“Yes, please feel free to speak.”

“Yes, my friend sent a letter to a man, but he didn’t get a reply.


The master, who had been listening lightly, paused.

Soon he changed his posture and listened to me.

“Yeah. I want to ask what might be the reason why he’s not replying?”

“Why did your friend send a letter?”

The master not only listened but also asked questions.

He seemed serious about this.

‘That’s why teachers like students who ask questions.’

I was glad that the master listened to me.

“My friend decided to give the man something. He promised to meet my friend if she gives it back.”

I gave the master an explanation of the situation, but I’ve changed it a little bit.

‘It’s not a lie.’

He said he’d divorce me if I give the million gold check.

‘The master may have already noticed.’

I didn’t want to reveal that the friend in this conversation was me.

The master and I have had an understanding that we have built up because of our partnership.

‘If he knows this is my story, the master may lose objectivity.’

Then there was a possibility that I wouldn’t get helpful advice.

What I needed was an objective view of a third party.

“He said he’d meet your friend if your friend brings something? Is it money?”

“Oh, how did you know?”

The master’s sharp reasoning surprised me.

‘How did he know it was money? I said it’s an object on purpose.’

Does he know already that it was about me?

‘The master has known me for quite some time, maybe he knew about my conversation with Argention at the restaurant.’

He was quick-witted, so he seemed to have noticed what I was talking about at once.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it? He’s a real piece of crap.”


He spoke of the man emotionally, unlike usual.

As expected, the master knows that this is about me and Argention.

‘Well, I made a mistake trying to fool the master.’

I decided to be honest.

“Master, I’m sorry. This is actually my story.”

“Yes, I thought so. Lady Roselina, don’t meet a guy like that.”

“But I have to meet him.”

That’s how I will be able to get my 40 billion won.

The moment she receives her alimony, she could finally bid goodbye to her busy days.

Of course, I would have made the same choice even if I went back in time.

‘Of course I should. It’s 40 billion won.’

The 40 billion won was an amount that was touching just by thinking about it.

My eyes got teary again this time.

“…………Are you all right?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I’m not crying. Don’t worry.”

I was so absorbed in 40 billion that I didn’t know the Master’s gaze deepened beyond the mask.

You’re a beast. You’re a beast.

Argention felt a burning sensation in his stomach.

“I’ve been sending you letters………… I don’t know if he’s checking. How can I get a reply?”

Roselina’s eyes looking at me were tearful.

An unbearable anger soared.

‘Why on earth would she be obsessed by such a man…………!’

No, it was all the fault of the beast, Calix.

Roselina is just a victim, and she did nothing wrong.

Argention’s misunderstanding deepened smoothly.

This is the beginning of all this misunderstanding.

Just a moment ago, Argention grasped the whole story as Roselina stopped talking.

“Master, is it possible for you to give advice on a concern? This is my friend’s story.”

“Yes, please feel free to speak.”

‘It’s about you.’

Argention did not express himself, but had a hunch that this was the story of Roselina.

There’s no real friend’s story during the consultation.

And then Roselina’s words made his heart flutter.

“Yes, my friend sent a letter to a man, but he didn’t get a reply


Roselina wrote a letter to a man?

‘Not me.’

I don’t know why the sense of deprivation came in at that moment.

Anyway, he was not the owner of Roselina’s letter.

‘If it’s a letter…’

Isn’t it a deep exchange?

“Yeah. I want to ask what might be the reason why he’s not replying?”

“Why did your friend send you the letter?”’

Besides, he didn’t know his place and didn’t reply.

Argention was in tears without realizing it.

But he asked calmly.

There could be letters exchanged between a woman and a man.

If it’s a ‘friend’.

Now is not the past, and there is no law not to be friends with the opposite sex.

‘No, there isn’t.’

But Argention’s eyes burned red.

He was full of anger even though he didn’t know why he felt this way.

And Roselina’s answer was shocking and disastrous.

“My friend decided to give the man something. He promised to meet my friend if she gives it back.”

A thousand fire rose from Argention’s chest.

The blood vessels in his neck were so strong that he couldn’t help it.

Why should Roselina ask someone to meet her while offering something of her own?

And at the same time, he knew who the man was.

‘Prince Calix’

Actually, it couldn’t have been anyone but him.

Originally, there was no one beside Roselina.

Except for the guy she’s been close to lately.

‘Hateful beast.’

Argention did not neglect Callix even though he knew his situation.

He once tried to save Kalix, too.

“I don’t need your help, so go away.”

However, Kalix was able to get out of Memento Mori on his own, and he didn’t need anyone else’s help.

He spent his time at Memento Morri on his own accord.

And Roselina, who found the beast, pitied him.

She continued to come and go to Memento Mori to treat the beast and find out their identity.

The way he pretended to be weak was also disgusting.

‘I can’t forgive you for using Roselina.’

He deserved to die.

But it wasn’t certain yet.

His guess is close to 99% true, but not 100%.

Argention asked as if he were scrambling for confirmation.

“He said he’d meet your friend if your friend brings something? Is it money?”

“Oh, how did you know?”

The answer that came back was simply hopeless.

I can’t believe Roselina was giving away her money.’

‘Is that how much he means to her?’

As Argention knows, the most important thing for Roselina was money.

She didn’t even lose her money to herself.

I can’t believe Roselina gave money to that brute.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it? He’s a real piece of crap.”


Argention tried to persuade Roselina.

She should never let such a guy within a 100km radius, and there is nothing good about being close to him.

“Master, I’m sorry. This is actually my story.”

“Yes, I thought so. Lady Roselina. Don’t meet a guy like that.”

“But I must meet him.”

Then Roselina had tears in her eyes.

As soon as he saw her moist eyes, Argention could not think of anything.

“Are you all right?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I’m not crying. Don’t worry.”

It was pitiful that Roselina tried to make excuses.

“Master, is there any way to get a reply?”

“Well, why don’t you join the hunting contest?”


Calix is being educated as a crown prince.

Then he will definitely participate in the hunting competition.

He will be able to make up for the absence of the past by participating in events hosted by the imperial family.

Argention was convinced.

“Don’t worry. He will participate.”

And he’ll win.

Will Calix, the winner of the hunting contest, offer Roselina the prize?

I twisted my mind at the thought of it.


When I thought that Calix was turning a blind eye to Roselina, I was furious.

All the more to think that Roselina, who was shunned by Calix, would be sad.

‘Who do you think you are? How dare you.’

Eventually, Argention made an impulsive decision.

He decided to participate in the hunting contest.

Argention, who had ambitiously obtained the application for the hunting competition, had only one goal.

‘I’ll only let go of the young beasts.’

His eyes burned with determination.



Roselina opened her eyes wide when she heard of Argention’s participation in the hunting competition in a newspaper article.

“As the Master said, Argention is in the hunting contest.”

According to the article, it seemed that he applied by a narrow margin on the last application day.

“You ignored my letters………… But you’ll participate in the hunting competition?”

Roselina’s eyes were filled with anger.

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