Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2111: Typical scumbag and licking dog


Yang Ling looked at Liu Muhan's smiling face, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Mu Han, are you okay with walking?"


Liu Muhan was surprised: "No problem."

"What can I ask"

Halfway through, she realized something, and tweeted softly: "Go, it's not serious."

"I'm not that vulnerable!"

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's wish that you can care about your body, and your wish is worth +100 points."

While talking, Xiao Muhan giggled and ran forward, as if his mood was brighter.

Yang Ling looked at her cheerful small steps, with a strange look on her face.

It stands to reason that after a lot of time tossing yesterday, it was the first time for her, even if her legs were weak, she didn’t go so smoothly.

Is this talent?

Yang Ling smiled in his heart, and quickly followed.

Regardless of that, just be happy with my wife!

At lunch time, the two were sitting in the coffee shop, and Yang Ling looked at Lin Xiaoshuang and a handsome man in his twenties who were sitting across from each other, with a strange look in his eyes.

This little handsome guy, I haven't seen it before.

Lin Xiaoshuang smiled and said, "I will introduce you to you. This is my new male friend, Hao Kai!"

"How about it, handsome!"

Male friend

Liu Muhan gave his best friend a white look, without comment, Yang Ling also looked a little strange.

In just a few days, the woman Lin Xiaoshuang has changed three boyfriends.

This is too fast!

Hao Kai said politely: "You are Miss Liu and Young Master Xiaoling, you are really golden girls and jade girls, I am glad to meet you."

"Ding, you have fulfilled Hao Kai's wish to meet a super cute boy, and the wish value is +41."

Yes, the justice value of this Hao Kai is quite high.

Liu Muhan nodded politely, and Yang Ling said amusedly: "Xiaoshuang, where are you singing again?"

"Oh! Of course you asked you to help me see it!"

Lin Xiaoshuang said earnestly: "As you all know, that guy and I passed away at the end of the trip. I'm single now."

"Hao Kai wants to be my boyfriend, you can help me see if he is suitable!"


Liu Muhan said in a huff: "Why don't we look at it if it's appropriate? It's fine if you see it right by yourself!"

"No, I think you guys are better!"

"Hey, Mu Han, let your Xiaoling give me some advice."

After that, Lin Xiaoshuang looked at Yang Ling. Yang Ling looked at Hao Kai, who was nervous, and then at Lin Xiaoshuang. After a moment of silence, he said: "Xiaoshuang, maybe you are unconscious, but I want to say, Your behavior is an idiot, low EQ behavior in the general sense."

"I want to say yes, you are very suitable. In the future, you and this Hao Kai will come together and have sex. What if you break up?"

"Is there a responsibility then?"

"If I say it's inappropriate, do I offend someone on the spot?"

"Xiaoshuang, you have been following Mu Han for so long, can't you learn how to be a good woman?"

These words directly stunned them. They didn't expect Yang Ling to say so directly, but Lin Xiaoshuang unexpectedly didn't dare to turn back, but just bowed his head aggrieved.

Although she was an idiot, she was not a real idiot, and she knew she could not talk back.

Let's not say that Yang Ling casually took out five hundred million, but said that his relationship with Mu Han, once the relationship between himself and Yang Ling becomes stiff, I am afraid that his friends will not have to do it with Mu Han.

Obviously, Mu Han is definitely on the side of this kid.

After Yang Ling gave Lin Xiaoshuang a glance, he looked at Hao Kai again and said, "Do you know the purpose of Xiaoshuang bringing you to see us?"

"Know, know"


Hao Kai said honestly: "I said it was an interview with my boyfriend. I need to see two interviewers."

Well, it's understandable to take the boys to meet the sisters group and listen to the opinions of your girlfriends, but you have to say it in private.

Are these two straightforward and honest?

Yang Ling looked at Hao Kai and said with no anger: "Also the interviewer, people are doing this to you, are you really here?"

"You licked too hard, right?"

"The key point is that you are licking the wrong object. People have made it clear that they are playing tricks on you. Is there still a man's dignity?"

Hao Kai was said to be afraid to look up, the corner of his eyes had been looking at Lin Xiaoshuang, as if watching her face acting.

Good guy, is this the self-cultivation of licking dogs?

Is this a fancy to other people's family money or a covetous beauty?

Yang Ling said that he didn't understand this behavior well, and sighed: "To be honest, you two are playful and the other has no self-esteem. I really don't know how to say you."

"But I think you are a good match."


Liu Muhan looked at Yang Ling in surprise, while Hao Kai's eyes showed surprise.

Compared with this sentence, Yang Ling's unhappy heart when he said that he had just disappeared.

"Aling, that's not right, Xiaoling, what do you say?"

Liu Muhan showed curiosity, but Yang Ling shook his head without explaining, pulling Mu Han to his feet and said, "You two think about it yourself, but I still have to say a word."

"Love for the purpose of getting married is a hooliganism."

"that's it."

After saying this, he took Mu Han away.

Lin Xiaoshuang hurriedly got up and said, "Hey, where are you going? Didn't you say that you should go to the amusement park together?"

"You can tell your own affairs clearly."

Yang Ling left a word and left directly.

"Why get angry"

Lin Xiaoshuang was aggrieved and looked at Hao Kai and said, "Does my approach make you uncomfortable?"

"will not."

Hao Kai hurriedly said: "As long as you are happy, it is more important to me than anything."

"Oh, really?"

Lin Xiaoshuang replied, but a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

On the other side, Liu Muhan and Yang Ling were walking on the way to the amusement park. Liu Muhan took Yang Ling's hand and curiously said: "Xiao Ling, why did you say that they are a good match before?"

"Xiaoshuang changes her boyfriend a week, don't you persuade her?"

Yang Ling said amusedly: "Your girlfriend sums up in two words: scum girl."

"Watches match dogs forever. Isn't it a good match?"


"Don't say that my friend."

Liu Muhan said lightly, but instinctively wanted to take his arms and leaned his head on Yang Ling's shoulders, and this leaning fell through.

Because Yang Ling has become shorter, she can't rely on it


Liu Muhan couldn't help but chuckle, and Yang Ling said weirdly: "Why, so happy."

"No, I just thought of something happy."

Liu Muhan giggled, but at this moment, Yang Ling smiled and said, "By the way, you called me Aling just now, right?"


Xiao Muhan's body was shocked and blushed.

Yang Ling was even more convinced by this.

"Mrs. Yang, what happy things have you remembered? Come and listen!"

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