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Chapter 873 Karmic Retribution

Some old people of Tianchan are a little bit sad, and today’s affairs have destroyed the prestige of Tianchan for 1000 years. In their eyes, Han Yu is simply a lunatic.

What they don’t know is how important is Xiaojiao’s position in Han Yu in mind. Don’t look at Han Yu methodically doing various arrangements during this period, but he is anxious.

And he knew well that he wanted to negotiate with Hegemon such as Tianchan Sect, and he took the initiative. You have to act more ruthlessly, crazier, crazier, and fearless than him.

Otherwise, he will not treat you upright at all, and the negotiation will never fail. That’s why Han Yu started to kill as soon as he came up.

He wants to use his actions to tell everyone in Tianchan that he Han Yu not to be trifled with.

Although Han Yu’s threat is full of imposing manner, many people don’t believe that Han Yu dares to kill Yin Yimeng. In the eyes of many people, Yin Yimeng is Han Yu’s body protection symbol.

However, Han Yu’s choice is something that most people can expect.

“Ten…” Han Yu’s low and gloomy voice sounded, a word like a sledgehammer, knocking hard on everyone’s heart.

“9 ……”

Han Yu will issue the final arrest warrant again. He wants everyone to know that he gives ten breaths time, which is ten breaths time.

“8 ……”

Between Heaven and Earth, only Han Yu’s lonely and arrogant voice sounded and echoed.

“Han Yu, don’t be impulsive. Our Sect Lord is retreating. I will send someone to invite him.” Qi Haokong was anxious.

“7, 6 …”

Cold sweat overflowed in everyone’s hands, and everyone around was 100% energetic. Some people had already begun to approach Han Yu quietly, preparing to attack.

“Chī! ”

Han Yu’s sword finger penetrated Yin Yimeng’s left arm, flying Sword with blood. At the same time, “5” came down.

“Don’t move any of them!” Qi Haokong was frightened in a cold sweat, Han Yu was crazy, it was an irreconcilable posture that he wanted to be perish together.


There was a heart-piercing scream from inside the formation, and the people of the second Martial King 2th Layer couldn’t hold on, and died tragically.

“4 ……”

With the scream, Han Yu’s voice sounded.

Heaven and Earth was silent for an instant, and everyone’s heart touched their throats, and they didn’t even dare to gasp. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Han Yu.

“3 ……”

“Stop!” An angry roar came from the depths of Tianchan.

A white rays of light crossed an arc and fell outside the gate.

“2 ……”

Han Yu still remains unmoved.

“Little thief, do you dare to do it, I will keep you from seeing the little beast forever!” The incoming person shouted angrily.

This is an old man with white hair, white beard, looks divine poise and sagelike features, with a faint white light radiating from his body, and is an incarnation like Qi Haokong’s incarnation. It’s just that the aura of incarnation is stronger than Qi Haokong, and it is the expert of Martial King 9th Layer. Han Yu doesn’t have to think about it, this is Sect Lord Yin Shouyi of Tianchan Sect.

“Old thief, you are finally willing to show up.” Han Yu glared at Yin Shouyi.

Yin Shou held a small beast in his arms, it was a small horn. At this time, he looked sluggish, and the hair on his body became bleak and colorless. Han Yu’s pupils were instantly bloodshot, and Yin Shouyi actually bled the little horn.

The little corner finally recovered some of the Bloodline Strength, and Han Yu couldn’t imagine how far the little corner’s Bloodline Strength would regress.

“Old thief, you are courting death!” Han Yu roared.

He had killed some people before, and had already relieved Han Yu, but now, he realized that he was not killing enough.

“This little beast is to compensate you for the sins you committed 10000 1000 a 2!” Yin Shouyi shouted. His pupils are deeply terrifying, and no mood swings can be seen.

He has discovered the preciousness of the Bloodline Strength of the small corner, and he can’t bear to move the small corner at all. He had thought about it a long time ago, first return Yin Yimeng, and then kill Han Yu back to the small corner.

With the little horn, he is not worried about Yin Yimeng’s injury.

“Nonsense, put a small horn!” Han Yu pinched Yin Yimeng’s neck and glared at Yin Shouyi.

“You have a dream first!” Yin Shouyi said solemnly.

“We let go and exchange at the same time!” Han Yu stared at Yin Shouyi firmly. Although his Soul Power is strong, Han Yu also feels pressured to exchange with experts like Yin Shouyi. If one fails, it may be consigned to eternal damnation.

“Good!” Yin Shouyi didn’t talk nonsense.

He now wished to exchange Yin Yimeng back immediately, and then killed Han Yu.

“Let these wastes get out of me!” Han Yu pointed to the expert shouted in a circle of Tian Zen sect.

A group of people suddenly blushed with thick necks, but they dared not move at all.

“Retire!” Yin Shou gave an order and exchanged with Han Yu, there was no need for these people.

At the request of Han Yu, the experts of Tianchan retreated behind Yin Shou, and then all retreated into the mountain gate.

Han Yu kept backing away, and he had to get a safe distance from Yin Shouyi. The people of Martial King 9th Layer can send a blow to the enemy beyond a thousand li, Han Yu dare not take risks.

Han Yu and Yin Shouyi opened a 3 4 thousand zhang distance before stopping Han Yu, although this distance is not worth mentioning compared to 1000 li. But Han Yu’s Soul Power is not covered, Yin Shouyi can’t escape Han Yu’s perception if there is something wrong, he can respond immediately.

After the two reached a consensus, Han Yu controlled Yin Yimeng to drift towards Yin Shou, and Yin Shouyi controlled Xiaojiao and drifted towards Han Yu.

Xiaojiao was not awake at this time, and the golden hair on his head had a tendency to fade into white at the tips, which made Han Yu look worried.

Han Yu’s Soul Power locks Xiaojiao and Yin Shouyi. In addition to controlling the small corner, Yin Shouyi does not at all unnecessary movements, which makes Han Yu slightly relaxed.

Soon, Yin Yimeng and Xiaojiao met. Han Yu quickly controlled Xiaojiao, and Yin Shouyi quickly controlled Yin Yimeng.

“shua shua ……”

Han Yu quickly pulled Xiaojiao back, and Yin Shouyi quickly pulled Yin Yimeng back. Yin Shouyi is not at all shameless.

It’s not that Yin Shouyi talks about credibility, he is afraid of hurting his little corner in the chaos. Whether the little horn finally falls into Han Yu’s hands has no effect on him. As long as Yin Yimeng is rescued, Han Yu doesn’t have the body protection symbol, so he won’t let him kill him.

Han Yu held the little horn in his arms and stroked Little Brat’s head with affection, the chill in his eyes gradually thickened.

Han Yu didn’t say much. He turned around and hurried away with his little horns, exerting his fullest effort on the ethereal steps and achieving the fastest speed.

“Grab him!” Yin Shou shot two cold lights in one glance. How could he let Han Yu just run away.

“Bang!” At this moment, Yin Yimeng in his arms suddenly exploded, blood spattered and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Yin Shouyi suddenly as if was struck by lightning, he checked Yin Yimeng just now, and Han Yu not at all is doing tricks on Yin Yimeng. What is going on?

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