, but it couldn’t show it on the surface, Wang Hao laughed and said, “You don’t understand, right? Brother’s armor has a name, it’s called Qi Gang Douyi, which is better than your Qi Gang Dou Yi. But it’s not only one level higher! Just now what did you say you want to do? Let’s try gestures now?"

"Pretend to be a ghost!" The young man gritted his teeth, and rushed forward, hitting Wang Hao with a punch.

Wang Hao's physical fitness at this time has already surpassed the limits of human beings on earth, and his comprehensive ability is comparable to Captain America, even if he is afraid of him? Immediately raised his fist and banged over.


An extremely dull voice sounded, a shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye exploded, and the surrounding wind suddenly rolled up wildly.

"Boom boom boom——!!!" Under Wang Hao's fist, the young man's whole body flew upside down and knocked down three or four walls. The entire yard instantly turned into ruins, and the sound of the wall collapsed. The teeth felt sour when people heard it.

"I just said that yours is not good," Wang Hao smiled and walked forward, and said as he walked: "Boy, who are you? Where are you from? Explain quickly. I am not in a good mood today, so don't talk about it. I understand that it's not as good as you!"

Beneath the broken wall, the young man stood up with difficulty, with a face of disbelief, staring at Wang Hao fiercely, and said, "I am not your opponent, who are you?!"

Damn, it's Lao Tzu asking you how are you now? !

"This is what I should ask, right?" Wang Hao walked to the young man and said, "Don't you think that only the winner should ask this kind of question?"

"Winner? Huh, that's not necessarily!" The young man suddenly laughed, and then suddenly retreated backwards, saying: "I have taken note of today's affairs. If the green mountains do not change the long green water, we will have a period later!"

When he ran, he jumped randomly at a distance of more than ten meters, like a big bird, and disappeared into the mountains in a blink of an eye.

People who have been watching from behind: "..."

After the whole scene was completely quiet, everyone immediately fryed!

"What the **** was that just now?!"

"What's the situation?! What happened to that person just now?! A dozen meters away, fuck!"

"Is this still a human?!"

People are talking about it, and they are going to explode one by one!

In such a place deep in the mountains and old forests, I actually met such a character, and no one knew what was going on.

"Brother Hao, are you okay?" Fang Wenbin looked around, and then asked cautiously: "It was unclear just now, is it okay? Who the **** is this guy, my God, it's just... ahem , It's comparable to you!"

"To be honest, I don't know either." Wang Hao shrugged helplessly, and said: "Don't think about it so much, let's break his formation first." He said, stepped forward, kicking a few feet. Kicked the dry well, broke the evil formation, and then said: "Let's go, let's go back first, as for the person just now, I will explain it to you when we go back..."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one knows what's going on. But since Wang Hao said that, he naturally had to listen.

So a group of people went back on the way.

After returning to the village for dinner and washing, a group of people gathered at the place where Wang Hao lived, waiting to hear Wang Hao's explanation.

"Xiao Haozi, what the **** is going on with that person just now?" Fang Huaide was most concerned about this kind of thing in his hometown, he said anxiously: "You tell me, I'm so anxious to death. !"

"How should I say it?" Wang Hao sat on the sofa, took a deep breath, and said, "If I guessed correctly, the guy just now is definitely a sect of the Feng Shui master."

The evil sect in Feng Shui master? !

"Brother Hao," Fang Wenbin asked cautiously upon hearing this, "What you said about this evil sect..."

"Let me just say it briefly," Wang Hao told everyone: "A long time ago, I had read some related materials, and I knew a little bit about them as a side sect. The main role of Feng Shui masters should be known to everyone. I know, it’s to adjust the fortune of people and turn the bad into good, right? Then if there is good in this world, there is a bad. Some people want to use Feng Shui to strengthen their fortune, naturally some people want to use it. Feng Shui brings bad luck. I encountered it once when I was in Jinhua. That time, someone buried a white tiger soldier talisman next to someone else's house. At that time, that person almost destroyed the family and died!"

"God, there is actually this kind of faction?!" Zhang Chu exclaimed: "It's a shame to treat Feng Shui as a harmful technique!"

Everyone nodded together: "That's right, how can it be so harmful?"

"Xiao Haozi, then you say," Fang Huaide thought for a while, and then said, "What is his purpose for that person casting a spell there just now?"

This is exactly what everyone is curious about, waiting for Wang Hao to explain.

"It's for sure to harm others. As for this purpose..." Wang Hao touched his chin and said: "I just looked at it carefully. I don't know what happened before the dry well, but after his transformation, it became a Gathering Yin Formation, this formation can absorb the Yin Qi between the heavens and the earth. The more Yin Qi is absorbed, the greater the harm. In the end, it will have a huge destructive effect on the fortune of the entire village."

These guys are really not good birds. Fang Wenbin is still a little afraid now: "Brother Hao, I don’t care much about other things. I just want to know that the person just now has nothing to do with your trick. This is not normal... …"

"It's really abnormal, but I don't know about this." Wang Hao shook his head and said: "Actually, it was a coincidence that we were able to meet today. His goal at the beginning is not easy to say about who is it~www.readwn.com ~In short, everyone will try to be more careful in the future. I always feel that this is not that simple."

Everyone, look at me and I will look at you, nodding together: "Yes, you are careful!"

Although this matter was full of mysteries, it was an unexpected event after all, and it was purely a chance encounter. So everyone didn't care too much, and they should leave soon. In a blink of an eye, Wang Hao, Bai Yaning and Fang Wenbin were left in the room.

"Brother Hao, I won't talk about it in advance," Fang Wenbin saw that there was no one on the left and right, and immediately whispered: "The matter here is almost over. When you go back, you have to prepare for the future patriarch dispute. What are you good about? Any ideas?"

What feng shui side sect is of little significance to Fang Wenbin, this fight for the future patriarch of the Fang family is the real key thing.

"Well, it's hard to say at the moment," Wang Hao thought for a while, then looked at him and asked: "The main reason is that I don't know much about your family. What are the conditions and principles for this patriarchal dispute? , You have to tell me about this."

This is true, Fang Wenbin carefully sorted out the wording, and then said: "Yes, then I will give you a detailed explanation."

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