TL: Jaemicy

Chapter 29

The night before the banquet.

I visited the Duke of Brighton.

“Elizabeth was feeding me poison disguised as health tea?”

“It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. I’ve brought the data on long-term use of acarosia, so please take a look.”

“No, it’s okay.”

I handed the information I bought from the Master, and the Duke shook his head.

‘It’s hard to believe right away.’

Unlike Elizabeth, who has built trust for decades, my reputation is still low.

I glanced at the letters floating on the Duke’s head.

   [Likelihood: 60%]

‘It’s still -60%.’

I thought it would go up a little because I’ve been interacting with him a lot.

It’s a little disappointing, though.

‘But it’s gonna work.’

It’s Henness’s information, not from anywhere else.

I was going to recommend him to look at the data again, but the letters blinked.

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability increased by 20%]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability: -40%]

‘Oh. Finally?’

However, without time to be happy, the letters disappeared and another came back to mind.

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability has decreased by 30%.]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favor:-70%]


I didn’t do anything wrong, but I lost my favorability.

‘Oh, I see.’

But it was soon understood.

‘Because he’s heard he’s going to die out of nowhere.’

He must think I’m crazy.

“But don’t worry. I’ve got the antidote.”

She added quickly to reassure the Duke.

But something unexpected happened.

   [The stigma, , is strongly invoked!]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability has decreased by 30 percent]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability has decreased by 80 percent]

   [You’ve reached the limit of favorability. Does not apply!]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability has decreased by 140%]

   [You’ve reached the limit of favorability. Does not apply!]

The favorability has plummeted.

My face hardened a little without realizing it because I was flustered.

‘Did I say something wrong?’

“No, it’s not that I don’t trust you.”

But rather, the Duke seemed more embarrassed.

“I meant I believed you even if I don’t see that.”

At the same time, the letters rose once again.

   [The Duke of O’Ferse Brighton’s favorability increased by 1%]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability: -99%]

Oh, my.

When it fell, it fell to 100%, but only 1% rose.

I laughed in amazement.


Then the alarm went off.

   [We met the hidden conditions!]

   [“Father’s Love Overcoming Brighton’s Disaster” has been confirmed]

   [The effect of the stigma will be temporarily lifted only for the Duke of Brighton]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability increased]

   [Favorability: 100%]

‘Crazy. It’s too extreme.’

I can’t believe it’s going up 100% in an instant.

‘Is it a system error? What’s the effect of the stigma?’

Fortunately, an explanation soon came to mind.

   [Stigma “Brighton’s Disaster”]

   -Effect: Recognize favorability in reverse.]

“This means…”

The more you like me, the more you dislike me?

“Then the reason why your favorability dropped like crazy just now…”

The duke opened his mouth, as if to empower my reasoning.

“Of course. That’s what my lovely daughter is saying.”

His green eyes softened.

Soon the words of the Duke came to mind.

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability increased]

   [You’ve reached the limit of favorability. Does not apply!]

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability increased]

   [You’ve reached the limit of favorability. Does not apply!]

‘What is it? Is it really an error this time?’

Even when I rubbed my eyes and looked at them again, the same sentence kept coming to mind.

‘What’s happening.’

It was not long before the notification window died down.

At the same time, a new number appeared on the Duke’s head.



   [You’ve reached the level of favorability that exceeded their limits!]

   [No stigma will apply to the Duke of Brighton from now on]

   [An unexpected thing happened and fate changed a lot!]

   [Characteristics: The one who breaks the wheel of fate can level up]

“What’s all this about?”

I was still puzzled, but I knew one thing for sure.

‘I can’t stand the level-up.’

I clasped the Duke’s hands with both eyes shining.

“Thank you, Father.”

“Hmm, hmm!”

He coughed, avoiding her eyes.

I used to think it was because he was uncomfortable.

‘Not anymore.’

   [The Duke of Brighton’s favorability increased]

   [Likability: 200%]

The numbers were busily rising above the Duke’s head.

“This will happen tomorrow.”

Thanks to this, I was able to confide in the Duke at ease.

