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After White Tiger sent a message to Han Yu, the contact was cut off. Han Yu failed to communicate several times.

“He and father are trapped, where are they?” Han Yu frowned.

“Because the Transmission Passage is unstable, the connection with White Tiger is broken?” Han Yu thought, at the end of the Transmission Passage, there was an extremely dazzling brilliance that made him close his eyes.

After the feeling of Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, Han Yu’s body began to fall rapidly, and the feeling of bumps in the Transmission Passage disappeared. Han Yu eyes opened and found that he had appeared in the void, with the lofty mountains below and the dark red sky above.

He arrived at Lijie.

Han Yu hurriedly contacted White Tiger, but could no longer communicate.

“Strange, as long as White Tiger and I are in the same world, and there is no contact, can it be said that it and father are trapped in a place completely separated from the world?” Han Yu’s mood became heavier, and things seemed to be better than him. The imagination is even worse.

Without contacting White Tiger, Han Yu doesn’t know where they are, and can only find Misty Palace before talking.

Han Yu landed on a mountain, his eyes swept for 4 weeks. It was bare for 4 weeks, the air was full of heat and sulfur smell, and a mountain peak in the distance was spewing lava out, staining the sky red.

“Lijie really deserves to be the world of fire.” Han Yu sighed lightly. Li Qingling and others have introduced Lijie to him before. Lijie is full of volcanoes and volcanoes are erupting everywhere. It is a world of fire.

There is a famous saying in Lijie, “The mountains away from the boundary are all volcanoes, and the sea away from the boundary is the fire sea”, which shows what kind of world Lijie is like.

“Misty Palace is located in the red mountain range of the Eastern Region of Lijie. I don’t know where I am now!”

Han Yu’s mental power was released. Suddenly, Northwest attracted his attention to what happened in a mountain forest beyond a thousand li.

A woman with bruises and bruises carrying a two or three years old child was running desperately in the mountains and forests, behind them, chasing a flame beast. The woman is just a 3rd-layer cultivator of Diwu, while the flame beast is a Tier 5 beast. Farther away, a group of fierce and evil people are looking for something. It seems that the mother and son were caught by the group. People chased into the mountains.

Seeing that child, Han Yu couldn’t help thinking of his two children. He felt pity and moved, looking towards that side and crossing the void.


After the flame beast chased the woman’s five meters, the roar directly rushed over. The woman was so scared that she tripped over a tree branch and fell to the ground. The Flame Beast rushed over from the woman’s sky, and quickly turned her head back, her bright red eyes dripping with blood, really scary.

“My mother and son are going to die!” The woman cried loudly.

The Flame Beast slowly walked towards the woman, a playful look appeared in his eyes.


Suddenly, a silhouette appeared out of thin air between the Flame Beast and the woman, shocking the Flame Beast.

“Benevolence, help!” The woman didn’t have time to think about how the person in front of her came, as if a drowning child caught a life-saving straw and saw hope.

“Get lost!” Han Yu glanced at the flame beast, drank in a low voice, then turned and looked towards the woman, saying, “It’s okay.”

When she saw Han Yu’s face clearly, the woman couldn’t help but was taken aback. Han Yu looked younger than her. However, although Han Yu is not very old, it gives people an unusually stable feeling, so that the flame beast is still alive, but the woman is completely relieved.

The flame beast saw that Han Yu was actually facing it with a fierce light in his eyes, and swished at Han Yu like an arrow from a string.

“Be careful!” The woman turned pale with fright in fright.

“Bang!” The flame beast slammed into Han Yu’s back and fell to the ground with a whine.

The woman was stunned and couldn’t believe what she saw.

Han Yu extended the hand, shot a strand of Origin Qi, and helped the woman stand up. At the same time, he also helped the woman heal her injuries. Soon, the woman’s injuries were completely recovered.

The woman looked at her body once, and she couldn’t use words to describe her current mood. When Han Yu took the Origin Qi back, he knelt to the ground with a puff, and bowed to Han Yu 3 and 9.

“Many thanks, life-saving grace, many thanks, life-saving grace……”

“No thanks, get up. Where are you from, I will send you back!” Han Yu said lightly.

“Gongong, we have no home!” The woman looked up at Han Yu and burst into tears. He told Han Yu what happened to her.

The woman’s name is Yang Lan, the wife of Liang Family Patriarch, the city of Earthfire. Liang Family Patriarch died suddenly yesterday. His younger brother wanted to kill their mother and child in order to seize the Position of Patriarch. Fortunately, they got news in advance and fled overnight. , Was chased here.

After hearing this, Han Yu sympathized with what happened to the mother and son, and said: “Let’s go, I will help your mother and son regain Liang Family.”

Before Yang Lan could react, Han Yu took her across the void, and the next moment appeared in Earthfire City, the Liang Family mansion.

Although the place was more than 800 miles away from Earth Fire City, Han Yu had already explored this place clearly. From the dynamics of the Liang Family, Han Yu can see that what Yang Lan said is true, Yang Lan mother and son In Liang Family, there are also many supporters.

Han Yu 2 didn’t say anything, but caught several culprits of Liang Family, a family rebellion, easily settled.

Han Yu asked the people of Liang Family about the location of Lijie. Liang Family had never heard of Lijie. They only knew that Lihuo continent was not quite clear where they were.

Han Yu was not surprised at this. He was in Mangcheng when he was young, and he had never heard of Kunjie. Where did he know where Mangcheng was in the Continent of Cloud.

One’s own position limits the horizon.

Han Yu leaves, releases mental power to explore the area of ​​several tens of thousands of li, looking for Great City. Han Yu flew all the way, half a day later, in a Great City far away from 10,000,000 li. The breath of Martial Sovereign 8th Layer attracted Han Yu’s idea.

“He should know the pattern of Lijie?” Han Yu quietly entered the city.

The big guy from Martial Sovereign 8th Layer is eating and drinking merrily in a mountain villa, so much fun. Han Yu pushed the door directly and walked in.

“Who are you?” The big man was furious, but when he saw Han Yu showing off talent, he could not help but swallow the anger in his heart secretly.

“Excuse me, Daoist brother, do you know how to get Luohong mountain range?” Han Yu asked.

“You are sick!” The big man was furious, thinking that Han Yu was here to play him, shouted: “get lost!”

Han Yu’s face sank slightly, and a semi-sacred breath was released from his body. The big man’s face changed drastically, he hurriedly pushed the woman beside him away, stood up and trot to Han Yu, bowed his head and said, “Senior has any orders?”

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