Qin Kuang looks at all this with a smile.

All this was expected of him.

Liu Wenlong, who pursues fame and fortune, can constantly break through his bottom line for his own interests.

Liu Wenlong looks at Qin Kuang with a red face.

Qin Kuang's smile is his best irony.

Once upon a time, Qin Kuang was a turtle grandson in front of him.

Call to call to go, allow to beat and scold, clever like a slave.

In his eyes, Qin Kuang's meekness and cleverness is the expression of baseness and cowardice.

At the moment, noble as he, actually want to apologize to the garbage like Qin crazy, it's too sad.

He gave Qin Kuang a gloomy look in his eyes and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. I just offended you."

He bowed in the direction of Lao Huang.

Lao Huang was flattered: "team leader Liu, please don't do this. I can't afford it."

Fan Xin sincerely said: "it's my poor management that has disturbed you. I'm here to apologize to you."

Liu Wenlong was stunned.

He didn't expect that fan Xin, a big figure in the group, would apologize to a group of coolies.

"Liu Wenlong, it's none of your business here. Hurry back to work."

Fan Xin cheers to Liu Wenlong impolitely.

Liu Wenlong's face is full of grievances. He glares at Qin Kuang and turns to leave.

Fan Xin looks at Qin Kuang with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Qin, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon. It's really predestined."

Seeing fan Xin, Qin Kuang also laughed.

"Manager fan, I'll make you laugh. We're not here to make trouble."

Fan Xin said: "how can Mr. Qin make trouble? I fully believe that these people are plotting to attack Mr. Qin. You can rest assured that we will not let you suffer any injustice. "

I'm kidding. The man in front of me has directly bought the stone group.

From then on, he really became his own boss.

In the site of stone company, the boss is the biggest.

These ignorant idiots dare to fight against the boss. Isn't that a death wish?

I didn't expect a joke last night to come true.

At this moment, fan Xin had a dream of his own.

Mr. Zhang cried wrongly: "Mr. Fan, I'm Zhang Si! We had dinner together last time. "

"This crazy Qin, who hurt so many of us, you must make the decision for us!"

Fan Xin looked at Zhang Zong, who was swollen into a pig's head. He could not help pulling the corners of his mouth and almost burst into laughter on the spot.

"Zhang Si, you are not an employee of our stone company."

"You've been fooling around with a group of social bastards in the company, seriously threatening the company's property safety. I've already called the police. Soon, you can talk about your life in the police station."

Fan Xin's words completely blinded general manager Zhang.

"Mr. Fan, are you mistaken? We are the victims. "

"So many people have seen it. You can't be partial."

Fan Xin said coldly, "you are a group. The testimony is invalid."

"Don't worry, I will mobilize monitoring and restore the facts."

Zhang Si was stunned: "surveillance has been turned off for a long time. How can there be video?"

Fan Xin was furious: "it's so bold of you to interfere in our internal affairs and shut down the monitoring without authorization. Who gives you courage and who gives you rights?"

"We will pursue this matter to the end."

Fan Xin is really angry.

It's like beating the general manager in the face in front of the new boss!

Zhang Si is good at drilling camp. He colludes with the lower class and turns off the security room monitoring. It's easy.

This kind of thing, originally open one eye to close one eye to go.

But when it comes to the new boss, it's not a simple explanation.

Strictly speaking, if Sitong group wants to investigate and prosecute, the relevant personnel involved may face endless lawsuits.

Mr. Zhang was directly shocked.

"Mr. Fan, it's just a little thing. Why get angry?"

"Just now you saw with your own eyes that these people were violent to me. That's the truth."

Mr. Fan was standing on Qin Kuang's side, which he didn't expect.

A bad feeling rises from the bottom of my heart.

He couldn't figure out why things were like this.

It was Lao Zhang, Lao Huang, Lao Liu and Lao Li, who all showed happy smiles.

We met last night.

Fan Xin's attitude towards Qin Kuang is obvious to all.

With Mr. Fan standing here, why should they be afraid of Zhang Si?

Lao Zhang gave Qin Kuang an appreciative glance.

This guy is really hidden. He has such a good relationship with the general manager of stone company.

If he hadn't been divorced, he would have been a good son-in-law.

Qin Kuang looked at Mr. Zhang playfully and said, "how do you feel? It's just the beginning. "

"The world is not as simple as you see."

"Countless warriors you don't know are sacrificing for this ordinary world."

"But a moth like you will only bully his own compatriots."

"You don't deserve to enjoy the prosperity."

General manager Zhang roared: "what are you talking about? Qin Kuang, you are afraid of human and material evidence. You are dead."

Qin Kuang smiles: "is that right? I don't think so

Fan Xin stepped forward and kicked him to the ground.

"Zhang Si, you are hopeless."

