TL: Jaemicy

Chapter 30

Elizabeth, who saw Leodor, trembled and was appalled.

‘How did you wake up? I’m sure…’ 

I almost killed him.

Her widened fierce eyes turned to the past.

One day 14 years ago, the Duke of Brighton left the mansion.

It was to get the strawberry that Beatrice, who was pregnant, wanted to eat.

Elizabeth stood in front of the secret garden she had longed for.


The fairy tree refused to let Elizabeth in.

“If you stop me, I’ll kill this boy.”

Things changed when Elizabeth thrust a knife into Leodor’s neck. The transparent barrier disappeared.

‘As expected, it was just as he said.’

Elizabeth entered with a smile of satisfaction.

“Eup, eup eup!”

While Elizabeth kidnapped Leodor, Beatrice seemed to have come to her senses.

Beatrice shed tears when she saw Leodor, who had been dragged by Elizabeth by the hair.

Leodor was stuck with a medicine that hardened his limbs.

Elizabeth was thrilled to see it.

“Oh, I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

Elizabeth hummed and threw Leodor to the floor.

Then, suddenly, she found a branch that fell on the floor.

“What is this?”

“Ugh! Ugh!!”

It was Roselina that Elizabeth, who inadvertently raised her head, found.

Rosellina was shaking on the branches, unable to make a sound, and shedding tears.

And Beatrice, who shakes her body violently with her arms and legs tied.

Beatrice’s efforts to evacuate Roselina alone have come to naught.

“You saved me the trouble of going to find her.”

Elizabeth smiled admirably and slapped Beatrice hard on the cheek.

“But I told you not to do anything useless.”

She took what was left in Beatrice’s mouth.

“Please, save the children. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.……!”

“I knew you’d say that.”

Elizabeth chuckled and took something out of her arms.

“Do you know what this is? It’s a scroll with a life-threatening curse. It’s a gift for your son.”

“No! How can you do this?”

“Why? Because you coveted what’s mine without knowing the subject!”

Elizabeth’s eyes flashed dangerously.

“Opercedo, the Duchess of Brighton’s seat is all mine! It was originally mine!”

Then she tore a curse scroll at Leodore.

The cursed Leodor’s eyes slowly closed.

“Leodore! …Oh!”

Beatrice was knocked unconscious by Elizabeth’s strong kick.

“All that’s left is Roselina, isn’t she?”

Elizabeth reached for Rosellina.

The little child has yet to escape Elizabeth’s hands.

But Elizabeth’s wish was not fulfilled.

The moment she tried to rip the curse scroll towards Roselina.

“What happened to Beatrice and the children?”

The Duke returned faster than expected.

Elizabeth cried in tears with a made-up story.

“Because of you, the lady and the young master were cursed.”


Strawberries, which the Duke had brought in his arms, fell on the floor and crushed.

There was a broken branch on the floor of the garden, and Elizabeth was the only witness.

Even those who didn’t believe it at first began to call Rosellina, Brighton’s disaster.

And Elizabeth became the Duchess of Brighton as she wished.

‘Fortunately, that girl lost her memory. The heavens is helping me too.’

Elizabeth would do anything to frame Rosellina.

‘All I have to do is kill Leodore.’

As she steadily injected the poison he gave me, I could see his body getting weaker day by day.

The high point was just around the corner.

Until this point.

“Elizabeth Moliot killed my mother and has been injecting poison into me. And she put all the blame on Rosellina.”

Leodor’s remarks caused a big stir in the banquet hall.

Rosellina watched it all.

Back in time, a little, yesterday. 

After purification, Leodor opened his eyes.

“Brother, are you awake?”


The eyes staring at me were clearer than I thought.

I can’t believe he was unconscious all this time.

“No way………?”

No way.

But my mouth moved freely.

“Have you been conscious all this time?”

‘It’s true.’

Leodore didn’t answer, but I knew the answer.

“When did you come to your senses? Do you remember what’s been going on?”

Leodor shook his head.

“It’s a question that doesn’t make sense.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because I’ve never lost my consciousness.”

I widened my eyes without realizing it.



It’s even worse.

His mind is fine, but he’s paralyzed.

It’s been 14 years.

It’s amazing that he didn’t go crazy.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were awake. If I had known…”

I would have tried to save him sooner.

“You’re not the one who should ask for forgiveness.”

