An hour later, Caitlin brought the harvested Juhuang Lingcao over.

"Lord, there are a total of 10,800 Juhuang Spirit Grass!"

Fang Fan nodded secretly, the harvest was not bad...

"A plant of the Juhuang Lingcao is worth 10 billion Divine Crystals, 10,000 plants, that's a trillion..."

"If you can immediately replace all of them with Divine Crystals, you can buy enough promotion cards to promote all the eight legions under my command to the ultimate true king level!"

"This relic of the gods is indeed not wrong!"

"It's full of opportunities here!"

Fang Fan clenched his hands, feeling more and more excited.

It's not been a few hours since I came here, but Fang Fan's cultivation has been promoted to a rank. In addition, he has also obtained a million floating wealth...

No matter which way you look at it, it's amazing!

"Continue to explore the surrounding area..."

"Explore the traces of Divine Source as much as possible..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and there was a glint in his eyes...

No matter how much Divine Crystal earns, the allure for Fang Fan is limited! But the source of God is different...

That is the key to redeeming Hero Summoning Cards and Hero Quality Promotion Cards!

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to collect some, it will be a big profit!

Fang Fan took a breath and became more and more excited...

Along the way, I did not encounter survivors from other forces. It seems that there is a lot of space in the entire ruins of the gods...

"Where is the source of God! What about the source of God! Why haven't I found one!"

"It's too stupid! No way! I'm about to die of exhaustion!"

Bai Piao's face looked unlovable, and this guy seemed to be quite enthusiastic about this kind of God's source power...

It has been three days since they entered the ruins of the gods...

There are some total gains from zero to zero, but most of them are unsatisfactory.

After all, at the beginning, I harvested the batch of Emperor Gathering Spirit Grass worth tens of billions of Divine Crystals. At this moment, looking at these spiritual herbs and medicines worth tens of billions and tens of billions, there is no trouble...

"And passed away to a fragment of a top-quality spirit crystal..."

"A top-grade spirit crystal worth millions of low-grade spirit crystals..."

"If the value of the whole piece is okay, if it is just a fragment, it will be worth 10,000 low-grade spirit crystals at most..."

Fang Fan pouted and looked disgusted...

It's really drifting's completely drifting...

If you come across such top-quality spiritual crystal fragments before, you must collect them as treasures, let alone 10,000 low-grade spiritual crystals, even if it is a thousand low-grade spiritual crystals, it is still a treasure...

But that's not the case at all now...

To put it bluntly, it is completely because the mentality has changed, and it has become more beautiful...

Fang Fan sighed, this mentality must be restrained! They are all calculated carefully, low-key is king...

"What a bright light..."

"My God... It's like daylight! This white light is too dazzling!"

Yun Yun struggled to open her eyes, her face full of surprise...

From her point of view, everything in front of her seems a little unreal...

The distant half of the sky has formed an aurora phenomenon, which is much brighter than the other half of the sky!

It is impossible to say that ordinary white light is so obvious, but this white light... is extremely eye-catching

It is conceivable that its brightness has reached a limit value...

"Brother seems to have the smell of those nasty gods!"

Yun Xiaoxiao shrugged and said with a look of disgust.

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