Seeing the ugly faces of these two foreign men, Yang Ling said displeased: "When you are in a foreign country, you have to go to the countryside and do the same, knock on the car window, what do you want to do in the street?"

"Don't bring your set to S City. This is not a place for foreigners and rich people to show off. Be careful I throw you out."


Two simple sentences directly scared the two foreign men and paralyzed on the ground.

The blond man cried and said with a sad face: "No ancestor, we really didn't mean it, I don't know you are inside!"

"Forgive me, please forgive me"

"do not know?"

"It's even more hateful if I don't know!"

Yang Ling immediately ignited, and he said angrily: "If you know that I am inside, if you dare to do this, I will treat you as a man."

"do not know?"

"If it's not me sitting inside, and other men, maybe the girl in this car will be forcibly pulled down by you!"

"Do you know this is a crime?"

Although Yang Ling's slightly angry appearance was so handsome, everyone present trembled in their hearts, and all of them bowed their heads honestly, not even panting.

Looking at these two foreign men with pale faces in fright, their clothes, their luxury cars, and the street full of luxury cars, one is richer than one, and one shows off wealth.

Yang Ling keenly realized the core of the problem, and saw the whole leopard. It seemed that this rich city was different from before.

The eyes of the whole world are now focused on this city, and the atmosphere here leads the world cannot be overstated. Yang Ling absolutely does not allow anyone to be special here!

After a moment of silence, he hummed lightly: "You two listen carefully, s city is a city in China, not a place outside the law, nor is it a rich club!"

"I don't allow anyone to be highly privileged here!"

"Even if you are a rich capitalist, you will be a man with your tail clipped to me. Otherwise, I will naturally have my way to deal with you!"

This was spoken to these two young foreigners, but everyone knows that it was spoken to all the wealthy immigrants.

The whole street was gambling, and everyone in the room was silent.

There are many wealthy people here. Yang Ling has almost publicly warned them. This is a terrible thing.

These rich people know very well that in front of A Ling, let alone those who are not rich.

As long as he said a word, he would immediately be able to get all the richest people in s city to get out, from where to go back and forth, the power of capital is crushed by Yang Ling's absolute strength, and there is no countermeasure at all!

Because of these two lifeless things, some of the conveniences that the rich should have enjoyed are almost obliterated!

And A Ling looks a little angry, the Human Alliance is in trouble and wants to come to investigate and rectify!

These two foreigners are idiots, idiots.

The rich people hate them!

At this time, the door of the Rolls-Royce opened, and the girls including Liu Muhan and Mu Wanying got out of the car.

The person who had originally wanted to see the beautiful face, did not dare to look at it at this moment.

Liu Muhan and other girls did not completely suppress their breath. Under the coercion of their innate peak and life level, they did not look up to the beautiful ancestors.

It has to be normal. When the beautiful ancestors happily accompany A Ling, there is no coercion, and all smiles are like flowers, so you can enjoy watching. Now, no!

"Ding, Liu Muhan and other system-associated characters shattered everyone's desire to face the beauty ancestors. The attribute points are +1000."

Liu Muhan and Yun Qinglan were two foreign men who were paralyzed without even seeing them. Mu Wanying glanced at them with a sneer, while Su Qiling looked at them with a smile.

These two men didn't even have the courage to face them upright. They still want to treat them to dinner. What are they going to eat?

Not everyone is qualified to invite innate beauty ancestors to dinner.

And it’s the kind of innate peak

Liu Muhan looked at a large area of ​​the street, and swept through the crowd who were afraid to breathe, but smiled lightly: "Dong Yang, you are here, everyone is afraid to drive."

"It's too congested, go quickly!"

As soon as Liu Muhan opened his mouth, the atmosphere on the scene immediately eased a lot, and many people were secretly relieved.

Yang Ling was still a little angry when he heard the words: "Liu Dong, look at these people, we were blocked and patted the door when we drove a good car. If we almost drove a car, wouldn't even the people and the car be taken away! "

"Too shameful!"

"What are Mary and Liu Tie doing? I have to talk to them!"


Su Qiling chuckled and grabbed Yang Ling's hand and said, "If you don't go to work, people still have to go to work."

"Get in the car quickly."

Mu Wanying on the other side also took Yang Ling's arm and chuckled softly: "Oh, my husband, we don't have a piece of meat, so we got into the car quickly."

"you guys"

Yang Ling was put his arms around, because the characters associated with the system had inherited 100% of the four-dimensional attributes, and the strength of these two women was amazing.

Being held by them like this, Yang Ling really couldn't stand still, and immediately said in a bad mood: "You can't let me finish talking about me!"

Before the voice was over, he was sent to the car.

Liu Muhan smiled lightly: "Well, what should everyone do."

With that said, they got into the car with Yun Qinglan.

The next moment, Rolls-Royce actually flew up, and the booster below started the airflow, and the whole car slowly flew towards the Muhua Group headquarters.

"Ding, you have fulfilled everyone's wish to see a flying car. The wish value is +1000 points."

After a while, the "flying car" steadily parked in the parking space of the Muhua Group headquarters. Yang Ling and others got out of the car, but the security guard almost jumped up.

Don't worry about Dong Yang and Dong Liu. The three ancestors, Wanying, Qiling, and Qinglan who didn't usually come to the company, were there. It was incredible.

Employees working by the window also noticed this spectacular sight. Immediately, countless heads protruded from the window of the entire building. Yang Ling was really afraid that they would fall from the window.

"Ding, you have fulfilled everyone's wish to meet you. The value of wishing is +1000 points."

Two hours later, the group president's office.

Yang Ling looked at the pile of papers on the table a bit big, Liu Muhan and Yun Qinglan were discussing something, Su Qiling fell asleep on the sofa, and Mu Wanying set up a chair to help Yang Ling with official duties.

"Husband, I checked the newly developed app of the group and it's okay. I need you to sign."

Yang Ling took a document from Mu Wanying, glanced at it, and signed his name.

Before putting down the pen, Mu Wanying handed over another document: "You will review the financial statements for the third quarter of this year, and then sign it for Dong Liu."

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