Leonhardt liked spirits. There was something familiar about them for some reason.

In fairy tale books, he was not scared of them, even though they usually play a villain.

“The youngest Young Master. Would you like to go for a walk around the fairy tree garden today?”

“The Fairy Tree? What’s that?”

“It’s the tree where fairies who protect the Brighton family from generation to generation lived.”

“Wow! That’s amazing!”

Leonhardt sprang up from his seat.

“What’s the difference between a fairy and a ghost?”

“Hmm. I am not sure. I’m sorry, youngest Young Master.”

“It’s okay. There’s a lot I don’t know.”

Leonhardt was excited at the thought of going to see the fairy tree.

But the maid could not enter the fairy’s tree garden.

“Only Brighton can enter, and there are beast chimeras inside. Let’s enter the garden next time.”

“Yes, I see.”

Leonhardt was a little disappointed, but he didn’t let it show in his face.

He was so happy these days that it didn’t matter if he couldn’t get into the garden.

‘But I can go with my sister!’

As Leonhardt expected, Roselina took him to the fairy tree garden.


Leonhardt admired it.

The moment he entered the garden, the air became clear.

“I think my mind became clearer and my body became lighter.”‘

I guess the beasts forgot about me. They were shy.

‘It’s okay! We can get closer again.’

So Leonhardt went in and out of the fairy tree garden every day.

‘She’s really amazing.’

Roselina was now in charge of the beasts.

She packed meals and snacks and checked if the beasts were sick.

That alone would have made her very busy, but she also worked hard talking to each beast.

“It’s the meat that you said was delicious yesterday.”

– Creung.

Roselina’s words made the beast cry satisfactorily.

Roselina also spoke to the next beast.

“You said you liked this toy, right? I brought several.”

– Kruuuuuu.

“Don’t lose it and play with it carefully.”

Leonhardt liked to watch them.

‘My heart is getting soft.’

And then, one day.

“You need to lose some weight. Stop eating now.”

– Kruuuuu… I don’t want to……… Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Even that day, Roselina was feeding the wild beasts.

“You should eat some rice. What else don’t you like?”

– Kruuuu… It’s not delicious…

“What do you mean it’s not good? It’s good for you, there are a lot of kids who can’t eat because they don’t have this either.”

– Hing. . . . . . ..

Strange words began to be heard through the cries of the beasts.


Leonhardt tilted his head.

‘Did I hear it wrong?’

Thinking like that, the day passed.

But the next day.

“I told you not to steal his food! Why do you want to eat other kids’ food when I give it to you according to the amount?

– I took it away… Crrrrrrrrrrrrr.……… No, it’s not……………!

“What? Why didn’t you eat your meal and give it to her? You skip meals every other day after coming here.”

– The color is… …

He could hear the beast’s words more clearly than yesterday.

‘I didn’t hear it wrong!’

Leonhardt clasped his hands and shone his eyes.

‘There must be a special ability to talk to a beast. And I have the ability to…………!’

Leonhardt was happy because he felt a little closer to his respected sister.

It wasn’t just that.

“Hi, fairy tree.”

Leonhard gently stroked the beautiful tree.

The closer he got to the fairy tree, the better he felt.

“Huh? Are you…?”

Leonhardt, who found something, opened his eyes wide.

On the day Roselina came to his rescue, there was a figure that showed in the director’s office.

It was clearer that day to call it a shadow.

It was a boy the size of Leonhardt’s palm.

Its head and eyes were fresh light green, with two pairs of leaf-shaped wings on its back.

It was exactly what was depicted in the fairy tale.

‘What I was dreaming of happened………!’

Leonhardt was so happy that he wanted to jump up and down, but he held back in fear that the little fairy would run away in surprise.

“Are you a fairy?”

Leonhardt lowered his voice and whispered, and the fairy nodded.

“We’ve met before, haven’t we? Are you the fairy who came to see me?”

When asked by Leonhardt, the fairy nodded again this time.

Leonhardt’s face was animated.

