Encouraged by the first generation of Overlord, Lan Ming took the steps of a new life bravely and fearlessly.

He no longer wanders in confusion, just because the man's tall back is always guiding him in front of him.

After going around for many years, Lan Ming kept an eye on the man's movements while cultivating himself.

One day, the chaotic air was chaotic like never before, and there was movement like the sky was collapsing!

Lan Ming did not hesitate to expose his true face, protecting all the creatures within his ability, and looked at the sky in horror.

There are nine rays of light swirling in the sky, and Lan Ming vaguely feels that the seed of origin on his body is heating up.

The primordial Taoist soils from all sides rose from the ground on this day, and the chaotic sea was extremely turbulent and crazy, as if it wanted to bury all living beings.

Lan Ming couldn't hold on any longer, at this moment, the dazzling golden light permeated every corner as far as he could see, and he heard the warm voice that he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

The first overlord fought against the infinite tide of chaos with his own strength, and the creatures of the ancient Ming clan were saved.

When all the dust settled, the Hongmeng Dao Realm was born, and the ancient Ming ancestors migrated with their families.

Lan Ming is also in the migrating team, looking at the brand new and beautiful world, his eyes are full of admiration.

"As long as the Overlord is around, all races will be safe!"

"One day, I will fight side by side with the Overlord!"

Lan Ming made a great wish and practiced even harder for it.

His growth rate is extremely astonishing, if not for the abuse he suffered in childhood, he would have even been able to rank among the top powerhouses.

The good times didn't last long, and unknown mysteries appeared in the depths of the newly born Hongmeng Dao Realm. .

Lanming began to have frequent nightmares, and the enthusiasm of the Minggu ancestors to open up a new world was interrupted and gradually replaced by fear.

The first Overlord stood up at a critical moment.

He was alone, going into the secret without any hesitation!

Lan Ming's nightmare is finally over. He guesses that it is because of the power of the black box that the emergence of secrets will affect him.

The first overlord traded his own life and death in exchange for the peace and future of the Taoist world.

Lan Ming was deeply moved, so he didn't have time to say goodbye, so he kept his filial piety for the Overlord alone.

He originally thought that the future that the first overlord sacrificed his life in exchange for would be cherished by all races.

But he didn't want to, the holy ancestor launched an attack at this time, completely disregarding morality, and wanted to destroy the tyrant who had lost its leader!

Adding new hatred to old hatred, in order to protect that man's group, Lan Ming stood up and bravely confronted this guy who left a huge shadow on his childhood.

After all, he is still too young to play, but he also won precious time.

The rise of the second overlord, he inherited the Yaogu overlord body, and killed the holy ancestor in the sky with the figure of flowing golden flames. In the first battle, those who were about to make a move were terrified, just like his elder brother, once again tyrannized the world!

The bruised and scarred Lan Ming retreated in relief, retreating into the shadows, neither fighting nor grabbing, unknown to the world.

The situation has stabilized, but the ups and downs of the years are fickle, and the mysterious shadows come and go

The Second Overlord noticed it at the first time and approached the secret. Because of Lan Ming's special connection with the secret, he and the Second Overlord almost arrived in front of each other.

"Brother, did he fail?"

The Second Overlord took a deep breath, unable to believe the facts.

Lan Ming's eyes showed sadness, he stared at the abyss-like mystery, and his heart was full of messy thoughts.

"Why? Why did the Overlord abandon everything, but he couldn't stop this mystery?"

"Why? Overlord has been saving all races all his life, but after his sacrifice, there are so many villains plotting evil?"

"Why? Good people don't always live long, but bad people live well. Is human nature really good?"

Lan Ming's eyes were gradually engulfed by black light, his aura quickly became evil, and his painful face was distorted and hideous!

"Calm down!"

The Second Overlord noticed his anomaly and stopped him, and the two fought.

The talents of both of them are outstanding, but Lan Ming missed the golden time of cultivation because of his childhood experience, after all, he lost to the second generation Overlord, and was quickly controlled.

After many days, Lan Ming slowly regained consciousness, trembling all over his body.

"There is a demon hidden in my body."

The Second Overlord looked at him, "Mystery can arouse evil thoughts in people's hearts, and you may just lose your mind for a while."

Lan Ming lost his mind and felt that things were not that simple.

"Cheer up, I have something to tell you, listen up."

The Second Overlord looked serious, and expressed his next thoughts.

"The mystery has reappeared, and someone needs to stop it. Also, I believe that the eldest brother may not be dead, and I want to find him."

Lan Ming's body trembled when he heard the words, hope appeared in his eyes.

"I'll go with you!"

The Second Overlord shook his head.

"Mysterious, dangerous and unpredictable. Although you have good strength, the loss of your mind before has already shown that you are not suitable."

Lan Ming gritted his teeth, unable to refute.

"The most important thing is that I'm not sure whether this trip will be successful. Big brother has failed, and my chances of winning will be even lower."

"If I die too, who will guard the Dao Realm and the Chaos Sea?"

The Second Overlord looked at Lanming seriously.

"If our strength can't stop the mystery, maybe we can only start from the source."

"Lan Ming, you are special, remember, if you can't stop it, then try to get in touch with it, maybe you can do something we can't."

The second overlord's words sounded like he was confessing his last words, which made Lan Ming panic.

He doesn't have many friends in this world. Although the second generation has always been at odds with him, he has long regarded him as a brother in his heart.

"All races are ungrateful, let me live for them, I can't do it! Let me go, you stay!"

Lan Ming clenched his fists tightly, he just wanted to follow the Overlord and die!

The second generation overlord directly gave Lan Ming a fist, and the alienation that he usually pretended to disappear at this moment.

"Listen well, Lan Ming, your birth is very special. To be honest, I didn't trust you at all before."

"But the eldest brother said that no one person can deprive another person of the right to live. In his eyes, you just have a different skin color, and you are not a threat from a bully at all."

"I don't agree with his point of view. In fact, until now, I don't agree with many of the big brother's ideas."

"But there is one thing, I obey him and you too."

"The experience you have encountered in the holy family is enough to make anyone swallowed by hatred."

"But you didn't. You never hated the world. Brother once told me about it proudly. He is proud of you!"

"Where there is light in this world, there will be darkness, where there is evil, there will be justice, and when the flowers of kindness bloom, there will be no room for survival in the evil land!"

"We are not going to die for a small number of evil people, but for a larger number of innocent creatures!"

"It's wrong to hate the whole world because a small group of people, big brother, he believes in you, and I believe in you too!"

After the second overlord finished speaking, he sealed Lan Ming who wanted to go with him, and went to the secrets alone.

(end of this chapter)

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