"Master City Lord."

"As far as I know, the foreigners we captured before have been through a period of time and know some of their simple languages."

"In the long run, we only need a period of time to get used to it, and we will be able to master the language of that group of foreigners."

"We can do this, so naturally the group of foreigners can."

"Even, the way they learn our Protoss language may be more effective!"

"In this case, they will have the opportunity to bribe the people in the city lord's mansion, and then carry out a complete looting of the city lord's mansion's inner treasury!"

"Master City Lord!"

"You must trust me!"

"What the humble official said is all true!"

"Trust me... trust me!"

Talha took a deep breath, and while speaking, all kinds of thoughts were boiling in his mind!

The more I think about it now, the more exciting I feel.

Thoughts are messy, and feelings are sweeping at full speed.

The more you think about it, the more it seems to flourish!

it is more than words.

Stimulation... There is really a different kind of stimulation.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

"My lord, Talha is a lunatic."

"Where did the mole come from?"

"It's a complete fantasy, don't believe what he said."

"This guy just wants to shirk responsibility now."

"Don't look at the way he talks here, he is actually just talking on paper."

"If something big happens, the first one will run away."

"My lord, don't be fooled!"

"My lord..."

The second-class God General of Tianlin City, Quaid slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and immediately began to apply eye drops to Talha.

Now Quaid is extremely disgusted with this guy!

Don't talk about the good things that ruined yourself, but still want to continue to perform in front of the city lord?

If your kid is really favored by the city lord, it will be really difficult to deal with it in the future!


"Fantasy, after all, there must be."

"Our enemies like to play cards out of routine!"

"The traitor...the traitor!"

"What you said makes sense!"

"It is very likely that there really is a traitor!"

"Hateful! Extremely hateful!"

"You son of a bitch!"

"I knew...I knew there were a lot of problems here."

"At that time... why didn't I notice it at the time."


"Tell me, who is this traitor!"


"Don't worry about it, the city lord will make the decision for you!"

"If you can retrieve the treasure of the city lord, the city lord will reward you a lot!"

Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City, took a deep breath, and his face gradually turned red. When he spoke, the veins on his forehead popped out, which looked quite scary.

Kind of like that.

"My lord, this traitor is probably someone close to you."

Talha groaned, and couldn't help but glance around. When he looked at Quaid, Talha's gaze stayed for a few seconds longer.

The second-class general of Tianlin City, Quaid, was immediately in a mess.


What the hell is going on when you keep looking at me?

What a bastard!

What a jerk!

Thinking of this, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

What the hell is going on, don't you even count in your fucking heart?

What are the facts? The situation? These things must be fully grasped.

You've been doing things here all this time? Do it continuously? Who can stand this?

What a jerk!

"Isn't it because you want to take labor and capital?"

"Talha, that bastard, has long been annoyed at me. If I slandered him so much just now, this guy might have already hated me in his heart."

"In this case, what can we do?"


"If he really identified me, it would be over."

"My Lord City Lord is not in a good spirit because he lost his treasure."

"If we do it again, who can hold it?"


"It seems...it seems that something is really going to happen!"

"It's really bad luck!"

"Oh shit!"

"If I am targeted by the city lord, it will be completely over!"

"Before Laozi dies, La Talha must go into the water!"

"If you want to die, die together!"

"A person dies and a bird turns to the sky, and he will not die for thousands of years!"

"What is it!"

Quaid bit his lip, his eyes flickered, and then frantically began to build himself mentally.

At this moment, if you don't keep your head down, it's really about to explode!

The more I think about it, the worse it gets!

They're all bastards!

"My lord... my lord!"

"The enemy forces at the East City Gate are attacking across the board again!"

"The East City Gate is a little bit overwhelmed!"

"Master Blood Toad God General requests reinforcements..."

At this time, the messenger rushed over, the battle is urgent!

Quaid breathed a sigh of relief.

Well done!

Hurry up and get the city lord away, so that he can survive.


Cassius, the lord of the city, looked fresh and refined when he rolled the words. With a single word, he directly suppressed the crazy consciousness, with a strong sense of rhythm.

The messenger opened his mouth, and couldn't help reminding again: "The person the city lord loves, Lord Blood Toad said that if there is no support, he may not be able to hold on... Hold on..."

Kacha, before the messenger finished speaking, Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City, made a move, grabbed the messenger's neck from the air, and then twisted it off abruptly.

The imagery was very strong.

The audience was silent.

No one dared to speak.

The Santo... Really crazy.

It's all right now, even the innocent orderlies will not be spared.

"Noisy thing!"

"Can't you hear the words of the city lord?"

"Tell you to get out and still dare to talk!"

"Talha! Keep talking!"

"Who is the traitor!"

"The city lord decided to tear him into pieces!"

The body of the city lord Cassius twitched slightly. While speaking, his eyes were all focused, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

Thinking secretly in my heart, various thoughts suddenly rushed in my mind.

The more I think about it, the whole person feels completely fluttering, and everything goes without saying.

Stimulation... Now the stimulation is really in place!

A sense of take-off, more with whom to say.

The current rhythm is extremely strong!

The feeling of invincibility makes the whole body and mind weak.

Cool! It's so cool!

"It's over."

"I am done."

"I might die unjustly!"

"Talha! Talha!"

"This god will not let you go even if you are a ghost!"


"Why did you allow you bastard to stay in my legion?"

"It's all right now, let yourself go in!"

The second-class God General of Tianlin City, Quaid, seemed extremely weak at the moment, thinking silently in his heart, his thoughts gradually became chaotic, and his brain suddenly buzzed.

Right now, I feel that the picture in front of me is pulling my hips little by little.

The taste in it is even more telling to that person.

Rip, rip, fearless!

Stab! Full thrust!

The feeling is flying!

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

"What are you stammering for?"

"Is it him? Or is it him?"

"Is it your immediate boss Quaid?"

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