No one ever dares to touch the ice flame solution with the body.

Through scientific research, it is found that there are countless terrorist microorganisms in this magical liquid, which can stimulate human negative emotions, make people hallucinate and even degenerate.

These microbes are magnified a million times, one by one like the legendary demons.

It has a head and horns. It's terrible.

They devour each other and multiply infinitely.

Purification is the product of dilution of ten million times.

Rao is so, the power of purification, but also let people talk about color.

Normal people only need to smell the breath, can produce psychedelic feeling.

Now Xiao Zhao is like this, is immersed in the endless world of illusion, unable to extricate himself.

Professional personnel still need to wear several layers of protective gloves before they dare to contact.

But before, Qin was furious and broke the box directly.

The solution in it, it's wrapped around his fist.

The emotion just out of control should have been affected.

Qin Kuang was dripping with cold sweat.

He crazy operation mental law, will be in the heart of tyranny suppression expulsion.

"We have blocked the container where the solution was found to avoid accidents," Lin said

"Mr. long, the organization has perfect equipment to ensure that you are all right."

Qin Kuang nodded: "OK, I agree."

Basement of the base.

Several researchers are busy.

Blood test, various instruments detection.

Qin Kuang is very cooperative.

Although the intention of killing and tyranny still exist, it has gradually weakened.

Two hours after the diagnosis, Lin Feifei came over with a strange face.

"What's the result? Am I ok? I'm feeling good now, and there's no sign of poisoning

Qin Kuang asked.

Lin Feifei said: "everything is normal. It's really incredible."

"Last year, one of our team members accidentally came into contact with the solution. His body mutated within 24 hours and became the king of poison, which brought a disaster to the organization."

"Mr. long, it's a miracle that you're in direct contact with the original liquid and it's OK."

Qin Kuang disapproved: "maybe it's because I'm naturally sensitive to solution and have antibodies."

"If you feel any changes in your body within 24 hours, be sure to let us know," Lin said

Qin Kuang said: "I understand the rules. It won't bring any trouble to the organization."

Contact solution, poisoning and death, on the contrary, is the best outcome.

I'm afraid that I will not die in the past. On the contrary, I will be attacked by the virus, dominate my mind and degenerate into a villain.

With the strength of God of war, if this happens, it will be a great disaster.

Qin Kuang left, but the organization was holding an emergency meeting.

Lin Feifei and others, face dignified, as if facing the enemy.

"I suggest that Qin Kuang must be controlled immediately, otherwise, once he goes into trouble, the whole China Sea will suffer disaster."

An old professor spoke.

"Yes, both fists are contaminated with solution at the same time. This kind of direct contact is terrible."

"I suspect that the virus has completely controlled his brain. Now he is just acting with us."

A young man pushed his glasses and said.

He looked at Lin Feifei with fiery eyes.

This person is a very famous virus expert.

He is an authority on this.

"It's not right. Qin Kuang is the God of war of Qinglong. The first fighting force of our guardians of China, the facade. How can we just kill them? Once it's out, isn't it going to be a laughing stock of the global alliance? " Lin Feifei refused.

The old professor said, "it's better to anesthetize him, then imprison him and study slowly."

Lin Feifei said, "absolutely not. I believe in Mr. long."

"He has made great contributions to mankind. He has gone through life and death many times. He would rather die himself than betray mankind."

"Such a hero, with steel like will, how can the virus attack?"

"If we take action against him, we are the sinners of mankind."

The young man frowned and said, "Feifei, don't let your personal worship affect your judgment. If Qin Kuang degenerates into nirvana, you should know how harmful he is."

"The God of war who can say that nirvana is immortal, why is he a home? Will you bow to evil? "

Lin Feifei said excitedly: "I believe Mr. long can overcome the virus. At the critical moment, I think he will sacrifice himself, and he will never degenerate into Nirvana that he hates the most."

"Anyway, I have to report this to headquarters." The young man's face sank: "this is related to the safety of all members of China shipping branch. We must not take risks."

The crowd nodded.

Lin Feifei took a deep breath and said, "I am the person in charge of the base. Even if the report is made, it should be made by me."

The young man said, "I hope you can do business and not be influenced by personal feelings."

Lin Feifei said: "Huang Fei, don't act rashly. I will deal with this matter."

Huang Fei sighed: "Feifei, you are so superstitious about Qin Kuang. You don't have a look. Before he came, how happy are they? Since he came, things have been going on and a lot of resources have been mobilized every day, and our budget has exceeded the standard. "

Lin Feifei said, "isn't that a good thing? This just shows the value of Mr. long. "

Huang Fei gave a cold smile: "I think he is a disaster. Wherever he goes, there will be chaos."

"The green dragon club could have been a smooth transition. He had to step in. Now the two sides are fighting each other, and a war will break out at any time."

"If you do things so recklessly, you'll get into big trouble sooner or later."

The words made everyone's face change.

They know better than anyone about the recent tensions.

In a word, Qin Kuang really contributed a lot.

Huang Fei said: "I have received news that sun Chenggang has offered a reward of one million yuan to trace the truth. Soon, he will find Qin Kuang's head."

"With Qin's crazy temper, he will definitely not compromise. If he leads the whole body, China shipping will be in chaos soon."

Lin Feifei couldn't help frowning.

These people, led by Huang Fei, completely regard China Shipping base as a pension base.

They have already lost the courage to go to the front line and just want to enjoy life in the rear.

That's why CNOOC is so stable.

In fact, it is not that CNOOC has no problems, but that they deliberately ignore problems.

But Qin Kuang can't hold sand in his eyes. He has to be more serious.

This is not what they want.

Qin Kuang believed in the organization and didn't think much about it.

As for the ice flame solution, it was not his first contact.

The reason why he is so sensitive to this kind of raw material is also related to this.

As for why, Qin Kuang himself is not clear.

The impact of this contact is far less than expected.

Negative emotions try to invade and dominate the heart.

However, he was forced to suppress by Qin's mental manipulation.

He knew that he needed to shut up for a while.

Otherwise, if you are dominated by this simple cruel killing intention, you may lose yourself and become a monster enjoying killing.

He returned to the villa, closed the door, closed his eyes.

At the moment, Thomson has got the news of the accident at the dock in the Xiying villa.

He was furious and smashed more than ten bottles of precious red wine.

His roar echoed back and forth in the basement.

"Damn it, Qin Kuang, who are you? A mysterious rich man? How did you become the group leader of stone company again? "

"Five thousand grams of stock solution! It's worth 50 million M gold, so it's ruined! "

"More importantly, who is responsible for breaking our rhythm?"

His eyes were red.

"Crazy Qin, you must die."

"Three, please."

His eyes, looking at several southern region men.

Ruan's three heroes, three Venus killers of annihilation organization.

One hundred and twenty-eight shots, never a mistake.

As long as the target is locked by them, there is almost no possibility of turnover.

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