Everyone was so numb that they couldn't believe their eyes.

The alloy door, which can resist the bombardment of missiles, was smashed with fists!

They couldn't believe it if they didn't see it with their own eyes.

Suddenly, they seem to understand why Qinglong warlord Qin Kuang has such a high reputation in the organization.

Fighting power first is by no means a false name.

Qin Kuang himself was a little confused.

Perceiving the breath of purification, his tyranny could not be restrained and he was in urgent need of venting.

But he never thought that he could break the alloy door.

My strength, compared with before amnesia, is more than a simple improvement.

At least, more than ten times.

This change has gone beyond common sense.

For a moment, Qin Kuang's heart was full of doubts.

However, he has no time to think too much.

A burst of pea like gunfire has been heard.

Shrapnel, like rain, covered the whole door.

Qin Kuang stood on one side, his eyebrows didn't beat.

Heart, full of disappointment.

Is the strength of the current secret service team so low?

This common sense mistake is intolerable.

At least, five people should have overlapping firepower.

This kind of crazy shooting is a kind of panic.

"Pay attention to changing bullets, don't waste bullets, and push forward step by step."

Team leader Huang seems to be aware of this problem at last, but the bullet trap has been knocked out.

At this moment, a human image is a light, suddenly flashed from behind the door, rushed up.

Bang bang!

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh!

Almost at the same time, five people were hit hard.

The guns in their hands broke.

The key is hit at the same time.

Team leader Huang's hand is still around his waist. The alloy knife is only half drawn out.

But he has never had a chance.

Qin Kuang's cold and heartless eyes, deeply imprinted into his soul, became his last picture.

Five bodies, slowly falling to the ground.

One move!

All five members of the secret service team of the Shenzhou organization were killed without any resistance.

It's so cruel and delicious that it's breathtaking.

At this moment, the old professor and others deeply felt the horror of Qin Kuang.

No wonder Lin Feifei is so adored and respectful.

Such a god of war is invincible!

Qin Kuang closed his eyes and frowned slightly.

It's horrible!

Speed power, increased at least twice!

Is it related to what you eat and drink?

For the first time, after drinking monkey wine, his strength gradually increased three times.

This time, it's more than doubled.

It's only been a week!

This kind of promotion can't be described as a rocket. It's like a spaceship.

Who is the moon watcher?

What is Huang Wanyu's real identity?

In an instant, countless doubts rose in Qin Kuang's heart.

"Mr. long, you... You really killed them?"

Lin Feifei's trembling voice calls back Qin Kuang's thoughts.

He opened his eyes and their indifference returned.

"Of course, do you think I'm killing innocent people?"

With a cold smile, Qin Kuang squatted down and took out a small box from five people.

Everyone was furious when they saw the box.

"Nirvana is so lawless that it has penetrated the headquarters."

"Even people like group leader Huang have been bribed and degenerated. How many insiders are there in the organization?"

"It's true that we should be killed when we degenerate into nirvana. We are willing to testify for Mr. long."


The logo on the small box is familiar to everyone.

It's a sign of purification.

Phoenix bathing in fire represents rebirth of nirvana.

It looks tall, giving people endless reverie and hope.

In fact, it represents depravity and destruction.

It's the public enemy of mankind!

Originally, people who were full of incomprehension and complaints about Qin Kuang turned around and accused the investigation team.

Qin Kuang goes over, opens the iron gate, and releases Lin Feifei and others.

They all spit and scold the bodies of group leader Huang and others once again.

At the same time, the criminal evidence and the body were photographed.

Lin Feifei worried: "although Huang group leader and others are Nirvana insiders, but Huang Fei is not, Huang Feilong will not give up."

Qin Kuang's eyes were cold: "just because he wants to harm me, he is worthy of death."

"Huang Feilong, count a p."

Qin Kuang is not polite.

Although Huang Feilong is also a meritorious minister, in fact, the wind review is not very good.

There were several frictions on Qin Kuang's way to promotion.

Qin Kuang took a cold look at the crowd and said, "those who hide purification or take purification will die."

This is a dead word, like a thunder, bombardment in people's minds, buzzing.

Everyone bowed his head respectfully: "don't worry, Mr. long. We are born in China, and die as the soul of China. We are not separated from nirvana."

Qin wildly waved his hand, turned and walked away.

Lin Feifei called: "Mr. long, the base guard above, are you ok?"

Qin Kuang Leng snorted: "I only kill Nirvana people. Chinese people are all brothers and sisters. How can I kill them?"

Watching his back disappear, the color of worship in Lin Feifei's eyes became a bit stronger.

"Qinglong warlord, eternal God!"

She clenched her fist and let out a cheer.

Qin Kuang walked out of the base with a calm heart.

Kill nirvana, he will not have any psychological burden.

As for what the organization thinks, it's their business.

Even if he leaves China, he will not give up his ideal.

Qin Kuang walked out of the base, looking at the people coming and going outside, he showed a happy smile.

He took out the phone and dialed Huang Wanyu.

"Where are you, Qin Kuang? How are you feeling? Didn't you get any stimulation? "

Huang Wanyu asked with concern.

Qin Kuang's heart moved: "you seem very worried about my state? Miss Huang, I think we should talk about it. "

Huang Wanyu said with a smile, "OK, but I don't have time now. When I come back, I'll tell you what you want to know."

"Where are you now? Isn't it still in the bureau? "

Qin Kuang was a little surprised.

Who dares to detain A1's daughter for no reason?

Huang Wanyu said, "of course not. I've been out for a long time. My father has to take me to attend a very important private party. I'm very busy now, so I won't tell you more."

Huang Wanyu said and hung up.

Qin Kuang expressed his understanding.

After all, it is reasonable for Huang Wanyu to attend the important private party of A1.

At A1's side, safety should be guaranteed, but don't worry about it.

The way Huang Wanyu looked at herself had nothing to do with the love between men and women.

It's the expression of an artist looking at his work and a scientist looking at his mouse.

When did he become Huang Wanyu's experimental object?

What's the secret?

Qin Kuang is very eager to know the truth.

The headquarters was shocked.

No one could have imagined that a green dragon god of war was so powerful and terrifying.

Even the secret service investigation team dares to kill, which is an unprecedented anecdote.

It is the first time that such a thing has happened in the hundreds of years since the founding of China.

Huang Feilong, in particular, almost blew up.

"It's impossible. It's definitely a frame up."

"My students are all elite. How can they degenerate?"

"It must be Qin Kuang who planted and framed this man. This man has become a cancer. If we don't get rid of it, isn't China going to make the alliance laugh?"

He was crazy in his eyes: "I asked that a committee be convened immediately to mobilize the four warlords to suppress this tusk."

He rushed out of the room and headed for the headquarters.

No matter what the cost, Qin Kuang must die!

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