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Chapter 323

Han Yu didn’t expect to meet the black robed man here. Doesn’t it mean that the medicine ingredients within the valley are the property of the black robed man? Han Yu suddenly felt cold all over, if the black robed man knew that the medicine ingredients here were stolen by him, he would never let him go. In this way, Chu Xuehan should have been rescued by the black robed man.

However, Han Yu soon felt that something was wrong.

The black robed man worked tirelessly to water and weed medicine ingredients, looking like a servant, while Chu Xuehan, with his leisurely cultivation on the side, looked more like a master.

Is Chu Xuehan the owner of the valley? Black robed man is a slave? This makes Han Yu feel too absurd.

Recall that Liang Qixian said before that the black robed man had some trouble, and the black robed man was watering and weeding here, which is obviously the so-called trouble.

Chu Xuehan was impossible to let the black robed man stay as a servant. There was only one answer. There was another owner in this valley. It was the owner of this valley who rescued Chu Xuehan, and the owner of this valley who caused the black robed man in trouble.

Han Yu quietly retreated and was able to leave the black robed man, one of the 2 Daxiling Masters of the Lv Dynasty, as a slave. It is impossible to imagine how powerful it is. It is not something Han Yu can provoke.

Fortunately, there are two entrances to the Tomb of the Murder at Level 3, and Han Yu hurried towards Northwest.

Yunluo mountain range is a Savage Mountain in Jing Prefecture Southern Region. There are almost no people in the entire mountain range, and it is a country of Demonic beasts. In the Yunluo mountain range Central Region, there is an unknown huge lake. The third entrance of the Level 3 Tomb is within this lake.

Without map guidance, no one would find the entrance to a huge tomb at the bottom of the lake.

Han Yu summon came out of Black Divine Dragon, Divine Dragon wrapped around his body, and then jumped into the water. Suddenly, a magical power was released from the Black Divine Dragon, and the lake kept rolling around for 4 weeks, making it difficult to get close to Han Yu.

Han Yu slowly fell to the bottom of the lake, the lake automatically let go of a Great Dao, and the water did not touch the body, and fell smoothly to the bottom of the lake. With the Black Divine Dragon body protection, Han Yu falls under the lake of thousands zhang, not only has no oppression, but also doesn’t have to worry about not having air to breathe, just as if on the ground.

Han Yu Soul Power was released, covering a radius of 1000 2 hundred zhang. Before long, a Formation in the center of the lake attracted Han Yu’s attention.

This Formation is an imaginary formation. The naked eye doesn’t seem to have any clues at all. Even if you walk over it, you just think it is at the bottom of the lake. Only those who cultivation Soul Power can see hypocrisy.

Han Yu walked over and studied this imaginary formation carefully. The scale of this imaginary formation is not large, but it is quite advanced. Generally, the low-level unloading divisions may not be able to arrange it. Generally, the high-level unloading force is here. Even if it is seen that this is an imaginary formation, it is not easy to find the correct path to enter the imaginary formation, but this imaginary formation is not a big obstacle for Han Yu.

It didn’t take long for Han Yu to see through the working principle of this imaginary formation, find the right path and walk in. The path Han Yu walked was strange and weird. Most people would never walk like this. About 3% of the time, Han Yu suddenly disappeared at the bottom of the lake, as if evaporated.

Han Yu not at all disappeared, but he passed through the imaginary formation and came to the bottom of the lake. At this time, what he saw was no longer the bottom of the lake, but a deep and narrow underground passage. This was the third entrance to the Level 3 Tomb.

Han Yu’s Soul Power entered the tunnel first, and then walked in. There are countless hidden weapons and Formation traps hidden in the tunnel, but Han Yu penetrated the mystery first, not at all touched, and passed safely.

This walk is 100 kilometers away, in the extremely quiet underground tunnel, suddenly there is the sound of hong long long running water. Han Yu is no stranger to this. When he came in from the entrance outside Black Moon City, the same was true. The sound of water.

The scenery greeted by Han Yu’s eyes is exactly the same as the one I saw that day. There is a black stone bridge in front of him. The fog on the second side of the stone bridge is hazy. You can’t see the situation on the second side of the bridge. You can only hear the sound of hong long long water. , The sound rang from all around, the river does not seem to flow under the bridge, but flows in the 2 weeks of the bridge.

Han Yu stepped on the stone bridge, and a terrifying roar came. A huge monster that looked like an ape but had more than a dozen zhang high monsters appeared in Han Yu’s line of sight, staring at the big bronze bell eyes, fierce. He rushed to Han Yu, which was actually a 7th grade Spirit Beast.

This is the Demonic beast of the Level 3 Tomb. According to Han Yu’s previous experience, the more you go in, the higher the level of the Demonic beast will be. Although Han Yu has already obtained the Level 3 Tomb Map, he can’t avoid the trouble like the Demonic beast when he enters the Level 3 Tomb.

The tomb guard Demonic beast each step stepped out, and the stone bridge was shaking for a while. When it reached 30 feet away from Han Yu, he raised his fist high and hit Han Yu’s head with a punch.

The tomb guard Demonic beast strong as an ox, just from its shot, it can be seen that the ordinary Spirit Martial 8 heavy cultivator is definitely not its opponent.

The corner of Han Yu’s mouth was slightly raised, and now he met a low-level Demonic beast like 7th grade Spirit Beast, he had completely ignored it. Han Yu has no extra moves at all, simple ordinary punch meets its fists.

In the eyes of the tomb guard Demonic beast, there was a touch of contempt for humanity. In its view, Han Yu’s head-to-head encounter with him was undoubtedly a stupid choice.


2 Unequal fists clashed heavily, and the tomb guard Demonic beast suddenly let out a scream, and his body flew upside down like a meteorite, hitting the stone bridge, and was shaken to death. And Han Yu, standing still, face doesn’t change.

Han Yu walked over to take out its Demonic beast core, and walked into the palace in front of him. There are a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the palace, which Han Yu owns. These heavenly materials and earthly treasures were obviously reserved for the survival of the Demonic beast, but now they have become Han Yu’s possessions.

Han Yu went through 9 palaces in a row, encountered the most powerful tomb guard Demonic beast and reached the level 3 spirit beast, but without exception, Han Yu was beheaded by Han Yu, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in 9 palaces were all destroyed. Han Yu swept through the air, and all added up, the value has reached a jaw-dropping level. If Han Yu is all refining, I am afraid that breakthrough Soul Martial is the same, it is not difficult.

At the end of the stone bridge, there is a towering stone gate. Now standing here, Han Yu feels like a world away. Except for the entrance and the tomb guard, the Demonic beast and Black Moon City are different, other places are different. They are almost exactly the same.

Han Yu found the mechanism of the stone gate and opened the stone gate. In addition to the loud noise of the stone gate, there was the roaring sound of the river. Han Yu stepped into the stone gate, and a big river that could not be seen at a glance came into view. Han Yu is no stranger to this big river, it is the river of fallen.

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