Divorce Will Be Completed in 3 Seconds


As of that day, I began to search for the name of the Spirit.

However, there was very little information about the Spirit.

As if it has been deliberately removed.


Sitting absent-mindedly and sighing, the beast chimeras flocked.

– So you’re just sitting there, not playing with me?

– You didn’t put enough effort into the lion snacks today. Kyuu.

– All the toys are torn. Give me a new toy! We have a right to play with new toys!

– We have! We have!

I waved helplessly at the beast chimeras.

“Go away… I don’t have the energy to play around today.”

– If you bring me food, snacks, and new toys, your job is done.

The beast chimeras became quiet, perhaps because I was tired.

I lay on the lawn and crossed my arms to block my view.

I wanted to rest a little because my eyes were dry from searching through books all night.

“Where should I go to get information on spirits….?”

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

While Roselina was asleep, the beast chimeras sat round.

– Hmm. Shall we start the meeting?

– Is it time to lend a hand to that proud human?

The beast chimeras spoke in a completely different tone than when Roselina was awake.

– That pink human is our benefactor.

Everyone nodded when the lion, the representative of the beast chimera, talked.

In fact, they were not a beast chimera mixed with wild animals, contrary to the thoughts of Roselina and others.

They were originally spirits, who only look like they are now because of a curse.

A long time ago, their existence was erased and denied by a now unspeakable story.

They’re like this right now because of a curse.

– Hope the king wakes up soon.

Everything will change once their king returns.

– That’s right. Wasn’t she the one who saved our king?

– They’re brothers and sisters and she shares the blood of the king.

And their king was Leonhardt Brighton.

The moment Leonhardt was born, the spirits gathered and celebrated with joy.

How long has it been since their king came back?

But they were soon sad and frustrated.

What kind of fate is this?

– Why did God create our king and not let him be born!

Their king was destined to die without being born.

The future that the spirits saw was accurate.


– The king is alive!

– The king is not dead!

The spirits followed the king’s trail with joy.

The trail led them to the Hope of the Poor.

– What is this?

– Why is our king here?

The spirits were greatly perplexed.

Their king was living at the most humble and the lowest place in the empire.

In addition, those who recognized their king extended their greedy hands.

Without knowing their place, they tried to make their king a human sacrifice.

– Alas, why should our king live such a miserable life!

Spirits wept daily, beating their chests and beating their heads.

But they couldn’t do anything because of the law of causality.

– If I die alone, I will save the king and die……!

However, as soon as they touched the causality, their king was the one who was most ruined.

There was no hope for the spirits who gathered in the Hope of the Poor.

They had to watch their king, who they loved, die little by little every day.

It was Roselina who appeared then.

Roselina stirred and flipped fate that no one could have touched, and saved the king.

At that moment, all spirits were enveloped in joy.

– Our king has escaped the fate of destruction!

– The pink human saved our king!

From that moment on, Roselina was no different from their king.

– I like pink people quite a lot, too. She was a good player.

– She’s not a bad person, given that she prepares us a meal that suits our taste.

– I don’t hate her either. We can communicate well.

The spirits pretended they didn’t, but still showed favor to Roselina.

– How about helping the pink human without touching the causalities?

– That’s a good idea. Raise your hand if you agree.

The spirits raised their hands one by one.

There’s nothing to count. It’s unanimous.

– What does the pink human want?

It’s information about spirits.

– Isn’t that something that can be solved only if the king awakens?

The spirits stared at each other.

– But we shouldn’t intervene directly in the king’s life until he awakens.

– That’s right. That’s what’s causing the causalities.

– What should we do then?

The meeting of the spirits continued for a long time.

They were so absorbed in the meeting that they didn’t notice at all.

Roselina woke up at one point and stiffened.

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

‘What are they talking about…?’

I was so shocked that I couldn’t move.

‘That pink human is our benefactor.’

I reflected on the voice of the beast chimeras.

‘Do they call me a pink human?’

But what’s more shocking was this.

– That’s right. She saved our king.

– They’re brothers and sisters and she shares the blood of the king.

It was this conversation.

‘What do they mean, our king? I think they mean Leonhardt judging by the context.’

My kind and cute Leonhardt is the king of the beast chimeras.

‘They have to stop saying such nonsense. How dare these beasts call him their king?’

I snorted.

I vowed never to bring Leonhardt here.

But my resolution was in vain.

“Sister, I heard there’s a fairy tree in the mansion”

Leonhardt, who’s at the age of curiosity, began to twinkle his eyes.

Since he was already a child who was interested in spirits, he seemed to have a deep interest in the fairy tree.

“Oh, yes….”

I replied rather disagreeably.

“I want to go to the garden with the fairy’s tree!”

I was the only one who had access to the garden these days because of the chimera beasts.

If Leonhardt wants it, I should show him the garden right away, but…….

‘No, the beast chimeras are tying Leonhardt to them.’

I can’t let them do that. I have to protect Leonhardt.

So I avoided Leonhardt’s eyes and refused with difficulty.

“S, sorry. Hart. I’m a little busy today. Let’s go next time, okay?”

“I’m sorry to ask you this favor when you’re busy.”

But as soon as I heard Leonhardt apologize, my heart shook.

Leonhardt said this much, but I was so trashy not taking him to the garden.

“No. Come to think of it, I think I can go.”

“You’re not overdoing it because of me, are you? You don’t have to. I can wait until my sister has time.”

“No, it’s really fine.”

Eventually, I took Leonhardt’s hand and headed for the fairy’s tree garden.

‘You beasts. Don’t you dare touch even the tip of Leonhardt’s hair.’

As of that day, the quality of their meal will be greatly reduced.

I’ll reduce the number of snacks that they used to eat from three times a day to two.

I watched the beasts with fire in my eyes.

But nothing happened.


“Sister, don’t you think the beasts are avoiding me?”

“Well… I guess so.”

“Is it because I haven’t shown my face in a while? When we were together before, they liked me when they saw me.….”

They seemed to avoid him to the point where he noticed.

Even if Leonhardt approaches, they sneak away.

“Then shall we not come here anymore?”

I asked quickly in order not to miss this opportunity.

It was suspicious that the attitude of the beast chimeras was so different compared to when she was alone with them.

“No, I want to come every day from now on! So I want to get along with them again.”

But Leonhardt was too nice.

“Oh, if you’re not busy.”

He wiggled his fingers after saying this.

Eventually, I visited the garden with Leonhardt every day with tears in my eyes.

“I’m so happy to spend more time with you!”

Yeah, as long as you’re happy…….

And there was also an unexpected advantage.

The beast chimeras bothered me less.

They closed their mouths as if they wanted to look dignified in front of Leonhardt.

Even if they came out naturally, they only had necessary conversations.

“How’s your meal today? Is it good?

– The food I ate yesterday was more delicious. Kyuu.


There are more days like that.

One day, suddenly, Leonhardt declared a bombshell.

“Sister, I think I understand what the beasts are saying.”

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