Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City, frowned, then looked at Quaid who was already nervous.


How could Quaid, the second-class god general of Tianlin City, be able to withstand such a stimulus at this moment, his body limply slumped on the ground, his eyes wandered, his lips murmured, and he didn't want to speak at all.

It was too exciting.

There is a sense of silence in the moment.

Quaid wanted to howl, but he didn't know what happened. Now he had no strength in his whole body, and he couldn't even scream.

Speaking of which, he was also a second-class general of Tianlin City who was killed in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, but if he really faced death, the sense of panic in his heart would immediately gather in place.

Too flustered.

The mentality is comprehensive and the rhythm is completely hip.

If you can't grasp it, everything will collapse.


Playing is just playing.

The more I look at it, the more my head hurts.

The more I feel, the more my thoughts explode.

I can't taste that kind of taste!

It exploded!

It exploded directly!

"It really is you?"

"Damn it!"

"Is this self-inflicted?"

"Oh shit!"

"The city lord's punishment is still useless! Just lie down?"


"Only a waste like you can do this kind of thing!"

"I fucking killed you!"

"Damn it! Labor and capital treat you well? How dare you team up with that group of foreigners to steal my treasure!"

Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City, made a gesture to rush over to kill Quaid.

Quaid's eyes trembled wildly, and he was still speechless, but his legs and feet felt a little weak.

Dead, soon to die.

It's really unbearable to be wronged to death like this!

It's so uncomfortable, it's too painful!


One is counted as one, all the fuck is not a good thing!

"My lord, wait a minute."

"The traitor I'm talking about is not General Qued."

At the critical moment, Talha rescued Quaid with a word.

"Whirring whirring……"


"Forget kid told the truth!"


"City... Lord City Lord, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Really! My loyalty to the city lord has never changed!"

"My lord, my heart is like the rough sea, it never stops!"

"My lord, my heart is like..."

Quaid didn't dare to speak just now, seeing that he had resolved the crisis, the chatterbox suddenly opened up.

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the rosier his face became.

Excited heart, trembling hands, you just need to feel it to know what it's like.

"Shut up!"

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"Labor and management sound like a headache!"

The city lord Cassius glared at Quaid, although he put away his sword impatiently.

A little vision to see something that is not there.

What's the use of talking nonsense now?

Now who the hell wants to hear your crap?

Labor and management are upset!


"Tell me who the traitor is!"

"If you keep jiggling, you will be the first to be attacked by labor and management!"

"Damn it! No one will let the labor and management worry!"


"You said that the traitor had a close relationship with me? Who is it?"


"It can't be Laozi's own son or daughter, right?"

"Hurry up and talk! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Why is it so difficult to listen to you?"

Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City, has already sharpened his sword, and he can't wait to smash Talha into thousands of pieces!

He hated this kind of bastard stuff that made a fuss.

If you finally find out that this guy is a liar, you will die!

"Master City Lord, it's not your son or daughter, but your wife, City Lord's wife, Madame Seventeen!"

"As for the name, I really forgot. It's called... what is it called Qian?"

Talha shrugged, then spoke directly.

The audience was suddenly silent.

Everyone's eyes flocked to Talha.

How dare this guy speak!

What is the situation, you really have no points in your heart?

The mayor's wife was pulled out!

This is the rhythm for the city lord to kill his relatives righteously!

"Heh! Heh heh!"

"This city lord thought you could invent a better candidate!"

"You know how to fool labor and management here, don't you?"

"Damn it! Are they all pig brains?"

"What's going on in your head!"

"You bastard! Nonsense!"

"How could the owner's wife be a traitor!"

"Are you trying to make my house restless, you bastard?"

"Talha! What evil intentions are you hiding?"

"Labor and management want to copy your nine clans!"

The yelling increased, and the gnashing of teeth was fully displayed. Not much else to say, this feeling directly overwhelmed me, making me speechless.

For a moment, an unnecessary sense of panic gathered in his mind, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Anyway, it's extremely exciting now.


"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Don't say anything without evidence!"

"Talha! Why don't you kowtow to the city lord to admit your mistake?"

"You must be too eager to catch those foreigners, you started talking nonsense."

Rugas, the third-class god general of Tianlin City, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then couldn't help reminding him.

This matter is already noisy enough!

I can't stand it anymore! I really can't hold it anymore!

Anyway, just thinking about it like this, cold sweat was dripping all over my body.

A heart full of fear, I don't know how to express it at all.

Chaos...too messy!

There is no order in the chaos.

I can only stand there dumbfounded, and then appreciate it silently.

My mind is full of thoughts, and my consciousness is even more messy.

"I'm not talking nonsense."

"My lord, don't rush to kill me."

"Right and wrong, don't you know if you call Mrs. Seventeen over and ask?"

"However, according to my humble guess, Mrs. Seventeen should have already escaped."

Talha shrugged, and while talking, his face showed a confident expression, as if he had already explored everything thoroughly.

Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City, held up his saber, his brows frowning into Sichuan characters. The saber in his hand was hanging in the air, but he couldn't fall down.

He suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Is what this bastard said true?

Was it his seventeenth wife who was a traitor and ganged up with foreigners and ransacked the inner treasury of my city lord's mansion twice?

What a shame! What a shame!

Originally, the treasury of his city lord's mansion was ransacked twice, which is shameful enough.

Well now, the stigma is still intensifying across the board.

Thinking silently in my heart, the whole person was completely stunned.


"Go and check!"

"Bring Madam Seventeen over here!"

"Bring it here directly!"

"Go! Go!"

"What are you waiting for?"

"A bunch of trash!"

"What's the use of raising you!"

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