So now.

I asked as if I knew nothing.

“Come to think of it, how did you know in advance that my father would vomit blood and collapse, Mother?”

The nobles who heard me nodded.

“Come to think of it, it was.”

“Unless the Duchess of Brighton was a prophet, it was possible because she was the criminal.”

“Oh, my God. And then you drove the Duchess of Palesdon like she was the culprit? You’ve lost your mind.”

After watching the aristocrats who react like professional audiences with satisfaction.

‘Do you still not know that this is all part of my plan?’

I smiled at Elizabeth.

“This bitch!”

Elizabeth clenched her teeth and rushed at me.

“I won’t forgive you for four years! Argh!”

She was soon overpowered by the knights.

“I guess you still don’t know your fault. The Duchess of Palesdon is to blame.”

“Why is she so obsessed with the Duchess of Palesdon?”

“Come to think of it, I remember the old rumors. There was a rumor that the Duchess of Brighton had a crush on her friend’s husband, Duke Brighton, before she got married.”

“Oh, my God. So she feels inferior to her daughter, Duchess Palesdon?”

People whispered as they watched Elizabeth, who had been held on her knees.

“She wasn’t only involved in human trafficking, she also tried to destroy the Brighton family.”

“It seems clear that she was trying to poison the Duke of Brighton.”

“Isn’t this something that should be removed from the aristocratic list?”

As Elizabeth’s crimes accumulated one by one, public opinion was formed that she should be punished.

“Yik, let go of me!”

Johnson Moliot, who was trying to sneak out of the banquet hall, was also caught and crumpled next to her.

Naturally, attention was focused on the Duke, the top decision maker of the Brighton family.

“I will demote Johnson Moliot’s status as a slave, and confiscate his property and use it for his victims.”

Brighton was one of the only three duchy families in the empire, although their family was more lean than before.

Each duke’s family owner had the right to summary judgment.

“Take Brighton’s castle back from Elizabeth Brighton and put her in prison. I’ll give the floor to those who object.”

However, in order to prevent indiscriminate abuse of power, if the right to summary disposition was exercised, it had to be approved by more than half of the nobles in the place.

“I’m sure there’s no idiot who’s missing a screw who’s against it now.”

Sure enough. The banquet hall was quiet.

Everyone agreed implicitly.

Except for one person.

“I disagree.”

As I took a step forward and talked, their eyes turned to me.

Everyone seemed to think I was crazy.

“But she’s not going to forgive her just because she’s her mother, wouldn’t she?”

“No way.”

Yeah. No way.

‘This is just a strategic retreat.’

I hate sweet potatoes.

“I think she was punished too lightly for her crime.”

Only then did the audience seem to be convinced.

But it was just the beginning.

“People call me Brighton’s disaster. I was accused of killing my mother and cursing my brother.”

I continued, staring straight into Elizabeth’s eyes.

“But there’s a real culprit. This is Elizabeth Moliot right over here.”

“This is a setup! No, it’s not true!”

Elizabeth jumped up and denied it.

“That’s right.”

The high-ranking aristocrat’s suspicion of murder and murder are at different levels of punishment.

“Mother, you just said that if there’s evidence, you’ll get any punishment sweetly. Does that apply here as well?”

When I bent down and asked her pretending to be friendly, Elizabeth stared at me as if she wanted to tear me to death.

But in the end, she nodded abominably.

“Yes, that’s right. I admit I made a mistake, but I don’t know why you’re punishing me for something I didn’t do.”

‘I thought you’d answer that.’

Having got what I wanted, I straightened myself out.

“Really? Should I ask the witness?”

“What do you mean a witness?”

“The people who were there weren’t…”

“You’re not talking about yourself, are you?”

I turned my head in silence.

People followed me and moved their eyes.

“What is it?”

“Who’s standing there?”

A man standing all alone on the central staircase.

Light green eyes and silvery hair.

“Who is it?”

“The Duke of Brighton?”

He resembled the duke at a young age to the point of some delusion.

“No way, Prince Brighton?”

Leodor, who was lying in bed all these times, appeared!

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