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Chapter 324

The river of corruption, the gods fall, and Demon falls. If there is no ship specially made by Heavenly Master, it is undoubtedly courting death to step in rashly. Moreover, there is a strange power on the River of Fallen, that is, the powerhouse that is as strong as Tianwu realm, and it is also impossible to fly over the River of Fallen. It is a big Danger Land.

But for Han Yu, this can’t be considered. Black Divine Dragon possesses the technique of avoiding water, which can be traversed by vast oceans and lakes, and the river of fallen can also be crossed.

Han Yu thoughts move, the Black Divine Dragon rushed out of the Dantian point, circling and roaring around Han Yu, and then Han Yu stepped into the river of corruption.

A magical power radiated from the Black Divine Dragon, Han Yu was still ten feet away from the river of fallen, and the river of fallen automatically separated to the 2 sides, and Han Yu walked inside as if walking on the ground.

Han Yu followed the directions on the map and swiftly moved eastward. It only took half an hour to cross the river of fallen. During the period, I encountered a lot of water monsters, but when those water monsters saw the Black Divine Dragon wrapped around Han Yu, they were so frightened that they dared not approach.

Of course, even without the intimidation of the Black Divine Dragon, the spirit beasts of Tier 3 and 4 have no deterrent to Han Yu at all.

On the other side of the River of Fallen, there is a desert that can’t be seen at a glance. The map calls this desert that never sleeps. The so-called nightlessness means that there is no night here and it is always daytime.

At first glance, the desert is calm and tranquil, but Han Yu is very careful. Under this desert, there are highly toxic things, that is, the experts around the Soul Martial 5th layer are bitten and will die here.

Han Yu Soul Power was released, and the area within the radius of 1000 2 hundred zhang was observed in detail, and even a bit of wind and grass could not escape his perception. Han Yu continued to drive east, and after 1000 kilometers, a light wall of endless width and length appeared at the end of the desert. This is the second major level of Level 3 Tomb, and also the second major land, named Dari golden light array.

The big day golden light array is more terrifying than the fallen river. If you can’t find the right path to pass, even the expert of the 5th layer of the ground military will be blinded by the terrifying golden light and killed by the big array. Light obliterated.

And this big day golden light array, according to Tian Lao, is at least arranged by a high-level dismounting master, and ordinary intermediate dismounting masters don’t even want to see the clues. This is also why the Lv Dynasty had a low-level unloading master Wei, but he did not break through the golden light array in a few months and entered the core area of ​​the tomb.

Han Yu was still far away from the ten thousand zhang of Da Ri golden light, his eyes were almost pierced and he closed his eyes decisively and explored the way with Soul Power. For ordinary people, no matter how strong they are, if Soul Power is not cultivation, even if they hold a map, they will definitely not be able to smoothly pass through the big day golden light array.

Far away from the hundred zhang, Han Yu’s skin felt a burning sensation, and he had to hold up the energy shield to resist. It didn’t take long for Han Yu to find the right entrance and stepped in.

Walking on the right passage, you can clearly feel the meaning of killing from the side 2. As long as Han Yu takes a little wrong step, he will definitely fall into the land of eternal damnation.

This gave him a lucky chance to secretly thought that he had cultivation with Liu Xuanyue, got the level 3 map of the tomb of the murderer, and knew the correct path, otherwise Han Yu would be absolutely impossible to break through the golden light array.

The area covered by the Dari golden light array is larger than that of the River of Fallen. Han Yu made 7 turns and 8 bends inside, and walked for 2 days and 2 nights before he walked out of the scope of the array. There is an incomparable gigantic altar inside. .

This altar has a quadrilateral shape, 4 zhang high, and is made of countless dark stones. Standing below it, you can’t see anything on the top of the altar.

There is nothing here except this huge altar. The big day golden light array surrounds the altar for 4 weeks and becomes the strongest barrier of the altar.

The map shows that the coffin of the owner of this tomb was placed on the altar. Han Yu held back his excitement and directly used Heavenly Dragon 8 steps to fly onto the altar. Only when I reached the area where the altar was, a huge force suddenly dropped from the sky, as if a big mountain suddenly hit Han Yu’s body.

If Han Yu fell to the ground, he would probably fall directly into meatloaf. Han Yu ran the Canglong Art at full speed. The white Divine Dragon and the red Divine Dragon exhaled dragon breath together and wrapped it on the surface of Han Yu’s skin. The pressure suddenly disappeared, and Han Yu’s lowered body stabilized, and he couldn’t help but feel cold sweat.

“The pressure here, even the heavy cultivator is Heavenly Martial, may be crushed to death. You brat really thank you for those small dragons within the body.” Tianlao’s voice suddenly sounded.

Han Yu exhaled a long breath. He didn’t doubt the words of the old man, because he did feel Death Aura just now. There is no doubt that as soon as his body falls, it will instantly turn into mud.

Han Yu stabilized his mood for a while before walking up the ladder of the altar. With dragon energy to resist the pressure, a ladder of 10000 layers is nothing to Han Yu. It didn’t take long before Han Yu walked to the top of the altar and saw the coffin on the top. This is a huge jade coffin. The whole jade coffin was made of high grade spirit jade.

Han Yu was stunned for a moment. With the size of this jade coffin, at least ten thousand high grade spirit jade would be consumed. Its value is almost comparable to that of a 10000-grade drug. It can be said to be priceless. .

But Han Yu’s face changed drastically in an instant. The coffin was actually moved, and the coffin lid was randomly thrown aside. Someone caught the early bird catches the worm.

Han Yu’s heart beats instantly, so don’t work for nothing, there is no place to cry.

Han Yu rushed to the side of the coffin in several strides. When he saw the contents of the coffin, he was surprised and delighted.

I was surprised that someone had already moved this coffin, but didn’t even take the contents of the coffin; I liked that there was the Qi Tianjia he was looking for in the coffin.

The color of this Qi Tianjia is very different from Han Yu’s previous Qi Tianjia. The nail piece is black, with some scarlet rune on it, like a burning flame. The connecting line between the nail piece and the nail piece is not a golden thread, but a transparent silk thread, which is sky silk.

From this pair of Qi Tianjia, there is a cold breath, even if no one is urged, it makes people feel shuddering. From this breath, Han Yu can basically tell that this Qi Tianjia is definitely at the level of unloading Lingjia. It is very likely to be the existence of advanced unloading ling armor. In front of its owner should be a senior unloader.

“Unexpectedly, there is a mysterious secret in this grave tomb!” Han Yu’s mind suddenly sighed.

“What do you mean?” Han Yu asked.

“This is just a burial mound, it’s all that other people use Golden Cicada to shell and hide!” Tian Lao said leisurely.

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