Fang Fan's eyes flickered for a while...

Yun Xiaoxiao's unmistakable complaint just now reminded Fang Fan...

"Xiaoxiao, are you's the smell of a god?"

Fang Fan took a deep breath, his eyes twinkling brightly...

Just don't be too surprised!

Isn't the so-called source power of God formed after the fall of the so-called true god?

So it seems that there is a very high possibility that the source of God exists there?

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

Although he didn't dare to make a ticket, he felt that this was probably the case...

"The whole army gathers towards the location of Baiguang..."

Fang Fan no longer hesitated, waved his hand and led people to fly over.

Rather than looking aimlessly here, it's better to try it in a direction.

What if there is an unexpected harvest?

Walking all the way towards the gathering place of white light, Fang Fan found that there were more and more other assessors around.

Most are gathered in groups of three or five.

There is a tacit understanding between them that they will not fight with each other, but just indifferently fly towards the gathering place of white light...

One by one, the speed was increased to the extreme, obviously very excited.

"White light warns, there must be treasures born!"

"Hey hey hey! We have developed this time! Treasures are everywhere in the ruins of the gods! Now there is such a strong white light... oh... There won't be an artifact, right?"

"Artifact? It's very possible! Or... is it a divine pill left over by a true god? Eat one and become a god?"

"You people, stop daydreaming! Where did the Divine Pill Divine Artifact come from, it must be the source of God! That is the source of God! If it is refined by me, maybe I can directly comprehend the laws of numeracy. power, and then I'll take off!"

" prodigal son, a trace of God's source power is worth trillions of Divine Crystals! Holy Emperor Ziling has already promised to come, if I get a trace, I will sell it... send it! I'm going to develop! "

"A group of bumpkins who have never seen the world..."

"Stop the ink! Hurry up! This is our chance! Don't be preempted by others! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!"

"Rush! Rush! Strike!"


The several bright faction examiners who flew past Fang Fan were all excitedly talking about these things.

From their tone and demeanor, it is not difficult to see the eagerness in their hearts...

"It seems that there are many people who want to win the treasure this time..."

"It's not that easy to come out on top."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

He can see these extreme white lights, and immediately think of the strange treasure and the source of God, and other people can naturally speculate...

At that time, another bloody battle can be foreseen...

Fang Fan and the others speeded up, and when they arrived at the location of Bai Guang, they found that it was already crowded with people...

Crowded crowds obscured everything...

But what surprised Fang Fan was, since the treasure is in front, why hasn't the fight been up until now? And also a peaceful look?

"It's a divine vein!"

"There is actually a divine vein in this place!"

"The Divine Vein is born! No wonder there is such a movement!"

Just when Fang Fan was surprised, Bai Piao who was beside him suddenly cried out in surprise, and his eyes were even more happy.

"You know again?"

Fang Fan glanced at Bai Piao, this guy is an encyclopedia...

"It really is a divine vein!"

Yun Yun on the side also screamed in surprise...

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