TL: Jaemicy

Chapter 31

When the banquet was over, the maids arranged the banquet hall.

They glanced at each other, working in perfect order.

Since they didn’t talk for a long time, they just exchanged glances.

“Wasn’t it amazing?”

As soon as someone spoke, reactions poured out from here and there.

“I know! I never dreamed that Madam Elizabeth was that kind of person. Look at this. I still have goosebumps.”

“She pretended to care for Lade Roselina like that, and she must be pouring her curse from behind.”

“If it weren’t for Roselina, I’d still be fooled.”

The maids murmured cautiously.

“But I’m still hesitant about Lady Roselina either. Are you sure she’s changed?”

“That’s right, there’s something uncomfortable about it. It’s hard to completely believe…”

“No! Roselina is the best!”

The maids were surprised by the sudden interruption of the voice.

That person is no one else.


She was timid and cowardly, so she was especially scared of Roselina.

Sarah, who was sweating even only Roselina’s “Ro” came out, proudly insisted.

“Lady Roselina is a very nice person.”

“Sarah, weren’t you a part of Robansa?”

“Yeah, I’m a member of Robansa.”

Sarah nodded her head.

“A group of people who have fell in love with Lady Roselina.”

Sarah’s answer silenced the banquet hall.

“Lady Roselina is such a sweet person. There was a time when I accidentally spilled mop water on Roselina’s clothes, but she let it slide.”


“Why would I lie?”

The surprised maids’ eyes widened at Sarah’s words.

“I’ve done that before. I was so scared that I dropped the plate, but Lady Roselina forgave me.”

“Actually, I made a mistake in front of Lady Roselina, but I survived. It’s unimaginable in the past.”

Joining here and there added credibility to Sarah’s argument.

“And today Lady Roselina saved her brother. I will be loyal to Lady Roselina for the rest of my life.”

“Right. If it weren’t for Lady Roselina, I wouldn’t have met my sister forever.”

“I’ll take Roselina as my benefactor. I want to join Robansa!”

“Me too, me too!”

Thus, the unofficial meeting in the Brighton mansion of Robansa, was officially established.

Everyone was excited about joining Robansa.

“Is Antonia okay? I heard she’s having a hard time with Lady Roselina.”

“Yeah, she’s the one who made the Robansa. Antonia.”

The maids who were gossiping about Roselina found fault with her.

“I mean, she’s having a hard time because she’s heartbroken. You guys heard it. Madam Elizabeth framed Lady Roselina all the time.”

“Roselina is so natural to be misunderstood that she doesn’t even explain herself anymore. Everyone thinks that they don’t like her.”

“Oh, my God. It’s not true!”

Rather, it was an opportunity to set fire to Roselina’s warm heart.

“I can’t leave this situation alone. Lady Roselina is already in a tough situation. Let’s be supportive.”

“Why don’t we clear up the misunderstanding by saying that we don’t hate Roselina?”

“Okay, let’s thank her.”

The maids, who gathered like that, headed to Roselina’s room.



After everything was over, I came back to the room and sat down on the bed.

‘You should be rewarded for your hard work.’

[There are unverified alerts. Do you want to check?]

The words came to my mind as if I had read my mind.

[ has been confirmed]
[Quest has been completed]
[50 Fate energy will be given as a reward]


[] [ has been confirmed]
[You have completed the quest (2)>]
[50 Fate energy will be given as a reward]
[The disaster of Brighton, branded as a reward, is extinguished.]

I felt proud of the pouring rewards.

[Characteristic] Do you want to level up ?]

Unlike the , it has no information or ability.

“I have to do it no matter what.”

Because it’s a level-up!

[Level up! Successful!]
[Current grade: E]
[50 Fate energy will be given as a reward for raising the level]
[There are four more quests you can do at the same time!]

‘Oh, that.’

The quest limit has been increased and you’ve received a lot of fate energy.

‘I’m going to take a break now.’

I’ve been busy since I transmigrated.

knock, knock.

Then I heard a knock.

‘Busy. Busy. The Ropan society.’

They don’t give me a break.

I pulled myself up to lie down.

“Come on in.”

The door opened as soon as it was allowed.

I turned my head without much thought and was startled.

The maids were gathered, and all their expressions were unusual.

“What’s going on?”

“Lady Roselina. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

“Huh? Suddenly?”

I asked back because I was dumbfounded, but somehow the maid’s eyes became teary.

“It’s something we should be grateful for, but we never thought of it.”

“How many people have misunderstood…”

“We will be here from now on, Lady Roselina!”

No, I think these guys are misunderstanding?

They’re thanking me for coming out of nowhere, but no one is surprised?

“Lady Roselina did what she deserved to be thanked for.”

“Thanks to Lady Roselina, we have our precious family back.”

“Hans, say hello to Rosellina yourself.”

“Annie, you should say hello too.”

But the maids were powerful.

They thanked her without any time to intervene, and then brought the children.

The children who timidly approached bowed their heads one by one.

“Thank you very much.”

“Thank you for letting me see my family again.”

It was embarrassing to do something that anyone would have done and be praised for it.

Children deserved to be protected.

‘Of course it’s common sense. That’s how I learned it.’

I saw the children’s soft cheeks and clear eyes.

‘They’re so young.’

They almost had a terrible experience.

The mere thought made me sick.


Then suddenly, I remembered what I had to do.

7. Proper Use of the Original

I stuck close to the wall and looked inside.

I couldn’t see well because it was dark, but the other sense was clear.

Moss felt from damp stone walls a sharp smell and a groan of beasts.

It was a dreary atmosphere like a dungeon.

“Is there someone inside?”

She lowered her voice and whispered to the Spirit.

     – We’re the only ones.

It meant that there was another person ‘inside’.

“We’ve come to the right place.”

I was infiltrating Memento Morri to save the man who would be in the cage.

The day after the crazy banquet.

But I couldn’t help it.

‘This is the best time.’

There is not much time left before the Spirit falls asleep again.

I had to move right away because I really needed the help of the spirit for this.

The moment I saw the children’s eyes yesterday, I remembered the original male lead.

He was kidnapped and enslaved as soon as he was born.

‘I was going to pretend I didn’t know.’

There were more reasons to do so.

The male lead was no longer a child.

He was about to reach adulthood, and soon the heroine was scheduled to appear and rescue him.


No one is interested in the male lead until the original work begins.

He had to live as a slave to Memento Mori until the heroine came.

I can’t believe he has to eat and sleep in such a poor environment and fight monsters.

‘It’s also abuse to know and neglect.’

I am a person who has received human rights education well in modern society.

‘Child abuse is unacceptable. The male lead is still a minor.’

Well, it was unintentionally interrupting the first meeting between the female lead and the male lead.

‘If it’s true love, they have to overcome this hardship.’

Besides, does love feed you? Let’s save the kid first.

I went inside, rationalizing hard.

“You stay here and let me know if you feel any movement.”

     – ‘All right.’

I was relieved to leave my back to the Spirit.

“Where is he?”

My footsteps were blooming.


“That one.”

A large cage in which several layers of iron intersect as if to guard against escape.

In the middle of it, a man with chains all over his body.

“You came to the right place.”

The original male lead, Calix Blake.


He growled ferociously, as if he knew I was hiding with the help of the Spirit.

A messy loose long hair

The eyes that stare at me.

A wound that fills the whole body instead of clothes.

Every time he moved, the chains connected to his wrists and ankles made a cracking sound.


I said hello as I came closer to him.

This action will change the original work greatly.

‘But it doesn’t matter.’

I knew it.

The moment I transmigrated, the original was already twisted.


“I’m the main character now.”

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