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Gesture style is the introduction to the Heaven Severing Finger sword. Only when the gesture style is cultivated to a perfect state, the Heaven Severing Finger sword will exert the strongest formidable power. Only by cultivating the gesture style to a certain level, Han Yu can combine the cultivation mental method with the gesture style to realize the sword dao of the Heaven Severing Finger sword.

Han Yu sat cross-legged, after a while after recuperation, he left with the girl and returned to Jing Prefecture. The cultivation unhurried of Heaven Severing Finger sword will become Han Yu’s daily cultivation task for a while.

After returning to Jing Prefecture, Han Yu visited relatives and friends one after another. After staying in Jing Prefecture for more than half a month, he returned to Wu Province with the girl and 3 wives.

On the way, Han Yu deliberately looked for the whereabouts of old lunatic, but there was no clue, as if he had disappeared from this world.

The girl didn’t worry much and told Han Yu that old lunatic would look for her.

Back in Wu Province, the girl and the girl met and didn’t know each other, but they came from the closeness in the bones. In the following days, the two people were together almost every day, no matter where the girl went, she would hold her little hand.

Han Yu spent more than half a year walking Kunjie, looking for the whereabouts of Qi Tianxia, ​​but not at all found it. Han Yu suspected that he had left Kunjie.

One day, Phoenix finally breakthrough level, breakthrough to the early stage of Martial Saint, becoming a Saint.

Nowadays in Phoenix City, even if Han Yu is not there, Phoenix and Da Ya are in charge, plus 3 Formation guards, even if the whole world is killed, it is absolutely unattractive. Han Yu is completely relieved and decided to go to Lijie, and father Meet.

After bidding farewell to his wife, children, discipline, and friends, Han Yu quietly left Phoenix City and headed to the Long Family in Nanhe.

He was going to take the dragon on the road together. After meeting with Han Zhan, he went to find the last two levels of cultivation mentality of the Divine Dragon Technique.

South River, Long Family.

The original peaks and ridges and ridges, pavilions and buildings resembled Immortal Realm, but at this time they were turned into ruins. Blood stains the earth, resentment qi soars into the sky.

Han Yu has just fallen outside of the Long Family, seeing this scene can’t help turning pale with fright. He rushed into the Long Family and released the powerful Soul Power. The human being he perceives is not alive.

“Two Saints?” Han Yu frowned. In the air, he sensed two breaths of Saint.

Soon, he found the dragon on top, whose body was lying in the ruins, his head had been beaten to violent death.

Han Yu helped the dragon’s body up, his eyes flushed red, and said sadly: “Senior, I’m late!”

It can be seen from the wounds of the deceased that this happened 3 days ago. If Han Yu came 3 days in advance, the Long Family would not be destroyed by the whole family.

“Who did it?” Han Yu was very puzzled. As far as he knows, Long Family seems to have no major enemies in Wu Province.

Han Yu explored the Sea of ​​Consciousness on the Dragon, but unfortunately the soul of the Dragon died, leaving nothing behind.

Han Yu stood up slowly and looked at the distance for 4 weeks. In Long Family, there were countless dead people, not alive. He found the body of Long Xiaofeng and died by being pierced through the heart by the sword glow.

Among those familiar with Han Yu, the silhouette of Long Luan is the only one missing.

“Did Long Luan escape the catastrophe, or die without a whole corpse?” Han Yu’s fists were clenched tightly, and the creak rang.

The only information he got now was the two faintly discernable Saint breaths. If he could meet those two people, Han Yu would recognize them through his breath, but now those two people don’t know where they have gone or where they came from. .

“Long Family moved from the outside world, and their enemy, eight-nine, also came from the outside world. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask where he came from!” Han Yu sighed.

In the distance, many investigators came, and when they saw Han Yu’s silhouette, they were all trembling in fear.

“How did Han Yu destroy the Long Family?” Many people first thought that the Long Family was destroyed by Han Yu.

Because before Tianshu Holy Land and Lingxiao Holy Land gave everyone too much shock.

Han Yu flew into the air and moved several mountains from a distance, burying the bodies of the Long Family under the mountains. Then, Han Yu set up a maze on the mountain to prevent outsiders from entering. A stone tablet was erected at the bottom of the mountain. He bowed to the stone tablet for 3 times before leaving.

The tragic death of Long Family made him sad, and the loss of the second layer of mind behind the Divine Dragon technique made Han Yu a little depressed.

He already feels that the 3rd floor of Divine Dragon Killing Technique is about to cultivation Great Accomplishment. Once there is no next mental method, Han Yu’s cultivation base may stagnate.

In this world, 100 people compete for the flow, and if you do not advance, you will retreat. Although Wu Province has not yet seen the expert of Martial Saint Middle Stage, no one knows whether it can go further after reaching the early stage of Martial Saint, but no one wants to stop like this.

Han Yu visited several ancient forces in Nanhe one after another. Those ancient forces did not know much about Han Yu. Although the ancient forces would send eyeliners to stare at each other, how did those ancient power eyeliners escape Saint’s perception, and none of the eyeliners left alive, and the destruction of the Long Family became a mystery.

After Nan He didn’t get any clues, Han Yu returned to Xiling sadly and embarked on a journey through the alien world with the help of the Transmission Array of the Everlasting Palace.

Saint can cross the void and walk in the vast Universe Starry Sky. But the Kun world is too far apart from the Li world. Even Saint, without an accurate road map, will get lost in the universe, and the Universe Galaxy is full of dangers, even Saint may fall easily.

This is a long journey, and the changes in the environment and the passing of time cannot be felt in the Transmission Passage. But Han Yu silently calculated the time, and more than a month later, he was still in the Transmission Passage.

Cross-boundary transmission is not like intra-boundary transmission. The Transmission Passage is abnormally unstable. From the moment Han Yu almost entered the Transmission Passage, the Transmission Passage has been shaking.

Suddenly, the trembling was the strongest, as if the Transmission Passage was about to burst.

Stronger than Han Yu, can’t help but raise the heartstrings. In the deep space of the universe, once the Transmission Passage ruptured, it fell out. Even if you don’t encounter the various dangers in Universe Starry Sky, there are ten eight-nine who will get lost in the vast universe until you die.

The Transmission Passage jittered violently for more than 3 hours before the amplitude gradually weakened.

“The danger has passed? Is it because of a starry sky storm?” Han Yu secretly relaxed. The starry sky storm is one of the dangers in the Universe Starry Sky that Han Yu knows. A powerful void storm, even if Saint falls into it, will be shattered.

The next thing went smoothly. After half a year, faint rays of light began to appear in the void channel, which indicated that it was about to enter the boundary. Han Yu impatient communicated with White Tiger and quickly got in touch with White Tiger. White Tiger sent a message to Han Yu, which changed Han Yu’s color.

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