Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2110: Please accept me, love with all my strength

Unexpectedly, Xia Feiyan pondered for a while and said: "Xiao Ling, I probably understand your purpose of living together."

"Let your two little maids come to me and take some of Mu Han's clothes."


Liu Muhan said eagerly: "Mom! Would you like to think about it again!"


Xia Feiyan's chuckle came from the other end of the phone: "Didn't you show me the marriage certificate in the morning?"

"Now you are Xiaoling's wife. As a wife, you have to take responsibility."

"By the way, you are newly married, but don't go to bed too late, after all, Xiao Ling is still young, and Mu Han, your inner beep."

The phone was directly hung up by Liu Muhan.

At this moment, Xiao Muhan's ears were red, as if it were a broken jar, and he suddenly grabbed Yang Ling's hand and said, "If you are negative, take responsibility!"

"Let's go, I'm not an irresponsible wife!"

Pulling it and walking forward, Yang Ling's heart is happy, isn't it?

"Ding, you have fulfilled Liu Muhan's wish to live alone with you and make a family, and the wish is worth +100 points."

"Ding, you shattered Liu Muhan's desire to be mentally prepared to have **** with you again, attribute points +100 points."

Woman, contradictory creature.

Yang Ling grabbed Liu Muhan and said, "Go the other way, here."

Pulling Liu Muhan all the way back to his new home, the sky was already dark.

Standing in the living room, Liu Muhan was a little at a loss, not because of how luxurious the villa was, but because he didn't know what to do.

I ate dinner, and there is no one at home, so I should do whatever I want!

"Yes, take a bath!"

"Use a shower to delay time, get ready!"

Thinking of this, Liu Muhan hurriedly said: "Xiao Ling, I will go wash it first, you will wait for me for a while."


Yang Ling said naturally, "Then I will go too."


"What is it! Do you want to wash with me?!"

Everyone in Liu Muhan was shaking slightly, and Yang Ling was also quick to talk. After all, they used to wash together often. Everyone was busy. Don't wait for me. I'll wait for you.

Efficiency comes first.

This will come to mind, Xiao Muhan, this is the first time!

He smiled: "It's okay, it's okay to take a bath together."

"Oh? Mu Han, are you cold? Why are you shaking? Let's take a hot bath!"

Talking about pulling Liu Muhan directly and walking towards the bathroom

As a result, although Liu Muhan had no objection, he was too shy, with a crying expression with his head down, Yang Ling couldn't bear it, and in desperation he could only give up the efficiency bath!

Two hours later, Yang Ling walked out of the bathroom comfortably and walked into the door. At this moment, Liu Muhan was wearing the pajamas that the maids had taken from Longwan Villa, shrunk in the quilt and did not dare to show up.

Yang Ling chuckled and walked slowly to the side of the bed, but slipped into the bed, and turned off the light.


Liu Muhan muttered softly, daring not to face Yang Ling with his back.

Warm in the bed, Yang Ling hugged his wife from behind, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I won't force you."

"If you don't work today, you will be tomorrow, if you don't work tomorrow, you will be the day after tomorrow."

"When will you be mentally prepared, let's start again, well, go to sleep."

The warm body temperature of the teenager came from his back, and these words made Liu Muhan calm down a lot, and then a sense of guilt surged in his heart.

She is a wife and has this responsibility

After a long silence, there was a sound of even breathing behind him.

"Is he asleep?"

After Liu Muhan waited for a while, he quietly turned around, but saw Yang Ling's peaceful sleeping face.

He breathed evenly and seemed to be asleep.

Of course it just seems that Yang Ling is thinking about the last period of reincarnation, what else to do, and whether he has missed anything.

auzw.com This is his little habit before going to bed, most of the time he falls asleep while thinking about things like this.


Liu Muhan boldly called out, but did not get a response.

She felt a little lost in her heart, and she blamed herself more.

After waiting for another moment, she finally had the courage to hug Yang Ling, but she just hugged her husband tightly, and after a while, she felt that her waist was also hugged.

"Ah, you are awake!"

Liu Muhan was like a frightened little rabbit, but this time he didn't turn around, but blushed and said, "I just want to see if you are asleep."

When talking, his eyes are no longer so dodging.

It seems to have plucked up the courage!

Yang Ling rubbed his chest lightly, and said with a smile, "What then?"

"If I am awake, what are you going to do?"


Liu Muhan blushed and said, "I will hold you to sleep!"

Yang Ling gently applied force and directly hugged Liu Muhan to let her pounce on him, and smiled: "You hug me, and I will hug you."

"Honey, go to sleep."

He said, but closed his eyes again.

"Ding, you have fulfilled Liu Muhan's wish to hug, and the wish value is +100 points."

At this moment, Liu Muhan's small heart, lying on Yang Ling's body, seemed to jump out of his throat, and his heart was throbbing and itchy.

Seeing Yang Ling closed her eyes again, she bit her lower lip, and finally couldn't help saying, "Responsible"

"Mom said, I am responsible for you"

Here comes Xiao Muhan mentally prepared!

Yang Ling gently brushed Xiao Muhan's back, and said softly: "You are responsible for me, and I am also responsible for you."

"Mu Han, shall we start?"


Liu Muhan whispered: "I don't understand anyway, I will leave it to you!"

The next moment, she hugged Yang Ling hard.

Please accept me, this moment, love with all my strength.

The two embraced tightly.

"Ding, you have fulfilled Liu Muhan's wish to become a real couple with you, and the wish value is +100."

This night, Xiao Muhan grew up.

In the early morning of the next day, Yang Ling slowly wanted to wake up, and found that Liu Muhan beside him was looking at him with a strange expression.

He curiously asked: "What's wrong?"

"Why look at me that way."


After thinking about it for a while, Liu Muhan suddenly giggled and said, "It's okay, Xiao Ling, I love you so much!"

"Come, hug!"

While speaking, he directly hugged Yang Ling in his arms.

"Ding, you have fulfilled Liu Muhan's desire to be intimate with you, and the wish value is +100 points."


Yang Ling was taken aback for a moment, but because his wife's arms were so tender, she didn't care.

After washing up, the two went out for breakfast.

Liu Muhan was holding Yang Ling's little hand, looking in a good mood.

"Xiao Ling, do you also go to the movies today? Or go to the beach for a few more days?"


Yang Ling smiled lightly: "You can do whatever you want."

"Then go shopping with me!"

Liu Muhan smiled lightly: "Come on, do you want me to carry you on my back as before, Xiao Ling!"

When reciting the words "Xiaoling", Liu Muhan's tone seemed a little playful.

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