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With Han Yu’s current capabilities, casting a transmission table and carving a Transmission Array are not difficult at all. It took more than a month before Han Yu built a huge teleportation platform in Phoenix. This teleportation station can teleport people to any place in Wu Province.

It is also because of material restrictions, otherwise Han Yu can cast a more powerful Transmission Array, and transmission in the surrounding 3 states will not be a problem.

After the transmission platform was set up, the people of Phoenix Clan boarded the Transmission Array one after another and directly transmitted to Monster Sovereign Ridge, near Phoenix Clan Base Camp. The transmission platform operates day and night. After 3 days, only Phoenix is ​​left. Han Yu and Phoenix board the Transmission Array and head to Monster Sovereign Ridge together.

Da Ya wanted to go with Han Yu. Han Yu had important things to go to Phoenix Mountain, so he didn’t take her. She was like a child, but she was still awkward.

After the Phoenix Clan people left, the core area of ​​Phoenix City suddenly became empty. White Tiger came out to rationally reorganize the original residents of Phoenix, and officially announced the change of ownership of Phoenix.

There is a mountain in Monster Sovereign Ridge called Ancestral Mountain. This mountain is the sacred mountain of Demonic beast in mind in the world. Around Ancestral Mountain, there are 9 mountains all the stars cup themselves around the moon to surround Ancestral Mountain.

Four Monster Races, including Phoenix Clan, White Tiger Clan, Golden Tiger Clan, and Bat Dragon Race, live in the east, west, south, and north directions of Ancestral Mountain. Phoenix Clan lives below the volcano in one of nine mountains.

Originally fighting and defeating the monkey family, they also lived outside of Ancestral Mountain, but due to the disintegration of infighting, they eventually all split up and in pieces and left here.

There is no vegetation on the volcano. The stones and soil on the mountain are dark red. The palace of Phoenix Clan is built on the foot of the mountain. It is built using the dark red stones on the mountain and is integrated with the volcano.

The temperature around the volcano is 2 or 3 times higher than that in other places. It is not easy for ordinary races to live here, but this environment is just right for Phoenix Clan.

From the top of the volcano, Han Yu and Phoenix stood side by side, and the wind blew their clothes and long hair.

Looking at the empty sky in front of him, Han Yu was surprised: “Didn’t it mean that Ancestral Mountain is to the west of the volcano? Why is it not there?”

Han Yu can only see 8 Xiongshan mountains that are almost as high as the volcano. It is the other 8 mountains. It was supposed to be where Ancestral Mountain was, but it was a huge valley.

Phoenix said: “Ancestral Mountain is a legend, I have never seen it.”

“En?” Han Yu was taken aback, said with a smile dumbfounded: “Legend? Has anyone seen Ancestral Mountain?”

Phoenix said: “People who are alive now, I’m afraid no one has seen it. We all know Ancestral Mountain from our ancestral training and ancient books.”

Han Yu asked, “Then you still stay here?”

Phoenix said: “Whether it is Phoenix Clan, White Tiger Clan, Jinyao tribe, Bat Dragon Race, there is an ancestral motto, generations must not leave this place, you must stick to Ancestral Mountain.”

Han Yu said: “Does the ancient book introduce what kind of place Ancestral Mountain is?”

Phoenix said: “No.”

Han Yu didn’t know what to say for a while, pulled up Phoenix’s jade hand and said, “Shall we go for a walk?”

Phoenix nodded, 2 people fly forward. All the way unimpeded, Han Yu’s Soul Power was released, observing the smallest details. After going around, I found nothing.

There are expert caretakers of White Tiger Clan, Jinyao tribe, and Bat Dragon Race. See Han Yu and Phoenix, not at all.

Back to the volcano, Han Yu and Phoenix did not stay for long and returned to Phoenix Clan.

Once Han Yu and Sun Dahou both wished to come here to find an opportunity to become holy, now Han Yu is no longer curious about Ancestral Mountain. Perhaps Ancestral Mountain is really just a legend.

In the following days, Han Yu spent most of his time in Phoenix Clan’s Scripture Pavilion.

The collection of classics in Phoenix Clan’s Scripture Pavilion is extremely rich, far beyond the ancient book they brought to Phoenix City.

Here, Han Yu saw some secrets about the last years of ancient times.

The end of antiquity was a dark period in Cultivation World.

Between Heaven and Earth suddenly appeared Great Dao suppression, some experts died and disappeared bizarrely, and the entire Cultivation World was in a kind of irritability and anxiety. People gradually lost trust between people, and battles gradually broke out between forces.

The fighting became fiercer and fierce, and finally caused a large-scale bloody war across the world. In that 500-year war, countless expert violent deaths and countless forces disappeared.

The forces that were able to survive that catastrophe were none other than the Overlord level in the world at that time, and later they evolved into ancient forces.

During that period, it was turned into a dark turmoil, and almost no one in the whole Kun world was spared. There were countless lives and injuries, and countless humanity monuments were destroyed. It was not until the ancient times that order was rebuilt and Cultivation World gradually calmed down. Those who survived hated that period of time, and felt terrified from in the depth of one’s soul, and no one wanted to look back at that period of history.

Therefore, Ancient Era is nothing but a blank for people today, and no one knows what happened in the end of ancient times.

Today, only the ancient forces are in control of this period of history in the last years of ancient times.

Many ancient books of Phoenix Clan mentioned the dark turmoil in the last years of antiquity, but he saw different views on the occurrence of the dark turmoil.

Some people speculate: Great Dao suppresses adult panic. This is an objective condition to cause turmoil, but it is someone secretly fueling the flames of war throughout the Kun world.

Although Han Yu has not experienced the dark turmoil of the last years of antiquity, he thinks this speculation has some truth.

The whole Kun world is full of wars, it is impossible to imagine that spontaneously can have such a scale.

However, there is only this speculation in the ancient book, without saying who is secretly contributing to the flames.

“If someone is really helping the flames in the dark, then that person may be the biggest beneficiary of the dark turmoil!” Han Yu secretly thought.

“Marely this big turmoil must have been beyond human control in the end, and it is hard to say that the person who contributed to the trouble was not involved in the storm.” Han Yu thought about it, and finally shook the head, no longer Think more.

Whether the dark turmoil is spontaneous or artificial, it has nothing to do with him at present.

Now that he knows what happened in the last years of ancient times, it can be regarded as fulfilling a small wish for him. After all, he was always curious about that period.

Han Yu also read many ancient books, including historical books that record some major events of Ancient Era. One of them was a book devoted to the disappearance of Celestial Court. But what is described in the books is all speculation. And Han Yu, has already understood the truth.

Before that, there was no relevant record.

Although Phoenix Clan has a long inheritance and has always been strong, it has also experienced several turmoil, and many things have been destroyed in the long river of history.

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