A total of three salesmen, are face-to-face coveted to see Xiao Zhao.

Obviously, Xiao Zhao is the core of them.

Without Qin Kuang, Xiao Zhao would be the best candidate for the group leader.

No wonder he is unconvinced.

Qin Kuang is not in the mood to worry about his mood at the moment.

Several people walked to the dock together.

"What about people?"

Qin was stunned.

On the wharf, the containers are arranged in order.

The freight cars of Sitong group were also parked in front of us, but there was no one.

Xiao Zhao frowned and said, "Zhang Si is such a jerk. He's too unreliable to do things. He doesn't send anyone to watch. If the goods are stolen, he will be punished."

Before the voice fell, a member of the team exclaimed, "who is it? What are you doing? "

There was a smashing sound, and the team members gave a dull hum, and then there was no sound.

In Qin Kuang's eyes, the cold light flashed out and disappeared beside Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao was so scared that he sat down on the ground with a face full of horror.

It's daylight, isn't it?

What did you see just now?

Qin Kuang disappeared in a flash.

Qin crazy speed is very fast, arrived, the team just fell to the ground.

Several people dressed as porters are secretly smashing an ice brick.

How familiar is this scene?

Qin gave a cold hum and blocked the exit.

"What are you doing? Do you know how much this brick costs? "

Several people turn around at the same time, looking at Qin Kuang coldly, making no secret of the killing intention in their eyes.

"Damn it, there's another one who doesn't have eyes."

Scar man spits a mouthful of phlegm and removes his work clothes to reveal the dragon tattoo on his arm.

"Boy, Qinglong can handle affairs. You'd better mind your own business."

Qin turned his lips wildly: "Qinglong will have great prestige. Is it reasonable to destroy other people's property without permission?"

"Do you know the value of this ice brick?"

The big man said with a grim smile: "of course we know, boy, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck. If you find this secret, we can only send you to heaven."

He suddenly rushed up, with a flash of cold light in his hand, and rushed to Qin Kuang.

Such a sneak attack can easily kill ordinary people like Xiao Zhao, but it can never hurt Qin Kuang.

Qin Kuang's side at will is to get out of the way.

Then, he twisted his waist and hit him heavily in the abdomen.


The sound of gas explosion came.

The man howled miserably, just like a ball flying back, hitting the ice brick heavily.


The ice bricks that the hammers didn't break directly broke.

Reveal a sealed box in the middle.

Qin Kuang's nose stirred and his eyes showed a terrible murder.

"How dare you smuggle contraband ice flame solution? As God of war of China, I declare that you are all... Executed!"

The other two had not yet reacted in horror, and Qin Kuang had already appeared in front of them.

The wind is blowing.

The air howled.

In a flash, the phantom overlaps.

Qin's fists are like a storm.

Two people spray blood, slowly slide to the ground, eyes gradually lose luster.

"Fifty grams of ice flame is enough for death. It's a terrible crime for you to smuggle a few kilograms."

Before his anger subsided, Qin Kuang smashed the ice brick and took out the box containing the ice flame solution.



He came down with a heavy bombardment.

The two alloy boxes burst, and a crystal thick liquid emerged inside, giving off a dizzy smell.

This blow smashed hundreds of millions of wealth.

The raw materials are too expensive.

It is said that it will take several kilometers under the ice to produce.

These two boxes add up to nearly 5000 grams.

According to the lowest price in the black market, the raw materials of 10000 m yuan per gram and 50 million M yuan will be destroyed in this way.

Qin Kuang roared: "Xiying group, Thomson, damn you!"

Qin Kuang's fists were pressed on the ground and wrapped in the original liquid, as if they were bonded together.

The light blue flame flickered, which made his fists look like lightning.


Xiao Zhao, who came here, let out a cry of terror. He was so scared that he fell to the ground and peed directly.

Qin Kuang gave him a cold look: "waste."

He did not pay any attention to Xiao Zhao, but began to look for it.

Depending on his nose's sensitivity to ice flame solution, he can easily sense the hidden solution.

But there is no other finding.

It seems that Thomson and others transported about 3000 grams to 5000 grams each time.

What's more, their means of transportation are very secret.

Every time when unloading, someone steals it secretly.

Unfortunately, last time, because of Zhang Si's greed, he wanted to blackmail Lao Zhang and others, but it was exposed.

This time, however, I happened to meet Qin Kuang. It was bad luck.

Xiao Zhao chuckled and rolled on the ground.

Qin Kuang frowned slightly, picked him up and threw him 50 meters away.

At this distance, the psychedelic breath of the original liquid should not be transmitted.

But Xiao Zhao, it depends on luck whether he can wake up.

However, Lin Feifei should worry about this kind of thing.

The logistics team will arrive soon.

Lin Feifei was shocked.

"Mr. long, you are very good. You can find all of them."

Qin Kuang cold voice: "immediately start an investigation, anyone involved in this matter, severe punishment."

He looked at the bodies of several disciples of the green dragon club, and his face was very gloomy.

"The Green Dragon Society, which has been in China seas for a long time, has become a cancer."

"Since they don't want to save themselves, it's up to us to perform a major operation on him."

Lin Feifei was shocked all over and felt a chill from his back.

It's really the intention of killing Qin Kuang. It's terrible.

All along, Lin Feifei advocates maintaining stability.

Therefore, the organization in China shipping is often in the position of a "middleman" responsible for mediation.

But Qin Kuang obviously didn't want to go on like this.

He wants to be bold and kill all the enemies directly instead of coexisting!

Qinglong warlord, never compromise!

"Mr. long, if you do this, there will be a big earthquake in China, which is not good for the achievements of A1."

Qin kuangshen said: "you are wrong. If you only care about the so-called achievements, you don't deserve to be the helmsman."

"What we need is a helmsman who can protect all people and bring happiness to the people. Long pain is better than short pain. If you are sick, you must be cured."

Lin Feifei took a deep breath: "I need to ask for instructions from the superior, and ask Mr. long to postpone the action."

Qin said, "of course, I don't have much time to stay in Zhonghai. You have to make a decision as soon as possible."

"Remember, the guardian of China is guarding China, not a certain person or force in China."

Lin Feifei said, "I understand. I will not let you down, Mr. long."

Qin Kuang looked at her coldly and said, "it's better. Nirvana organizes mass production [purification], which obviously has a big plan. We can't let them succeed."

"Tonight, I'm going to go into the West England villa and destroy their stronghold directly."

"Dare to provoke in front of me again and again, when I really organize bullying in China?"

In Qin Kuang's eyes, the sense of killing became stronger and stronger.

Lin Feifei's eyes trembled: "Mr. long, I suggest you go back with me and have a good check."

Qin furiously said, "what do you say? How dare you doubt me? "

Lin Feifei said in a hurry: "of course, I don't doubt Mr. long. Mr. long just came into direct contact with the ice flame solution. I'm afraid... I'm afraid he has been attacked by the solution and has been infected."

Qin Kuang's brain boomed and his whole body was cold.

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