Leodor’s green eyes burned silently.

Only then did I know.

‘He’s not calm.’

He’s outraged beyond measure.

And the truth of that day, I found out.

‘It’s time to tell the world.’

Back in reality, I watched Elizabeth.

“My son!”

Elizabeth shed tears as if she had finished managing her expression.

“Leodore! My son. I don’t know about anyone else, but my son can’t do this to me!”

As soon as Leodor’s words were finished, Elizabeth refuted.

“I’ve been working on my son’s care for over 10 years. I stayed in the annex and took care of Leodor, which anyone in this mansion knows, no, everyone in this empire knows.”

The acting was so desperate that the knights holding Elizabeth lost strength.

Elizabeth rose from her seat and looked around the audience as if asking for help.

The aristocrats nodded because the rumor was public that the Duchess of Brighton disappeared in high society.

“I’ve heard the rumor. I heard she put a lot of effort into it.”

“I have overheard that the Duchess is caring for the dying life of Prince Brighton.”

“It’s true that the Duchess of Brighton committed a crime, but at least it’s true that she’s been nice to Prince Brighton.”

Public opinion soon reversed.

‘At any rate, the Ropan nobles are too thin even if they have thin ears.’

It’s funny how a word changes their attitude like a flip of the palm.

All the responses were expected.

‘It’s rather good.’

This way, the wave will be bigger when the truth is revealed.

‘It’s sad to think that the video has everything.’

I quietly turned on the video booth.

“There’s not much time left for you to live. How do you feel? Like a dog? That’s how I feel so far, so enjoy it.”

“Today, I specially controlled the concentration of the poison. Die! Hurry up and die!”

Elizabeth was seen verbally abusing Leodor and injecting poison into him.

The evidence has come out that cannot be denied.

“Isn’t that crazy? Such a criminal should be put in jail right now!”

“How unfair the Duchess of Palesdon must have felt. I’m all outraged.”

“I feel sorry for the late Duchess of Brighton.”

But Elizabeth didn’t care a bit.

Rather, she stared at me as if to kill me, thinking that this situation was all my fault.

“Roselina! I will never forgive you!”

She rushed at me, taking something out of her arms.


It was a curse scroll.



At the same time, the voice of the Duke and Leodor was heard, and her vision was blocked.

“What is it?”

I thought I was blind for a moment, but I was mistaken.

A robe wrapped around a solid back was in front of me.

“Because she’s still my wife.”

And a voice reciting like a joke.


“Isn’t it a husband’s duty to protect his wife?”

I felt strange when I saw his red eyes.


“You don’t have to say thank you.”

“No, don’t block the way and move out of the way.”

Argention made a strange face.

Like someone who heard something unimaginable.

I didn’t mind and continued walking forward.

There was a transparent barrier in front of the Argention.

‘This is a Sword Master’s ether.’

It was great to form its shape by freely operating ether, but I didn’t need it.

– She didn’t ask for help. Why are you making a fuss?

Because the Spirit was protecting me.

When the hidden spirit appeared, admiration poured out.

“No way, the leaf fairy…………!”

“What’s going on here?”

– How dare you hurt Rosellina!

The Spirit beckoned lightly, and Elizabeth hardened.

“Oh, my God…………!”

Leodor, who received my signal, opened his mouth.

“This is not enough for Elizabeth Moliot’s murder of the former Duchess of Brighton, so she was found guilty of exterminating Brighton. Elizabeth Moliot will have to pay for the crime with her life.”

“I approve as Duke of Brighton.”

“I would like to offer my opinion as well.”

“I allow it.”

The Duke nodded as she raised her hand slightly.

“It’s too weak compared to the pain my family has experienced, but I want her to be locked up in a dungeon for two weeks.”

“Is that enough?”

The Duke looked puzzled.

It meant it was too weak as an extra punishment.

Of course that’s not the end.

“We’ll only offer one glass of water for two weeks. Including the water to wash.”

Elizabeth was famous for wanting to heat up water several times a day because she usually likes to wash.

‘There’s no water to drink, let alone wash, so that’s hell.’

Sure enough.

Elizabeth swore at me with her eyes even though she was stiff.

‘But it’s time for the villain to leave.’

I gave Elizabeth a big smile.

Soon, a series of notifications came to mind that the quest was completed.

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