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Next, Han Yu specializes in reading books such as the cultivation handbook. Phoenix Clan In the imperial period, there were 3 Martial Saint Level experts, and 3 Martial Saint Experts all left their cultivation experience. They were compiled into a comprehensive book by the descendants of Phoenix Clan, in which there are discussions on the experience of sanctification. .

Han Yu carefully studied the experience of sanctification of the three ancestors, which inspired him a lot.

Sanctification since ancient times is an extremely difficult thing, a process of Transcendent Saint.

Under Martial Saint, all a person’s possessions, including fleshy body, soul, and heart, are all called mortals. Only when they are sanctified and transformed can they be called saints.

The fleshy body and the soul are things that can clearly change. They are the easiest part of sanctification, and the most difficult is the soul.

The so-called mind is a person’s thoughts, ideas, etc.

Han Yu’s “Magic Self” and “True Self” are actually a manifestation of thoughts and ideas.

No matter who it is, at the time of sanctification, there will be different kinds of “thoughts and ideas”. Only by fading some “obsessions” can the soul be sublimated.

In the cultivation experience of the three Martial Saints, Han Yu found a way to deal with the “Magic Self”.

As long as the “true self” is firm, all “external thoughts” can be wiped out. The demon self belongs to a kind of “external thoughts”.

Just like a person has a sunny side and a dark side. The “real self” is the sunny side of Han Yu, and the “magic self” is the dark side of Han Yu. They all belong to Han Yu. As long as the will is firm, the sunny side can suppress the dark side forever, but if the will is not firm, the dark side will in turn suppress the sunny side.

In the confrontation between Han Yu’s “real self” and “devil self”, the reason why both sides suffer. It is Han Yu who is not firm enough with his “Dao”.

If he insists on the “real self”, the “magic self” will be impossible to withstand a single blow.

Don’t look at Han Yu’s words about killing the demon me, but Han Yu’s deep in one’s heart has been hesitant. After all, the “demon me” is the right way to swallow the heavenly demon body.

After careful consideration, Han Yu is almost enlightenment.

To put it bluntly, the key reason for the failure of the second attack on Martial Saint is that his will is not firm enough.

As for this thing, you can’t see it or touch it. Only under certain circumstances can you see whether a person’s will is firm or not.

“Hone the mind is my most urgent task at this stage.” Han Yu secretly planned.

There are many ways to hone the mind, but they may not be effective. One of Saint’s methods made Han Yu’s eyes shine.

This Saint also failed to attack Martial Saint Realm three times because of his lack of determination. In the end, he simply didn’t cultivate, walked in the world, became an ordinary person, and completely let go of himself. After ten years of return, he once again attacked Martial Saint Realm, and he succeeded.

Han Yu felt that this method might be available to him.

Since his cultivation, he has shouldered too many responsibilities and has never completely let go of his body and mind. This will be the biggest obstacle on his path to sanctification.

Han Yu walked out of the Scripture Pavilion, no longer looked at anything, and no longer thought about cultivation. He accompanies Phoenix every day to enjoy the happiness of being a husband.

So that Phoenix asked him to go to the Phoenix Clan Divine Ability to pick a suitable Divine Ability, but Han Yu didn’t go.

He knows himself very well, once he gets his favorite Magical Powers, he will definitely be unable to bear and want cultivation.

In Phoenix Clan for 3 months, Phoenix gradually transferred patriarch’s rights to Feng Kuang’s hands. For this, Phoenix Clan people were reluctant to accept, but they were helpless.

After almost confessing, Phoenix left with Han Yu.

Han Yu didn’t rush back to Phoenix City, and took Phoenix to go on a scenic tour in Monster Sovereign Ridge, and went to Holy Mountain where he defeated the monkey clan. He saw the old monkey and Sun Dahou once again boarded Holy Mountain. Under the Holy Mountain, Han Yu and the old monkey learn to make wine. After a blink of an eye for more than a month, he left with some fine wine.

After that, he went to Sun Clan’s new home. Sun Clan’s new home was built in the northern part of Monster Sovereign Ridge, near the sea. Here, Han Yu stayed for more than ten days. Every day he followed Sun Clan’s people to hunt in the mountains and fish in the sea. Excited.

Phoenix didn’t bother Han Yu, she was completely incarnation and a well-behaved wife. She followed Han Yu wherever she went.

After returning to Phoenix City, Han Yu settled down in Phoenix and started a journey alone.

He gradually discovered that he actually fell in love with this kind of going on a scenic tour, the days of looking for friends.

Han Yu traveled all the way north, went to the mountain range to eat and drink for a while, then continued northbound, visiting the Qinle family.

Han Yu is totally casual. He flies when he wants to fly, walks on the ground when he doesn’t want to fly, goes to the Inn to get drunk when he wants to drink, and goes to the mountains and wilds to go hunting.

Sometimes he lives in the most expensive hotel, sometimes he uses the earth as a bed and the sky as a blanket.

Unconsciously, Han Yu entered Beihan. The glacier and snowfields full of eyes made him happy.

Beihan is sparsely populated. Sometimes Han Yu can’t see a person in 2 or 3 months. The vast northern cold land seems to belong to Han Yu alone.

From Xiling to Beihan, Han Yu has seen too many social snobbery and experienced human life in various identities. At this time, there was a touch of vicissitudes on his face, which seemed to have gone through 1000 years.

His heart gradually settled down.

In a blink of an eye, Han Yu has been aimlessly trekking through the mountains and water for 2 years. During this period, the natural phenomenon of 3-star Golden Lotus has appeared three times. Nowadays, not counting foreign visitors, there are already 7 people in the Kun community become a saint.

White Tiger told Han Yu that Tian Lao has not yet returned.

Han Yu is not worried at all, he has absolute confidence in Tian Lao.

White Tiger also told Han Yu that Li Qingling’s sister and brother came to Beihan with Jiang Ran, preparing to capture the legendary northern light.

Han Yu didn’t pay too much attention and continued to move north.

Legend has it that the north of the northern cold in Wu Province is the north pole of Kunjie, where you can see the fairy lights of the north.

Rumor has it that the Northern Lights were transformed by the famous Ancient Era when the famous Luantian Emperor fell. Whoever gets the Northern Lights will get the inheritance of Luantian. However, although the northern fairy lights have appeared several times since ancient times, no one has been able to get close to the northern fairy lights.

The fairy light of the North Pole is like moon reflected in the water.

Moreover, the appearance of the Arctic fairy lights is never regular. Sometimes it appears once more than 10,000 years apart, and sometimes it appears once more than 3000 years apart. People who can see the northern fairy lights are accidental, let alone Get the inheritance of Emperor Luantian.

Apart from this, White Tiger told Han Yu a news that he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Rumors are circulating in Wu Province now that Han Yu is measuring the earth and looking for giant treasures, which is an opportunity for sanctification. So much so that the area that Han Yu passed through attracted all around experts surging, and they wanted to see if they could miss it.

There are people who blindly admire Han Yu and designed a “Han Yu’s Cheng Dao Road”, threatening to follow Han Yu’s route and be able to perceive Han Yu’s Supreme Great Dao. As a result, countless people began to follow the path Han Yu walked and follow Han Yu’s steps.

Da Ya also became a member of the crowd.

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