"Colluding with community members, sneaking into Sitong group in the name of working, stealing finance and injuring employees is a heinous crime."

Zhang Zongmu was stunned.

Although he is only for profit, he has no moral bottom line.

But he is wandering within the law.

He won't do anything that is obviously illegal.

Being wronged makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"I haven't done anything. You can't get me wrong."

"What's your conscience about bullying such a weak group as me?"

Fan Xin light way: "did not do, you say not calculate."

"We have human and material evidence of all your criminal evidence."

Mr. Zhang was trembling with anger.

It is the first time that he has been wronged and framed.

It turns out that the weak side is so miserable.

Qin said with a wild smile: "yes, these employees are the best witnesses."

"Zhang precious, marketing manager, fighting gangster, is commendable."

"Leader Li Fugui, in the face of the threat of bad people, would rather die than surrender."

"Huang Deliang, group leader of Liu Jianguo, is particularly hard to do what is just and protect the company's property."

His seemingly casual speech, in fan Xin's eyes, is the emperor's edict.

"That's right. Thanks for your hard work. Don't worry, stone company will treat you badly."

Fan Xin is a very clever man.

In an instant, he grasped Qin Kuang's idea and went forward to hold Lao Zhang's hand tightly: "Lao Zhang, we will be colleagues in the future. Take care of us a lot."

Lao Zhang muddled and said hastily, "Mr. Fan, you're very kind. I'm just a porter."

"No, from now on, you are the marketing manager of stone group, leading the four groups."


Except Qin Kuang, everyone is incredible looking at Mr. Fan, can't believe it.

Although Sitong company is in crisis, their welfare is really good.

A lot of people are trying to get into stone.

Especially the manager of the marketing department, he is just a fat man.

And one of the groups Zhang liuwenlong colluded, Zhang Si made a lot of money.

It is conceivable that Liu Wenlong's immediate superior is so proud.

Lao Zhang slapped himself hard to make sure it wasn't a dream.

He was immediately terrified: "Mr. Fan, have you made a mistake? I'm a mud legged boy with a junior high school diploma. How can I do that?"

Fan Xin said with a smile: "Lao Zhang, you underestimate your ability too much. I believe you can do it well."

"You can start tomorrow. You don't have to think about anything."

"The base salary is tentatively determined to be 100000, the business is up to standard, and there are rewards."

"The rest of the group leaders are paid 50000 yuan a month, and the Commission is calculated separately."

Lao Zhang took a cool breath.

If you blow the air conditioner and drink tea every day, you can get a basic salary of 100000 yuan.

Such a good thing has never happened in a dream.

I won the grand prize?

Lao Huang, Lao Liu, Lao Li, congratulations.

They don't care whether it's reasonable or not.

As long as it's good for you, that's good.

Looking at this absurd scene, Zhang Si couldn't accept it.

A few slobs, who could not even be applied for by ordinary workers, could take up the position he dreamed of.

What's wrong with the world?

"Mr. Fan, you have been cheated by Qin Kuang."

"He is good at deceiving and pretending. In fact, he is a poor man. You can't get any benefit from him."

Mr. Zhang also wants to make a final effort to wake up the hoodwinked fan Xin.

Fan Xin looks at Zhang Si like a fool.

This person originally had an unparalleled opportunity.

As long as he releases even a little kindness to Qin Kuang, he should have taken off at the moment.

However, he would stand on the opposite side of Qin Kuang.

It's pathetic and pathetic.

Qin Kuang waved his hand and said, "Mr. Fan, I won't disturb you in dealing with internal affairs."

He took Lao Zhang and others and left with a smile.

Fan Xin nodded: "you are free. Lao Zhang, Lao Li, Lao Liu and Lao Huang, don't forget to come to work tomorrow."

The four were smiling and nodding.

They have no dissatisfaction with Lao Zhang as manager.

After all, for them, to be a team leader is a virtue of their ancestors.

Without the wind and rain, the income is several times higher than that of dry transportation.

Who would refuse such a good thing?

Seeing several people go away, Zhang Si collapses and shouts: "fan Xin, you are such a fool. You have been fooled by Qin."

Fan Xin shook his head regretfully, approached Zhang Si and said in a cold voice, "do you know who Qin Kuang is?"

Zhang Si gritted his teeth and said, "I know better than you who he is. He's just a waste of coolie."

"If our boss is rubbish, what are you?"

Fan Xin said with a sneer: "just now, Qin Kuang has acquired the company and become the new boss of the group."

"Zhang Si, you have no eyes."

"If you treat him a little better, you won't end up like this."

Zhang Si was stunned.

It's the most ridiculous story he's ever heard in his life.

Qin Kuang's acquisition of Sitong group?

With a phone call, just a few words?

His inner shock is beyond description.

Listening to the siren of Wula in the distance, my brain is blank.

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