"There are ten top-level promotion cards and one king-level promotion card left."

"Ten top-level promotion cards are almost equivalent to 10 million ordinary promotion cards, plus a few more, almost a seven-star legion can be promoted to eight-star level..."

"As for that king-level promotion card... it's equivalent to 100 million ordinary promotion cards, which can almost make an eight-star legion advance to a nine-star level!"

"If it looks like this...the resources in my hands can create another nine-star army!"

Fang Fan stared at the five seven-star legions under his command for a long time...

The Seven-Star Yinglong Earth Knights Corps, the Seven-Star Lower Demon Lords Corps, the Seven-Star Judgment Unicorn Corps, the Seven-Star Xiyue Yellow Turban Warlock Corps, and a Seven-Star Gothic Laser Cannon Artillery Corps...

Choose one of them, make great progress all the way, and be promoted to the nine-star level!

Fang Fan frowned subconsciously, the palms of his hands and the backs of his hands were full of flesh... The key point is that the promotion span this time is still very large, and Fang Fan seems a little embarrassed...

"I don't think about emotional problems, just consider the amount of help that can be brought after promotion..."

"If you look at it this way, it's better to be promoted to the Seven-Star Yinglong Earth Knight Corps..."

"After all, the Bone Dragon Knight Legion has the most combat units. Eighteen earth knights plus eighteen Yinglongs are all nine-star level, and the combat power that can be improved is also very much!"

Fang Fan nodded secretly and made up his mind.

"Choose to be promoted to the Seven-Star Yinglong Earth Knight Corps!"

"Ding! Consuming 12 million ordinary promotion cards (equivalent to ten top promotion cards and 200 advanced promotion cards), the seven-star Yinglong Earth Knight Corps was promoted to the eight-star Yinglong Earth Knight Corps!"

"Continue to be promoted to the Eight-Star Yinglong Earth Knight Corps!"

"Ding! Consuming 120 million ordinary promotion cards (this is combined with a king-level promotion card and 20 million ordinary promotion cards), the eight-star Yinglong Earth Knight Army was promoted to the nine-star Yinglong Sky Knight Army!"

The Yinglong Sky Knight Corps, which has been upgraded one after another, began to rapidly advance and change their appearances.

At this moment, the weak parts of the head and tail of the dragon, as well as the weak parts in the middle, are covered with golden armor and stomach, forming a double-layer defense together with the dragon scales.

Those Yinglong sky knights, their armor and weapons are also completely new, and under the change of mysterious power, they have improved several grades in all directions!

"Dragon Scale, thank you Lord!"

The Dragon Scale, the commander of the Nine Stars Yinglong Sky Knight Corps, flew straight down from the sky and knelt down on one knee, with an expression of infinite excitement on his face.

This is a gift from the Lord! He is so grateful!

At this moment, his combat power has increased ten times or even dozens of times compared to a minute ago!

The feeling of upgrading is so cool!

Seeing that the War Angel Legion and the Yinglong Sky Knight Legion have been upgraded one after another, the other legion commanders each showed envious expressions...

But for Fang Fan's arrangement, they will never have any resentment...

The reason why they want to become strong is that on the one hand, they are looking for the strong, and on the other hand, the more important reason is that they want to make a greater contribution to their lord! Not to be eliminated bit by bit because of not being able to keep up with the Lord's footsteps.

This softness in their hearts is now especially delicate and sincere.

"There are some of these marine demonized beasts! There will be no shortage of promotion cards!"

"I can promise you here that you will all be promoted in the future!"

"My legion will only be the strongest!"

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