“Wow! Nice to see you again. Thank you very much for the last time.”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Leonhard, feeling friendly, chattered.

“You know, looking at you really makes sense.”

The fairy tilted his head at Leonhardt’s words.

“I really thought I was abandoned because I was a bad kid. But, it wasn’t the case. My sister came running to me as soon as she found out about my existence, and you came to me, too. I wasn’t abandoned.”

The fairy, who listened to Leonhardt, flapped his wings as if affirming.

“You know, it’s a secret, but I want to grow up and help children like me. I need to grow up fast to do that, right? I need to get stronger.”

It was floating in front of Leonhardt’s face, and then flew closer.

– Do you want to find your strength?

“Huh? Strength? What strength do I have?”

– The power you originally have

“I’m not sure what you mean. But I want it! Because I love spirits!”

Leonhardt’s green eyes glowed blue.

“And if I have strength, it may help you.”

Leonhardt really liked the Spirit.

But in fact, there was something he liked more than spirits.

It was his sister.

Still, sometimes Leonhardt had nightmares at night.

It was because of the fear that when he opened his eyes, he would be in the Hope of the Poor again.

But Roselina was the one who helped him overcome his fear.

‘If that happens again, my sister will come to my rescue.’

Because of that faith, Leonhardt was able to smile brightly, eat deliciously, and jump excitedly.

So he really wanted to be of help to his sister someday.

– All right. I…I’ll give you back the power I’ve kept at risk of my life.

Leonhardt has not yet fully understood the fairy’s words.

However, he felt a refreshing and green energy spreading through his body.


When he closed his eyes and opened them, the fairy was gone.

“Where did it go?”

Leonhardt turned his head.

“I told you to stop ripping the doll! You guys don’t even clean this up!”

– Lions are cute. Kyuu.

“You better keep your mouth shut!”

There was no fairy in sight, but Roselina was scuffling with the beasts from a distance.

“I heard it, you’re no longer a child. You’ve aged this much, but why are you acting like a baby now? You scammers.”

– I’m embarrassed to hear that.

– Lions are precious, so we have to listen to only good words and pretty words. Kyuu.

“Ugh, let me tell you……………”

Roselina pretended not to like it, but was taking care of the beasts with all her heart, and the beasts also seemed to know that.

Leonhardt, who was trying to run toward his sister without thinking much, stopped.


He can hear all the beasts

Leonhardt immediately reported this to Roselina.

“Sister, I think I understand what the beasts are saying.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I don’t know either. Maybe my ears adapted because we’ve been together.

Leonhardt grinned.


No, he’s not here for language study. Does this make sense?

He lost his mind for a moment trying to take care of the beasts, so he thought he heard some nonsense.

But at that moment.

– I see our king.

– Greetings to our king.

– It’s an honor to finally meet the king.

All the beast chimeras bowed their heads.

“What’s going on?”

But this time, the beast chimeras bowed to him.

– I would like to express my eternal gratitude and respect to you for saving our king.

– You are an eternal friend of our clan.

At that moment, a notification came to mind.

[A big change!]

[Something that wasn’t fated to happen has changed!]

[The spirits saved the king’s life and made him regain his will!]

[The spirits hidden throughout the continent are greatly pleased.]

[You earned the title, 〈The benefactor of the Spirit King and Guardian of the Spirits〉]

[From now on, all spirits will show favor to you!]

[100 fateful energy will be given]


Being stunned by the pouring notifications, I finally came to my senses after a while.

‘Was Leonhardt really the king? The Spirit King?’

What I did without much thought turned his fate upside down, and the notification window was a mess.

The reward was not over there.

[Skill〈The one who breaks the Wheel of Fate〉 level up!]

[Leveling up]……… [Successfully leveled up!]

[Current rating: C]

[50 Fate energy will be given as a reward]

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Read latest Chapters at Web Novel . Site Only

[Scenario 〈A person who peeks and changes fate is created as a level-up reward]

[A new quest has occurred. Do you want to check?]

The notification came to mind again without giving her time to check the quest.


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