The second generation Overlord never came back.

In this world, Lanming has truly become a loner.

The birth of Taoism has attracted all races, and practitioners have ushered in an era of civilization blowout.

But Lan Ming turned a blind eye to all these things, watching the world with cold eyes, dejected.

What is justice?

What is goodness? What is evil?

Save the common people?

Or bury the common people?

His heart was conflicted and tangled, and he lost the faith he relied on!

One day, he woke up from a dream and found that his hands were stained with unknown blood.

In the mirror, a strange blackness appeared in his blue pupils.

"what happened?"

He had a splitting headache and couldn't recall what happened the night before.

Since then, such things happened frequently, and Lan Ming gradually realized that there was another self hidden in his body.

He woke up when Mystery appeared last time, and after the Second Overlord went to Mystery, there was no movement for a long time. He thought he had disappeared.

"Why does it still appear? Could it be that the mystery will make a comeback?"

Lan Ming foresaw the terrible scene, and shuddered inwardly.

After that, Lan Ming's condition went from bad to worse, his pupils gradually turned half blue and half black.

He struggled with the evil thoughts in his heart all day long, but the evil thoughts were not suppressed, on the contrary, he could feel that it became stronger and stronger.

Finally one day, he couldn't control it anymore, let out a mournful roar, and his body was engulfed by the billowing black fog!

After that, the real Lan Ming was trapped in the prison of nothingness.

He can feel his body moving, and can vaguely perceive everything in the outside world, but he can't control his body, not even a finger.

"Perhaps, it should have been."

Lan Ming's consciousness was silent.

"That's right, let me live instead of you, live freely and freely!"

The ferocious black blue sea responded.

Lan Ming's consciousness became more and more silent and numb, until one day, the hot golden blood woke him up, and the familiar breath made him feel sad.

"Do not--"

He saw the third Yaogu overlord who died because of him, and the intense grief woke him up, and he also recalled the details of the two generations of overlords.

The eager anticipation of the first Overlord lingered in his ears, making him burst into tears.

Mystery reappeared, and this time there was no third Yaoguba who went to Mystery, it had more soil for barbaric growth.

Lan Ming regards himself as a sinner, suffers from guilt, and looks for a permanent solution to the mysterious disaster.

But what the mysterious power brings is the strength of the evil thoughts in his body, just suppressing the evil thoughts that are always ready to move, has exhausted him!

"If our strength can't stop the mystery, maybe we can only start from the source."

"Lanming, you are special, remember, if you can't stop it, then try to get in touch with it, maybe you can do something we can't."

When he was desperate, Lan Ming remembered the instructions given by the Second Overlord before his departure.

Since you can't stop it, touch it!

Lan Ming began to look directly at his inner demons and conduct research on the mysterious existence.

The emergence of evil thoughts must be inseparable from the black box power he absorbed.

The black box used to be a container for ten seeds of origin, and it has a special relationship with Mischief, perhaps because of this, the stronger Miscellaneous, the stronger the evil thoughts in his body.

In the absence of the overlord to suppress the secrets, the power of evil thoughts is almost unstoppable. The only way to stop it is to learn the Dao technique!

Lan Ming knows that practicing Daoshu will eventually nourish secrets, but if he doesn't do this, he simply doesn't have the power to fight against evil thoughts.

"Even if I draw strength from mysteries, even if my face is completely changed, even if I fall into a boundless hell, I must survive and fulfill the wish of the Overlord!"

On that day, Lan Ming made an oath, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? !

Gu Chen watched the ever-changing historical scenes, and was shocked by Lan Ming's desperate and pure desire.

At this point, everything is clear, and Gu Chen realizes that the ensuing history, various mysteries about himself and the overlords may all be revealed.

"Great vector technique? This technique has been practiced to the extreme, maybe there is a way to separate the evil thoughts from my body!"

The sky pays off, Lan Ming peeked out the solution to his own problems from the Bayi Avenue, and has since fallen into a long process of fighting against evil thoughts.

During this period, one after another of the Ba clan was born and passed away, the shadow of mystery was always shrouded, and Lan Ming couldn't take care of himself.

When the ninth-generation overlord went to the secret, and the power of the secret declined again, Lan Ming's evil thoughts also weakened, and he himself finally succeeded in cultivation.

Lan Ming cut off his own body, splitting the evil thoughts and himself in two!

He sealed his evil body and finally had the ability to move freely.

But the Taoist world has changed drastically, Lan Ming looks at the sky, a little desperate.

"The Dao of Hongmeng has become a climate, and Yaogu's hegemony has died for the ninth generation. With my own strength, is it possible to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the overlord?"

Lan Ming knew that the secrets would inevitably come back again, and the monk's greed for Daoist arts had made everything almost irreversible.

Do what you know you can't do!

In the process of fighting against the evil body, Lan Ming has long since ceased to be confused, and his heart is as firm as a rock, no matter how small the odds of winning, he will never give up!

"You have to do everything in your power to create chances."

Lan Ming began to strategize, and he, who had nothing to do with the world, began to compete with the heroes for the luck of the Dao world.

After being recognized by Hongmeng Dao, he was promoted to master, and when five masters were born one after another, the pattern of the world gradually stabilized.

As for the Tyrant Clan, after all, no more Yaogu Hegemony was born, and it gradually declined.

Lan Ming recommended himself, using the peculiarity of the evil body to seal off the quiet place alone, delaying the arrival of the mystery.

However, the road to domination is a dead end, so how can we stop the mystery when it comes with the help of the power of the primordial way?

The only Yaogu hegemony that can be resisted has become a myth again, and Lan Ming knows that there is no future in the future!

"How to do it? Where is the way?"

For a long time, Lan Ming has been searching hard for a way to break the situation, seeking and deriving countless times in his dreams.

He is becoming stronger and stronger, but his strength is obtained from the mystery, which will eventually lead to the mystery. He knows that he is not the one who can change the world.

Many assumptions were overturned, and all means were exhausted. When Lan Ming felt that he would never be able to do it, an accident happened.

The tenth seed of origin that the first overlord had given him suddenly showed signs of recovery!

It has lost all spirituality, perhaps because it has been in the Dao world for a long time, and the strength of the other nine primordial principles nourished it and restored some of its divine power.

The ten seeds are of the same origin and have the same potential.

Lan Ming felt the vitality contained in the tenth seed of origin, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind instantly!

(end of this chapter)

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