For Qin Kuang, it's just a small lift to spend 400 million on the acquisition of Sitong group.

In fact, since he joined China, he has lost much interest in money.

Because he knows that behind the peaceful world, there are countless dangers.

No matter how much money you have, it's a mirror.

Several friends were driven to the end.

Help them, see them happy, Qin crazy is also very happy.

This time, Lao Zhang insisted on a treat, but Qin Kuang didn't object.

Being promoted to manager, Lao Zhang is the leading role today. Qin Kuang doesn't want to steal his limelight.

After dinner, Qin Kuang left.

No accident, a few workers will have a brilliant future.

He has also fulfilled a wish.

Back to Qinglong District, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Kuang made a special observation before entering the house.

Without Liu Zhen, he was relieved.

Just about to open the door of the courtyard, a beautiful woman flashed out from one side.

"Hello, sir. Are you the owner of this villa?"

Qin Kuang turned his head and saw that he was a little surprised.

The woman in front of her is 1.7 meters tall and has impeccable facial features, some of which look like the goddess Huimin of Xiangjiang in the 1990s.

T-shirt with jeans, just give her a high-end feeling.

In big eyes, there is purity.

Looking at people, people can't help but smile.

It's like finding your first love.

But Qin Kuang was indifferent.

It's not that he doesn't like beautiful women, but that this woman suddenly appears at the door of the house, obviously well prepared.

"Who are you? Can I help you? "

Qin Kuang subconsciously took her as a member of Qinglong club, and her tone was cold.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Ziling. I'm the supporter of the" life winner "column."

The beauty handed me a business card.

The faint smell of perfume made Qin crazy.

"Host?" He took the card, some unknown, so: "you want to invite me to play your show? Sorry, I'm not free. "

"There is a handsome security guard outside. You can go to him."

Zhang Ziling was stunned.

Are rich people so narcissistic?

"Mistakenly, sir, I'm not inviting you to the show."

"I want to borrow your villa and shoot the show."

Zhang Ziling tried to show a kind smile.

Qin said: "sorry, I'm not interested. There are so many owners nearby. Why don't you go to them?"

Zhang Ziling said, "don't worry, sir. We won't waste your villa. We will pay you the rent."

Qin crazy light way: "talk about money, that is more uninterested."

Zhang Ziling was stunned and said, "we can talk about whatever you want."

Qin looked at her playfully.

The T-shirt is not small, but it's tight.

It doesn't seem to fit.

Especially around the waist and abdomen, it's empty.

From this we can imagine the magnificence of the upper part and the emaciation of the waist.

Jeans fit well.

It's like a curve decorated by a painter, full of heart stirring curves.

Such a set of hot and pure beauty, really rare.

Seeing Qin Kuang's eyes, Zhang Ziling grinds her teeth secretly.

She knows what men think.

It's like what she saw in the eyes of other owners when she contacted them.

Greed and possession.

They made no secret of their ideas.

They even offer very high prices.

But Zhang Ziling refused.

This is the last one.

In order to win the ratings of life, she intends to give up.

Otherwise, she has a good chance of being fired.

It's a hard-earned job with a high salary, and she doesn't want to give up.

"Sir, as far as I know, you are a new owner and single, aren't you?"

"You don't need such a wide villa because you are not at home at ordinary times. Why not make it beautiful?"

"Many friends are very curious about what the 180 million River View Villa is like. Why don't you give us an eye opening opportunity? We'll appreciate it. "

"How can I thank you?" Qin Kuang was amused by her.

"We'll type thank you on the subtitles. Of course, we can give you a few shots if you want to appear on camera."

Zhang Ziling is not feeling well.

It's really Qin Kuang's eyes.

She is well aware of her physical advantages and very attractive to the opposite sex.

I've tried my best to be conservative.

But still can not avoid the covet of men.

"I don't like to be famous. Your proposal can't move me. Please go back."

Qin Kuang couldn't bear to tease her. He opened the yard door and went in.

"Wait a minute, what do you want? No, I'll give you a chance to pursue me. "

Zhang Ziling gritted her teeth and decided to let out the bait.

Don't these men want this kind of opportunity?

Several other owners even pointed out that as long as Zhang Ziling agreed to be their lover, everything would be easy to say.

However, looking at the greasy man who was enough to be her father, Zhang Ziling was disgusted.

The only young owner is the mysterious rich man.

In fact, what Zhang Ziling doesn't know is that the script that the column team shot is totally different from what she imagined.

At the moment, in the distance, there are several telephoto lenses, shooting what happened in front of the villa.

"Haha, the mysterious rich finally appeared. Can our new employee, pure beauty Zhang Ziling, stage the feud between the overbearing president and Cinderella? Dear audience friends, let's wait and see. "

"What happened in front of me was not a script, everything was a live candid shot."

"Life winner column group, take you into the rich area of China seas, to explore the ordinary life of the rich."


A somewhat obscene middle-aged man is recording and explaining in a sensational voice.

Zhang Ziling never dreamed that she had become a tool of the column group.

The scenes when she visited the owners of the major villas were also recorded, which aroused strong repercussions on the broadcasting platform.

Qin Kuang looks at Zhang Ziling's seemingly aggrieved appearance, some can't laugh or cry.

"No, I'm determined and never stoop to beauty."

Zhang Ziling stamped her foot and said, "your eyes have betrayed you for a long time. You just want to get more. As long as you promise to borrow the villa, how about I invite you to dinner?"

Qin Kuang shook his head: "there is no need."

"I beg you, sir, will you? This is my first time as a host. If I fail, I will lose my job. "

"In order to provide for me to go to school, my father worked as a coolie and picked up rubbish, so that one day I could stand out."

"This is my best chance, sir. Please be kind and help me. I'll be grateful to you all my life."

Her face was full of sorrow, and she begged with a cry.

Qin rubbed his temples and said with a smile: "originally I was still thinking, why don't you become an actor when you are so beautiful. Now I understand that your acting skills are really embarrassing."

Zhang Ziling said, "what I said is true. Please believe me."

Qin Kuang laughed and went away: "if what you say is true, why don't I promise you?"

Zhang Ziling was overjoyed: "what you said is true? As long as you prove that I'm not lying, you'll lend me the villa? "

Qin crazy way: "can consider."

If Zhang Ziling's life experience is as miserable as she said, what about helping her?

"Well, that's the evidence."

"Last time I went to see my father, I took a picture."

Zhang Ziling catches up, turns on her mobile phone and puts it in front of Qin Kuang.

Qin Kuang glanced at it casually, but it seemed that he was bitten by a snake, and suddenly popped back a distance.

His mouth was wide open and his face was full of disbelief.

On the mobile phone photo, one is Zhang Ziling, and the other is Lao Zhang!

Wochao, Lao Zhang is not deceiving. He really has a daughter who loves his country!

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