"My lord, this king-level dragon has dropped some cards..."

"A king-level promotion card! There is also a special card, the true dragon bloodline card."

Satan flew over and took a series of cards and the magic crystal that exploded.

It took a lot of hard work to kill the king-level flood dragon in front of him, and the income obtained was relatively generous.

There are more than 1,000 high-grade magic crystal cards alone, which is equivalent to more than 10 million low-grade magic crystals...

In addition, there are nearly a hundred cards of various kinds...all of which are fine.

Like what eight-star equipment cards, nine-star skill cards, everything.

Satan brought only the two most precious cards.

"It's actually a king-level promotion card..."

Fang Fan's eyes flickered with a gleam of brilliance...

This time, the sea demonized beasts attacked the cities of all countries in the world, and two special high-level promotion cards were specially added...

They are the top-level promotion card and the king-level promotion card!

The top promotion card is equivalent to one million ordinary promotion cards...

And the king-level promotion card has a higher level! Equivalent to 100 million ordinary promotion cards!

Fang Fan's eyes could not help revealing a look of joy...

"It took a lot of effort to fight the king-level Flood Dragon this time..."

"But the gains and the rewards are always equal to each other."

Fang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

"In addition to the first kill reward for slaughtering the king-level ocean demonized beast, I now have ten top-level promotion cards, one king-level promotion card, and one nine-star army promotion card!"

"Use the Nine-Star Legion Promotion Card to advance to the War Angel Legion!"

Fang Fan didn't hesitate. The War Angel Legion is now the Nine-Star Legion. Once it is promoted to ten-star... it will be the greatest help under Fang Fan's command!

Fang Fan must prepare in advance for the endless sea monster attack!

Make yourself stronger, this is the only way to survive!

"Ding! Consume a Nine-Star Legion Promotion Card, and the Nine-Star War Angel Legion will be promoted to the Ten-Star War Angel Legion!"

Once promoted, the nine war angels including Mikael were promoted as a whole, and the holy light on their bodies became brighter! The pair of wings on the back also look brighter and brighter!

"I... promoted?"

Mikael felt that the power of light on his body had increased several times... a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Immediately, he saw Fang Fan smiling and looking towards his position again and again...

Mikael had a complicated look on his face. He was not stupid. He naturally knew that his sudden promotion must have a lot to do with Fang Fan...

As a family of angels, they always pay attention to equality and justice.

Suffering this kind of treatment all of a sudden, Mikael couldn't calm down for a long time...

"Thank you for your generosity. As long as you don't dislike it, our War Angel Legion will guard you for another hundred years!"

Mikael lowered his head sincerely and said, this is a proud angel leader!

When receiving a generous gift, he subconsciously wants to give back.

"Ding! Mikael is very moved by your behavior, the loyalty of the War Angel Legion has risen by ten points!"

Originally, it was only 50 points of loyalty, and it couldn't even get on the pass line.

Now it's always been raised to the edge of the pass line.

"as you wish."

Fang Fan shrugged, this is really a stubborn and arrogant race.

But such a righteous race... also has its lovely side.

Fang Fan believes that the longer these war angels stay by his side... in the future, they will be able to become his die-hard party just like Satan and the others!

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