"Kill... Him."

The other yelled and swung his fist.

The wind is strong and powerful.

But it was a blow.

Qin Kuang's head seems casual, but he avoids his fist precisely.

Then, with a flash of cold light on his hand, the handcuffs were pulled out of the first person's throat and inserted into the second person's throat.

In the whole process, there was no hesitation.

But in the blink of an eye, the two masters of the organization have been killed.

The third man's hand was still on his waist, but he stood on the spot as if he had been put into practice.

Qin Kuang looked at him calmly, but he didn't do it again.

"You should be glad you don't have an injection."

Qin Kuang coldly way, from the dead two people's pocket, take out a small box.

"Purification? Damn it, they're injection purifying? "

The man turned pale and gnashed his teeth.

Chinese soldiers regard purification as poison, beast and source of evil.

Absolutely not!

These two people are already capital crimes in the organization.

"Mr. long, I just follow orders. I didn't know they would."

A young man's face is grey.

Qin Kuang's strength is beyond his imagination.

"Yes? I don't believe it

Qin Kuang gave a cold smile and suddenly hit out with a fist.

The young man was bent like a prawn.

His eyes almost protruded out of his eyes, shocking and inexplicable.

Qin Kuang coldly said: "although you have never taken purification, your killing intention is too obvious."

"There is a man who has taught me that he will show his intention to kill you. He is the enemy."

"To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself."

The young man's mouth was full of blood and his head was slowly drooping.

Qin Kuang got out of the car and looked at the dumb driver. He pulled his headset and pinched it to pieces.

"You know where to go."

The driver was sweating and nodded.

"Mr. long, I'm just a driver."

"Don't worry, I'm not a killer."

"I only kill enemies. You can choose to be my enemy or my comrade in arms."

Qin crazy face Indifference: "drive, back to the base."

In the base, group leader Huang smashed the phone and walked around manic.

"Damn, it's really the opposite. I dare to kill my own people. Qin Kuang is a nirvana."

He never dreamed that Qin Kuang was so bold.

Lin Feifei said faintly: "team leader Huang, you underestimate the strength of Qinglong warlord. All of us can't kill him with one hand."

Group leader Huang snapped: "Lin Feifei, it's a capital crime for you to collude with nirvana. Do you believe I will execute you now?"

"If you don't believe me, I'm the person in charge of CNOOC. Who dares to kill me without trial?" Lin Feifei said haughtily.

She pitifully looked at group leader Huang and said, "people with the status of Qinglong God of war, even if they should die, must go through the whole high-level discussion and decision, or the president himself orders. Who do you order from, please?"

"Management committee or Huang Feilong?"

Team leader Huang's face changed: "Lin Feifei, don't be lucky. I'll kill Qin Kuang first and then interrogate you slowly."

"Everyone, Qin Kuang, the devil, is extremely dangerous. I now declare according to law that you are free to shoot and kill him."

The group he brought, plus him, left five people.

These five people are all experts specially selected by Huang Feilong.

It can also be said to be his confidant.


There was a roar outside.

A disordered sound of footsteps came out.

Afterwards, everything went to silence.

Group leader Huang and others are pale.

Although this is the logistics base, the defense force is not weak.

The people above are armed with automatic weapons and have the privilege of shooting freely.

But they didn't even last a minute.

"Ask the headquarters for help immediately. Qin Kuang, the former Qinglong God of war, has taken refuge in Nirvana, killed our team members, and destroyed the Zhonghai base. It's a heinous crime. I urge the headquarters to send the God of war to eliminate it."

"Yes, chief."

A team member immediately opened the encrypted communication and asked for help from the headquarters.

Boom boom!

The muffled sound came constantly, like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, rushing forward, with nothing to stop.

Soon, he came to the door.

Team leader Huang said in a harsh voice: "don't panic, as long as he dares to come in, he will be beaten into a beehive for me."

This, perhaps, is also the best mobile meeting.

Kill Qin maniac, he made a rapid progress, and was powerful all over the world.

There was even a trace of red in his eyes.

A trace of indescribable strange flavor gradually rich.

Lin Feifei frowned, with a trace of horror in her eyes.

There is something wrong with the feeling of group leader Huang.

Qin Kuang stood outside the door, looking at the iron gate coldly.

Even through a door, he was sensitive to the smell of purification.

Damn it, has Nirvana infiltrated the headquarters?

What happened in the past two years?

Anger was surging in his heart.

He regarded the organization as a sacred temple, which could not be defiled.

He is a very pure man.

Infected with the virus, the best way is to remove the necrotic part.

"A group of degenerate guys, give you one last chance to lay down your arms and surrender. I will ask the organization to give you a fair trial."

"If you organize a trial, you may be able to recover a small life."

"Otherwise, I, Qinglong warlord, will judge you personally."

Qin Kuang's voice seems to ring in his ears.

All of them were shocked, and their eyes were shocked.

Team leader Huang yelled: "Qin Kuang, you can't do it."

"The first rule of the ban is to prohibit cannibalism of the same kind. You kill so many of your colleagues. How can you boast justice?"

Qin Kuang arrogantly said: "there is no real justice in the world, I stand there, there is justice."

"As the God of war of Qinglong, I have sentenced you to death as a Nirvana traitor, and you will be executed immediately."


There was a bang.

The whole hall was shaking.

The power of this blow is simply appalling.

Group leader Huang turned pale and tried to calm down.

"You are so lawless. How can you judge others?"

Qin Kuang said: "poor little bug, he was tried as a gun. He didn't even know the privilege of the God of war, so he dared to die."

"Qinglong warlord is one of the great beasts of the country. He can supervise the country and eradicate corruption, and punish traitors and nirvana."

"Cut before you play, no need to apply."

"It's just the first time I've used this privilege."

Everyone was stunned by this.

For a moment, I don't know whether what Qin Kuang said is true or false.

But there is one person who believes it, and that is Lin Feifei.

She exclaimed excitedly: "Mr. long, these people only attack you out of selfish desire. Please trust the organization. The organization will never make such a decision."

Qin Kuang said lightly: "I trust the organization, just like trusting my own heart."

Boom boom!

While speaking, he bombarded dozens of fists, one more powerful than the other.

The alloy gate has been seriously distorted and the surrounding concrete layer has cracked.

This kind of power is totally beyond the imagination of group leader Huang and others.

This Qinglong warlord has been abandoned for two years?

Why is he so powerful?


Finally, the alloy door was overwhelmed and finally collapsed.

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