Several people stood side by side in a dark space.

Only one of them was sitting in a chair.

He flicked his finger and the pointed man knelt down.

The man who went forward in that state bowed his head toward the person sitting in the chair.


The face of the man who was secretly given the order was brightened.

“Well, is that true?”

The man asked again and again in an emotional voice.

“Can you really pay back the humiliation I suffered from Roselina and get wealth and power?”

“Of course, brother.”


Count Molzigat was delighted with the overwhelming emotion.

“As long as you do your part.”

“Of course! I’ll do my best!”

“Don’t forget. The day of the showdown is coming soon.”

“Everything is at stake in the hunting contest! I will not disappoint you, as much as you have trusted me to do so.”

Hearing Count Molzigat’s pledge, raised the corner of her lips and laughed long.


Leaving Hennes, I returned home in a hurry.

It was because a notification came to mind when I said goodbye to the master.

[Your tamed beast wants to communicate with you. Are you sure you want to use Skill ?]

‘What happened to Calix?’

I used the skill right away.

[Skill  will be activated!]

~ Rose, are you in the mansion?

~ No. Why?

~ There’s a letter for Rose. Rose will like it when she sees it.

A letter from the Imperial Palace that I will like…

‘The emperor is giving me the check as he promised!’

I smiled broadly and thanked Calix.

~ Thanks for the message.

~ Okay, then I’ll go.

~ Your Highness Calix. The break time is over.

Communication with Calix did not last long.

Someone called him in the midst of their communication.

~ In the meantime, think of me and contact me.

Calix was a really nice kid.

I got into the carriage, moved by his kindness.

And when I arrived at the mansion, a person came from the palace.

“I’m Count Daniel Amberhardt, who came to deliver a letter from the Imperial Palace. Is the Duchess of Palesdon here?”

“Yes, I’m Roselina Palesdon.”

“Madam receives the letter of the Emperor.”

I received a letter from the man in square robes.

For now, I received the letter from Count Amberhardt.

I’m in a hurry to open the letter.

“Wait a minute, please.”

“What? Why?”

“The Empress has also sent you a letter. Receive the letter from Her Majesty.”

The Empress’s correspondence was friendly and cozy.

The emperor praised me and gave me a prize, but he wanted to repay me.

‘He’s such a nice guy.’

They all are.

“Is this all?”

“Yes, then I will now take my leave.”

After Count Amberhardt left, I opened the letter.

Roselina Palesdon, you’re the most famous person in the Empire these days.

I owe you so much as a father of my child.

From now on, the royal family promises to keep faith with you. 

And I’ve taken care of your request, so you’ll get it soon.

~ Theodore Sylvester

The letter sent by the emperor was more favorable than expected, but it was as expected.

“Then why did Her Majesty send me a letter?”

I opened the Empress’s letter in wonder.

It was just yesterday that I saw you, but I missed you already, so I took a pen to write for you.

I’ve been through so many big things that I’m worried about your health.

You saved my life. I personally hope that the day will come when I can repay this favor.

I’ve lived in the palace for a long time, but you’re the only one I can trust.

So please visit me often and be my friend.

~ Agnes Sylvester

I arranged the correspondence well and headed for the Imperial Bank.

“I was waiting for the Duchess of Palesdon. Please come in.”

As soon as I entered, the manager of the bank rushed out.

Sitting in the VIP room as he guided me, refreshments came out one after another.

Did His Majesty pay you back?

Well, 10 billion is a lot of money, but it’s not a lot of money for the emperor.

‘Unbelievable………. I’ll give you my loyalty from now on. ‘

I held a million gold check and shouted happily.

“Your Majesty is the best!”

I can’t believe it’s so neat. The emperor who ruled an empire was really different.

‘Money and power are the best!’

It was a moment to reflect on the most precious thing in life.

Then I took the divorce papers out of my arms.


“Did the Duchess of Palesdon come to pick up the check you left me last time?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

I answered by weighing the gold I had collected steadily in my inventory.

“I’ve saved less than a million golds, but I’ll give you everything, so please wait a little bit. I’ll pay the rest back slowly.”

“What? What do you mean?”

The manager shook his hand in surprise.

“The repayment has already been completed. You can take the check.”

“What? The repayment is over?”

“Yes, that’s right. So you don’t have to pay it back.”

It seemed that she had found the check and won 1 million gold.

I felt relieved when I broke the long-standing quest.

Just as office workers always carry their resignations in their hearts, I always carry my divorce papers.

A notification just came to my mind.

[You received 1 million gold]

[Quest  has been completed]

[50 destiny energy will be given as a reward]


I was busy.

There’s only one left.

It was a divorce quest.

‘I can divorce him right now!’

I immediately wrote a letter to Argention.

I have the 1 million gold checks as I promised. Now we can get a divorce, right? Call me when you make a schedule.

~ Roselina Brighton

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

A few days later,

“Why haven’t I got a reply yet? Did the letter went missing?”

I wrote a letter again and sent it to Palesdon’s mansion.

“He didn’t reply because there was something he didn’t like, right?”

I wrote it politely this time just in case.

Your Excellency,

You didn’t forget your old promise to divorce me if you had a million gold check?

I have the check with me now.

Therefore, we are going to go through the divorce process as soon as possible to mark the day when we become strangers.

Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as you receive this letter.

I look forward to hearing from you again.

The politeness that I had was a wonderful letter that melted everything.

‘If it’s this formal, I’ll surely get a reply.’

A few days later.

“Why isn’t he contacting me?”

I’m starting to feel feverish.

He said he’ll give me 50 billion won first, so why the change of heart?


Thinking, I narrowed my eyes.

“Are you regretting the divorce because I’m so popular these days?”

If you can’t, just tell me you can’t!

Of course that doesn’t mean I won’t divorce you.

If I could, I wanted to go to Palesdon’s mansion right away and argue.

But I was too busy for that.

I just got a call from the master.

They finally found a way to process gold into rose gold.

‘I need to go to Henness right away and have a meeting with the Master.’

However, I could not give up my divorce.

“Let’s see if you can still pretend you didn’t see it.”

If I send one every hour, I’ll watch it even if it’s annoying.

I printed the letter with a blank face.

I have the check. Divorce request.

~ Rose

Writing down what to say was done quickly.

“Antonia, send this to the Palesdon mansion, every one hour.”

“Yes, Lady Roselina.”

Having entrusted Antonia with a bunch of letters, I left the mansion with solemnity.

I went to Henness Guild headquarters and found a mountain of rose gold waiting for me.

“Did you get this much already?”

“We don’t know what you’re going to make, so we’ve prepared as much as we can.”

“Master is the best. Really.”

He was different from Argention, who dived without keeping his promise.

“With Roselina’s expectation, I’m glad to be here.”

Our master. Look how good he is.

He was the most reliable man of all my life.

We discussed what form of product this very rose gold would be.

Towards the conclusion of the meeting, I suddenly have a question.

“Master, is it possible for you to give advice on concerns? This is my friend’s story.”

“It’s definitely not about me.”

I added, feeling a pang of conscience.

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