“R, Reaper?”

“I’m not a reaper, I’m Roselina, your sister.”

I felt sorry for the child who mistook me for a reaper, but I smiled without distorting my expression.

‘If my face gets messy now, the child will think it’s all his fault.’

I approached the child carefully.

“Who……… ? Rose?”

“Did you know about me?”

When asked, the child nodded cautiously.

“I heard the director and Elizabeth talking.”

“I see.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”

Suddenly, the child began to beg for his hands.

“I’m a bad kid. I shouldn’t have overheard it, but I did!”

The child’s face was in fear, showing how abusive the head of the orphanage and Elizabeth had been.

“It’s all right.”

I spoke quietly at a slight distance so that the child wouldn’t be scared.

Of course, the child didn’t hear at first.

Still, I kept talking.

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.”

“Sorry, sorry……….”

“It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

After repeating it several times, the child seemed to have heard me.

The child opened his eyes wide.

bright green eyes glistening wet

“It’s all right…………?”

“Yes, I’m really fine. You didn’t do anything wrong. I did the wrong thing.”

“Yes, yes? What do you mean, I don’t know. I’m sorry…….”

“I should have picked you up earlier, and I shouldn’t have let you come here in the first place. I’m sorry.”

The child’s eyes were wide open.

Even though he was about to overflow with tears, the child held back his tears.

“It’s late, but I’m here to pick you up now. Let’s go home.”

“Oh, home……? Do I have a home?”

“Of course, you have a home and a father and an older brother. Because you’re the precious youngest son of Brighton.”


The child couldn’t hold back any longer and burst into tears.

I snuggled up the crying child.

The child was too light even though he was 14 years old, a time of growing up.

To the point where I’m scared that the child will break if I hold him a little too hard.

The slow development of the child, which seemed a few years younger than my age, told me how hard it was for the child.

“Don’t worry about anything now.”

I patted the child on the back.

So that the child can cry as much as he wants.

after a long time the child calmed down

I let the child drink water out of the inventory.

“Oh, thank you………….”

The child drinking water was cute.

“Drink this, too.”


It was a nutritional potion for patients who had to supplement their nutrition.

The child who drank the potion asked me.


“Yes. Why?”

“What’s my name?”

Even when the child was swollen, he looked up at me with sparkling eyes.


I don’t know either.

I was a little embarrassed, but I didn’t want to disappoint the child.

“Can I name you?”

“Yes! I like it!”

When asked carefully, the child nodded willingly.

After thinking for a while, I looked into the child’s eyes.

“How about Leonhardt?””


“You are stronger than anyone else. There’s no name that suits you better. It means stronger than a lion.”

“Wow, that’s great!”

Ah, Leonhardt liked it, clapping his hands.

I patted him on the head and added.

“Let’s make your nickname Heart. You will be loved more than anyone else.”

“A, all right…………….”

When I finished speaking, I was taken aback now.

It was because Leonhardt’s eyes were teary.

“Shall we go now?”


After a while, Leonhardt calmed down and we left the attic together.

As soon as I came out, I shot a slingshot and smashed the attic.

“Oh, my…”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Were you scared? I was so angry that I couldn’t control myself.”

“No, I think you’re really strong. It’s cool………!”

I was worried that Leonhardt might have been scared, but fortunately he wasn’t.

“What’s going on?”

“What are you talking about?”

The children who were sleeping in the room rushed out at the loud noise.

The children alternately looked at me holding Leonhardt’s hand.

“What? Why are you taking the unnamed kid?”

“Shouldn’t we tell the director?”

“Why is the unnamed bastard raising his head in front of us? Hey, won’t you put your head down?”

Leonhardt’s shoulders fell as the children began to talk.

I can’t believe even these young children were treating Leonhardt like that.

‘I can’t move on like this, even though they’re children.’

After I stopped, I looked through the children standing in the hallway one by one.

“Why? Because Hart is my brother. He’s my one and only precious brother in the world.”

“I won’t let anyone act recklessly with my brother. Like the room I just destroyed. Does anyone have any complaints?”

Of course, there could not have been any complaints.

I passed through the silent children.

By the time I almost passed.

“Take me with you!”

cried a child standing in front of me.

“I want to get out of here, too!”

The child seemed desperate.

That kid was one of the few who didn’t stare at Leonhardt.

“All right, then you’ll come with me.………”

But the next moment.

The child fell to the floor due to a strong kick from behind.

“What is this………!”

When I looked back hurriedly, I saw Elizabeth in a cold sweat.

“Roselina! Are you interrupting me?”

Elizabeth stared at me with spiteful eyes even though she couldn’t control herself properly in pain.

“I won’t quit! I’m gonna kill you!”

“It’s strange.”

I muttered as I saw Elizabeth staggering at me.

“Don’t tell me you think I’m here alone, and you believe you can move on if I’m the only one who takes care of it?”

“What, what…?”

“I couldn’t have come alone. I’m not a fool like you.”

I pointed to the window. Elizabeth’s neck creaked back toward the window.

“It’s nice that the window is big.”

You can see the full force of Brighton knights.

The knights surrounded the entire fence so that no one could get out of here.

“Well, anyway, there are chimeras here-!”

“Oh, those chimeras? I’m sorry, but I’ve tamed them all.”

I pointed to the chimeras gathered on one side of the garden.

The chimeras who heard my voice gasped and wagged their tails wildly.

Elizabeth’s face was horribly distorted when she saw it.

“Ah! Roselina!”

Elizabeth rushed at me to see if there was any more place to retreat.

“Argh! Roselina–!”

I covered Leonhardt’s eyes so that he wouldn’t see.

Elizabeth jumped up and down, perhaps more annoyed by the appearance.

But –

The sword behind her cut Elizabeth with a single stroke.


Elizabeth, who fell on the floor, wriggled.

“W, who the hell…………!”

Elizabeth looked back and was shocked.

There stood the Duke of Brighton with a cold look.

“So, did I come here alone?”

I grinned and mocked Elizabeth.

I’m the only one who can move using the location tracker, so I just came first.

I shared the whole situation with the Duke of Brighton and Leodor, of course.

The first thing I did when I arrived near the Hope for the Poor was to find the coordinates here and inform the Duke.

“Elizabeth Moliot. You will be stripped of your nobility and executed without trial. Appreciate the presence of children right now. Otherwise I would have cut your throat myself.”

The duke spoke coldly and signaled, and the knights arrested Elizabeth.

The duke gripped the handle of the sword hard.

He seemed to want to cut Elizabeth with a sword right away.

“Father, here’s our youngest.”

I called his attention.

As soon as I finished speaking, the duke opened his eyes.

“Oh, that child………….”

I whispered to Leonhardt as I saw the Duke walking carefully.

“Hart. He’s our father.”

Then I removed the hand that covered Leonhardt’s eyes.

“F, Father……?”

“Child, it’s your first time seeing me. I am your father.”

The duke knelt down in front of Leonhardt.

Leonhardt looked up at me. As if he;s asking me.

“You can go and hug him.”

Leonhardt, who heard me, approached the Duke timidly and hugged him.

The Duke, who held Leonhardt tightly, was speechless for a moment.

“Thank you. Thank you for living, thank you for holding out……….”

“Oh, my…”

Eventually, Leonhardt burst into tears again.

After organizing everything, we returned to the Brighton mansion.

“Youngest, you were really alive!”

Leodor, who had to stay to protect the mansion, was waiting at the main gate crying.

And a few days later, Elizabeth was put to death.

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