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Chapter 874 Extraordinary shame and humiliation

Han Yu hid a formation mark projectile on Yin Yimeng’s body, and Yin Shouyi not at all found it. The people of Tianchan should seize Han Yu by force. How could Han Yu be soft-hearted.

“Ah…” Yin Shouyi let out a heart-piercing howl, no longer the calm and calm of the master of the faction.

“Catch him, catch him for me!” Yin Shou yelled like a frustration, Yin Yimeng’s flesh and blood splashed all over him, and his body began to tremble involuntarily.

Qi Haokong held on to Yin Shouyi in the past, with a look of grief on his face.

“Whiz whiz whiz …”

Behind Han Yu, several innuendo shots came with a monstrous killing intent.

These people are all experts of the Zen Buddhism, the strongest is the Martial King 6th-layer, the weakest is the Martial King 3rd Layer, there are thirteen people.

Han Yu thoughts move, ten formation mark projectiles appeared in each hand. When those people came outside the thousand zhang, they backhanded the formation mark projectiles.

Each formation mark projectile emits a sharp splitting the air sound. The people of Tianchan believe in avoidance.

“Boom ~ boom ~ …”

Suddenly, all the formation marks on the formation mark projectiles exploded. Within each formation mark projectile, a hill appeared, rising against the storm.


A Martial King 5th Layer expert was hit by a mountain, and he was hit and flew out. His face turned pale and his body suffered from cracking pain.


A Martial King 3rd Layer expert was hit by a mountain, unsuspectingly, was hit into fleshy, violent death.

Twenty large mountains appeared, collided and squeezed each other, and soon filled the entire sky, leaving the people of the Tianchan sect with nowhere to hide.

The people behind looked stunned, one mountain after another grew bigger, flying in the void, it was really shocking.

The mountain cut off the void and blocked the people of Tianchan. Han Yu seized the opportunity to flee away.


One person was squeezed in the middle by 6 mountains, even if he was an expert of Martial King 4th Layer, he was squeezed out of shape and his blood vessels were squeezed out.

“hong long long ……”

The mountain peaks are crushed across the sky like war chariot, and the mountain gate moved towards Tian Zen smashes. The battle was breathtaking, and the discipline of the Zen Buddhism was scared to death.


Yin Shouyi and Qi Haokong hurriedly moved, propped up a huge energy shield, and blocked the mountain gate of Tianchan Sect.

Mountain after mountain smashed on the energy shield one after another, making a loud noise. Many peaks and halls within the Tianchan Sect were all shattered and collapsed.

After it stabilized, the original basin had been filled with several tall peaks, and the basin turned into mountains. Many people within the Tian Chan Sect Mountain Gate soared to the sky, looking at the situation outside the Mountain Gate, they were all dumbfounded. Together with Heavenly Master’s methods, everyone was deeply frightened.

Many people are secretly grateful in their hearts that these mountains of Han Yu weren’t smashed down from the gate of Tianchan Sect. Otherwise, I don’t know how many people will die.

“Peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……”

The silhouette of one after another rushed up from the mountain, chasing Han Yu away. These people are the group of people who chased Han Yu just now. They were caught off guard and buried under the mountain, but they were so powerful that one or two mountain peaks would not kill them.

Yin Shouyi and Qi Haokong looked down at the mountain peak blocking the mountain gate, their faces almost dripping with gloomy faces. Today, not only did Han Yu come to the gate to open the door to the massacre, but also blocked the gate, which was simply extraordinary shame and humiliation.

The people of Tian Chan sect rushed out one after another, moved towards Han Yu, all of them were experts above Martial King 1st Layer. The core forces of Tian Chan Sect are all dispatched. This is something that hasn’t been in the past 100 years, and today is only a kid at the peak of Martial Venerable.

Outside the basin, there are endless mountains and rivers. Suddenly, one after another silhouettes dashed across the sky like meteors and plunged into the forest.

Ahead, a sound and shadow flew close to the ground, tossed to the southeast, in an uncertain direction.

“Han Yu evil thief, stop for me!”

“Child, you can’t escape!”

Behind him, anger sounded one after another, Han Yu glanced back, sneaked, “sou” into a jungle, and then suddenly disappeared.

After the people of the Tianchan sect pounced on them, they all rushed for nothing.

“Where did Han Yu go?” People arrived here one after another, all a little unfathomable mystery.

They had formed a semi-encircled situation, and they all looked strange when Han Yu came here and disappeared.

“It may be an imaginary formation, the little thief should be hiding inside the formation!” One person shot it out with one palm, and a huge energy handprint flew out and slapped it on the ground. With a loud noise, the mountains and forests became distorted.

“Hmph, it really is imaginary formation!”

The forest disappeared and a huge valley appeared. At this time everyone was already in the valley, Han Yu not at all inside.

“Crash-bang …”

At this time, the sound of the picture scroll trembling was heard in the sky. Everyone in Tianchan looked up, and saw something like a picture scroll, which was rising against the storm, and soon enveloped the entire valley and taught Tianchan. The people are all shrouded below.

Above the scroll, the black mist rolled, exuding a terrifying solemn killing aura.

“Not good, it’s a celestial figure, run!”

A Martial King 6th-layer expert yelled with a look of horror on his face.

This scroll-like thing is exactly the immortal figure of Beiming Xuansha’s large array, which is arranged in the void to kill the people under the void.

The people of Tianchan sect quickly scattered, trying to break out of the envelope of the celestial image. But their speed can no longer keep up with the speed of the sword glow emanating from the fairy map.

Suddenly, the black mist churned, sword energy howled, and the intention of killing people was crippling.

The lethality of this Formation is 30% more terrifying than the Formation before the Heavenly Zen Mountain Gate. For the experts below Martial King 3rd Layer, in this within array, it is difficult to hold on for a breath.

There are still people killed in the Tianchan Sect, but no one dares to approach the valley. At this time, I can’t see where the array of immortals is, black mist is rolling everywhere, sword energy whistling everywhere, and baleful qi rushing into the sky.

“Sect Lord, it’s not good. Many of the people who hunted down Han Yu fell into traps and their lives were threatened!”


The expressions of several senior members of the Tianchan Sect were very ugly. They thought that many experts would kill them. Even if Han Yu is the Three Heads Six Arms, don’t even think about escape alive, but I didn’t expect to follow Han Yu’s way again.

“Sou sou!”

Second Elder and Fifth Elder immediately rushed out. They are both experts of Martial King 7th Layer. Even Han Yu’s Killing Formation can’t help them.

And Han Yu, had already left the scene and entered a hidden cave.

Numerous spirit jades are sealed in the array. After being urged by Han Yu, those spirit jades will continuously provide energy to Killing Formation, and they can operate automatically without his activation. He can take the opportunity to escape.

Inside this cave, there is a person lying, it is Yin Golden Cicada.

“I didn’t expect that the people of Tianchan were so easy to deal with, you haven’t come in handy, I can get out of my body!” Han Yu sneered.

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