After the situation calmed down a little, I shut myself up in the room.

‘It’s time to settle the reward.’

[There are notifications that you have not checked yet. Do you want to check?]

“Of course.”

[⟨Saving the child⟩ has been confirmed]

[You have completed the quest scenario ⟨Blessing of Brighton⟩!(5)

[50 fateful energy will be given as a reward]

[The linked quest will be opened as a reward. Would you like to check it out now?]

After thinking for a while, I finally checked the quest.

[Discover the truth of the kidnapping of Leonhardt Brighton] (1)

You’ve seen the documents about Leonhardt Brighton in Hope of the Poor.

There was an entry in the document, “Specialty: A blood sacrifice of Brighton.”

What does it mean? A sacrifice to a peaceful empire?

You need to find out about this right now.

Find out information about the group that was trying to sacrifice Leonhardt Brighton!

Conditions: Find out information about the group that was about to sacrifice Leonhard Brighton

– Reward: 100 Fate energy]

‘This is a lot of fate energy.’

It seemed to be such an important quest.

‘I’ll think about that later and start with the level up.’

[Characteristic ⟨Trainer of a beast that tames any life⟩ can be leveled up. Do you want to level up?]

I accepted the level up.

[Leveling up]……… [Successfully leveled up!]

[Current rating: D]

[50 Fate energy will be given as a reward]

[Learned a new skill ⟨Communicate with the beast⟩]

I checked the information window for the skill.

[Communicating with a beast]

You’re becoming a great beast trainer.

In this case, what is needed is a way to communicate with a beast.

Through this skill, you can truly communicate with a beast.

In addition, under the influence of your characteristic ⟨Taming any life⟩, the target of communication is expanded from predators.

The higher the attribute level, the greater the range of communication available.]

‘It seems okay.’

There seems to be no place to use right now, but there must be in the future.

“Lady Roselina. It’s time for you to attend the meeting.”


Antonia’s voice came from outside the door.

People from the Hope of the Poor are doomed.

After decades of abuse of Brighton’s immediate family, Leonhardt Brighton, he was discovered.

And illegally, they combined wild animals and evil spirits to create chimeras.

‘It turned out that Hope of the Poor itself was an unauthorized building.’

Regardless of this or that, there is only a way for the Hope of the Poor to go bankrupt.

‘It would be great if it ended here.’

Future countermeasures against chimera had to be discussed along with the children found in Hope of the Poor orphanage.

Especially since the chimeras were tamed by me, so I had to participate in the meeting unconditionally.

“I heard Roselina tamed the chimera. Are you sure?”

The attention of those gathered in the conference hall was focused on me by one of the family members’ remarks.

I nodded calmly.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“How did you tame so many chimeras in such a short time?”

“Baron Latope! What is the intention of the question now? You’re not trying to drive Roselina, are you?”

I didn’t really think much about it, but the Duke’s expression was fierce.

Through this incident, the Duke seemed to have a very strong mind to protect his family.

“That’s not what I meant. It’s just that I………!”

“I’m fine. Let me explain.”

Baron Latope looked thrilled when I stepped in.

‘Maybe my father was after this, too.’

Sure enough. A faint sense of satisfaction flashed across the Duke’s face.

My father wants the vassals to stand by me.

“Actually, I haven’t announced it publicly yet, but I awakened my mana a while ago.”

“Roselina, is that true?”

“Yes, I became a disciple of the Head of the Magic Tower after my discovery.”

The vassals who were not interested in me seemed to be impressed.

“According to the Lord of the Magic Tower, it was a case of awakening later because the mana I had was huge. He also told me that the animals would follow me well because of the purity of the mana.”

The Master Mage never said the last sentence.

‘But I’m not lying.’

The beasts were instinctively attracted to me by the nature of my beast trainer skill.

The Master Mage told me that nature and the lives that live in it like pure magic.

If you combine these two facts, it’s the same thing

Naturally rationalized, I continued.

“The chimera seems to have responded to my mana because they’re a combination of a beast and a monster.”

(t/n: I’ll be referring to the chimeras as a combination of a beast and a monster/demon instead)

People seemed convinced when I told a plausible story.

After a while, after the meeting.

I headed for the garden.

“Lady Roselina, are you here?”

“Greetings, my lady. The chimeras are howling and going crazy!”

The knights guarding the entrance to the garden were about to cry at me.

The children were given separate quarters, but there was no place for chimeras to stay.

‘They can’t be locked up in an underground prison, and they can’t be released freely in the Brighton mansion.’

So the place I came up with was a garden that only Brighton’s immediate family could enter.

People don’t usually come and go here, so in case of emergency, there won’t be any casualties

They don’t have to lock up innocent chimeras.

“The chimeras listened well to what I told them not to leave the garden.”

I entered the garden welcomed by the knights.

The chimeras, who were running around the fairy tree, began to run toward me.

The cries of various beasts rang out.

“Come slowly. You’ll get hurt running.”

When I said it indifferently, the chimeras who understood me slowed down with an emotional expression.

The chimeras understood me, but I couldn’t understand them.

‘I wish I could communicate with them. I guess they know something since they spent time in the orphanage.’

The meeting continued for a long time, but I was not able to talk deeply due to a lack of information on the orphanage.

Elizabeth was executed, and the director and other officials could not be stopped from killing themselves and giving information.


I stood tall with a sudden thought.

Then I quickly opened the skill window.

[Communicating with a beast]

You’re becoming a great beast trainer.

In this case, what is needed is a way to communicate with a beast.

Through this skill, you can truly communicate with a beast.

In addition, under the influence of your characteristic ⟨Taming any life, the target of communication is expanded from predators>.

The higher the attribute level, the greater the range of communication available.]

“Can this be applied to them?”

That would be awesome.………?

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

In front of a dark altar

Countless people were kneeling.

“Didn’t I say I don’t tolerate failure?”

The person standing alone turned around and scolded.

The people kneeling at the words shouted in unison.

“Sorry, sorry!”

However, the person wearing a hood was not satisfied with the apology.

“But why was the offering in the Hope of the Poor orphanage able to escape?””

“Sorry, sorry………!”

“This is proof that our great God was angry because your faith was not deep. In other words, you have to take joint responsibility.”

People began to tremble at his words.

“Of course, the sin should be repaid by death.”

The person reached out his arm and grabbed the man by the neck.


The man spat out blood and drooped.

When the person beckoned, the man disappeared.

It was simply a great and fearful force.


“Please forgive me………!”

Those who watched the man’s end trembled with fear.

“Remember, if your faith is deep, our great God realizes everything that our brothers imagine.”

The person glanced around the crowd.

“How do you think I got this power? It’s the power that our great God gave us. Praise our great God!”

“Ah, our great God!”

“Great God!”

The person raised his lips with satisfaction while listening to people’s voices.

Then he went on.

“And swear. I will never fail to do the will of our great God again.”

“I swear!”

“I swear!”

The person, who heard people’s fearful vows, turned the hood over.

“Then I will continue to tell you what our great God has said.”

“Ah, thank you!”

“For our great God!”

Those who had been in fear until a while ago shed tears and rejoiced.

It was a scene of madness.

The person looked down at such people without any expression.

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