Divine Wish System for Total Domain Domination

Chapter 2116: I'm already a big monk, and I've encountered this kind of mess again!

Seeing Yang Ling looking at herself with a smile, Mu Wanying blushed and said with a blush, "Why look at me like that!"

"It's okay, just think, Wanying, you seem to be a little fatter."


But Mu Wanying took off her shoes and drove her feet onto Yang Ling's legs, and whispered softly, "Look for yourself, how can you get fat!"

"Ding, you have satisfied Mu Wanying's wish that you can see yourself more. The value of wishing is +100 points."

"Look? Look at the legs?"

Yang Ling laughed and squeezed Wanying's feet, and said amusedly: "Speaking of which, Wanying and Qiling, it's winter now, don't you wear silk stockings inappropriate?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't wear a short skirt again!"

Su Qiling smiled lightly: "And didn't you give these stockings, the magic weapon, the defense is high, why not wear it."

Good guy, worthy of being a monk, first look at your defense when you wear clothes.

Yang Ling smiled secretly, but it didn't really matter.

Girls love beauty by nature, they are not afraid of cold, skirts are just skirts, it doesn't matter.

Check again Su Qiling's two abilities, command 75 and politics 68.

This number is definitely not low, but rather high.

The commander of 75 is enough to lead the army alone. Before the political release of 68, there is no problem with being a prefect of a county.

Qi Ling's data made Yang Ling a little surprised. She thought she would be miserable, but she didn't expect to be a good hand alone!

Very good, very satisfied.

Look at Yun Qinglan, commander 83, politics 70.

Not to mention, the panel numbers are pretty good-looking, just like Qi Ling, they are all unique talents.

Of course, after all, their main profession is still a monk, and these numbers are actually not important.

Yang Jinlei's 27-point politics does not prevent her from ranking third on the top list.

Several girls were discussing, Liu Muhan curiously asked: "Dong Yang, don't you express your opinion?"

Yang Ling came back to his senses and smiled: "Dong Liu's proposal is quite good, I support it."

"The next focus is primarily on family construction. In the afternoon, let's go to the construction site of the family building complex first. How about?"

"it is good!"

Everyone smiled and nodded, in fact, as long as they follow Yang Ling, wherever they go is the same.

Rolls-Royce is self-driving, and it's still very stable, but it's the peak time for commuting, and the city of S is now full of rich people and thieves. It's not uncommon to see luxury cars on the street.

No, the traffic jam again.

It's not an ordinary traffic jam, it's a long queue.

"Huh? What style of Rolls Royce is this, I haven't seen it!"

Yang Ling’s new luxury car immediately caught the attention of people around him. It seemed that there was an accident in front. It seemed that it would not be able to get through for more than ten minutes. Many car owners got off the car to protect themselves from the wind, and many people gathered there. To the front of this car.

Two foreign blonde men came up curiously and looked inside the car. Although they couldn't see anything, they could still see the outlines of several girls.

"Yes! Beauty!"

The two spoke in Chinese that they were half-baked in, which caught everyone's attention.

Of course, it’s impolite to drive around people’s cars so everyone looked at them from a distance and didn’t step forward, but the two blond men seemed to have no scruples. One of them laughed and said, “I, a girl who likes China, They are beautiful!"

"Let's see Fangrong!"

With that said, this person knocked directly on the car window.

The girls in the car frowned slightly, and Mu Wanying withdrew her little foot in Yang Ling's palm. She did not drive the window, but said in a slightly displeased voice: "Go away."

"Good voice!"

auzw.com The two foreign men listened more and more excited, knocked on the door again and said, "Beauty, can you roll down the window?"

"I want to invite you to lunch!"

"Relax, we are driving a Bugatti convertible, and we are the boss of an energy company!"

The two foreigners are quite direct, and the surrounding people who eat melons are full of envy when they hear this.

Bugatti convertible, forty to fifty million!

And now that human society is on the verge of tremendous changes, energy companies are incredible.

Everyone feels that they are so self-exposed, the beauty in the car must roll down the window, but there is no movement.

People simply don't care!

Yang Ling couldn't think of it. For this reason, he would encounter such a mess.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two seemed to get used to being arrogant, knocking on the door harder, Liu Muhan looked at Yang Ling and said, "Husband, what should I do?"

"Do you want to call the police?"

"Don't be so troublesome."

A look of helplessness appeared on Yang Ling's face and said, "I'll deal with it."

With that, he directly opened the door of the co-pilot.

"Finally coming out!"

The two blond men showed victory on their faces, knowing that no woman can resist the charm of cash.

Everyone turned their eyes to the co-pilot, and saw a young man stepping out of the co-pilot's seat.

The young man was handsome and extraordinary, with exquisite features, and his eyes were as beautiful and bright as gems. The moment everyone saw his face, they all had a heartbeat and a thought came up.

"What a handsome boy!"

In the next moment, they started to stare wide.

"Wait a minute, this is A Ling?!"

"Damn, isn't this Aling?"

"Oh my god, A Ling is in the car, is the girl who spoke just now Liu Dong or Wanying ancestor!"

"It's incredible. I saw A Ling. From now on, I will definitely get lucky!"

There was an uproar on the road, and more car owners got off the car directly. Good fellow, this road is even more blocked.

"Ding, you have fulfilled everyone's wish to meet you. The value of wishing is +1000 points."

Many people took out photos of A Ling quietly with their mobile phones. Many people looked at the Rolls-Royce windows, waiting eagerly for the windows to roll down.

Inside the car must be the female relatives of A Ling's family, all of whom are the ancestors of super beautiful women!

I really want to see Fangrong!

All in a hurry

Yang Ling didn't mind if they photographed himself, because he got used to being photographed, it didn't matter.

He looked at the two blond men and said calmly: "You want to invite the girls in the car to lunch?"

The two blond men were stunned.

As I said before, he knew something bad, and the matter broke out, he suddenly slapped his face severely, and said in horror: "Yang, Yang, Old Ancestor Yang! No!"

"I really don't know you and your ancestors are in the car!"

The other side looked ugly, and said sorry again and again.

"Ding, you shattered the desire of two foreign men not to provoke those who can't afford it. The attribute point is +17."

Yang Ling looked at the horrified expressions of these two people, guessing what he was going to say, and was afraid that he would cry directly.

He didn't get angry: "Are you not Chinese?"

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