202. The ceiling of two fried noodles! It determines the superiority and the life and death!

Lao Zhan knew that the Lu Ji snack stand next door came from Annan District

Qin Hui asked me to come here for this purpose.

At the food festival, many stalls in the Lotus District were pressed to the ground by a snack stall in the Annan District. It was really outrageous.

Now it seems that his snack stand is really popular!

Why are these diners rushing over to line up like a bunch of drug addicts?

Is his food really that delicious?

Or is it a false illusion created by hiring a large number of agents?

After all, the stall owner is too young, so it is unlikely that he has superb cooking skills.

There is no shortcut to cooking. You can only rely on careful thinking and hard practice day after day. You can’t be lazy at all.

In the Chinese food industry, which chef becomes famous without being at least 40 years old?

I’ve never heard of a young man in his twenties with superb cooking skills. Most of them are apprentices.

When Lao Zhan was in his twenties, he didn’t even want to eat the noodles he cooked.

So he was sure that no matter how good Lu’s business was, it was definitely not because the stall owner’s fried noodles were delicious.

After thinking for a while, Lao Zhan emptied his mind and stopped thinking about miscellaneous things.

If you want to do something to the extreme, you need great concentration, which is the key to success.

Lao Zhan has been making noodles for 28 years in a small, dirty shop.

There are no tables for customers to sit and eat in the store, so you can only take out.

Lao Zhan fried noodles are very cheap and never raise prices randomly

He will not raise the price just because the product is selling well. The only reason for the price increase could be the corresponding increase in the price of the ingredients.

Lao Zhan is indifferent to everything else, but he is very enthusiastic about stir-frying noodles

Maybe this is why James’s level of stir-frying has reached a ceiling.

When locals mention Guozi Street in Lianhua District, no one doesn’t know about Lao Zhan’s fried noodles.

Soon, someone recognized it.

“Eh? It’s Lao Zhan, the Lao Zhan fried noodles downstairs from my home in Jinfeng community!”

“Lao Zhan fried rice noodles? Is it famous?”

“Lao Zhan’s fried noodles may not be very famous in the whole Jiangcheng, but it is a household name in the Guozi Street and Huaimin Road areas!”

“Lao Zhan’s fried noodles may not be popular, but it must be delicious!”

“This fried noodle shop will be very popular, but the old man has a bad temper and never accepts interviews. Even when customers took videos with their mobile phones and uploaded them to Tik Tok to help promote Master Zhan, he chased them out with a broom handle, haha!”

“Good wine needs to be well known if it is not well-known. Lao Zhan’s fried noodles are only well-known in a few nearby streets, but they are really delicious. When I was in high school, I was a day student, and those beasts in my class asked me to carry a school bag every day. My school bag weighed more than ten pounds, and it was all fried noodles!”

“Master Zhan has been making fried noodles for nearly half his life, and he can be said to have reached the pinnacle of his craft. It is truly amazing that he can do one thing to such an extent. His fried noodles are really something you never get tired of. I have been eating his fried noodles for breakfast for several months!”

“I haven’t tried Master Zhan’s fried noodles, so I wonder how they compare to Boss Lu’s?”

“Boss Lu’s fried noodles are also delicious! Let me give you my rating, it’s the ceiling!”

“I just came here and have never eaten at Lu Ji, but I think it is impossible for him to surpass Master Zhan. As the saying goes, old ginger is still spicy.”

For a time, the discussion between Lao Zhan and Lu Ji spread among diners.

Most people are not only foodies, but also love to eat melons

Eating delicious food and melons at the same time has added fuel to the food festival

Soon, more and more people came to the Lao Zhan Fried Noodles and Lu Ji Snacks stalls.

The two people on the right side of Lu Ji Snack Stall, Zeng Quanyou who made crystal shrimp dumplings and Master Qian who specialized in Sichuan cuisine, also stopped what they were doing and watched this scene with interest.

They thought that Lu Ji’s only opponent was themselves, but they didn’t expect there were other opponents.

They couldn’t help but wonder, isn’t the owner of this Lu Ji snack stand a specialist? Or is he a jack of all trades?

So young?

Can’t he be good at everything?

Although it is not a competition, the two stalls side by side have started making fried noodles, which looks like a competition.

Lu Qin also noticed something. The stall on his left was selling skewers yesterday, but today it suddenly changed.

The booth fee for this kind of stall in the food festival is a one-time payment, from the beginning to the end, it is unlikely to withdraw from the stall in the middle.

Now it has temporarily changed its stall location, but it is still a stall selling fried noodles. Is Lu Ji being targeted?

And the two restaurants on the right, one with crystal shrimp dumplings and the other with Sichuan cuisine, are they also targeting me?

Kind of interesting

Lu Qin was actually very happy to see this kind of”targeting”.

Because every time the stall is closed, there will be a large number of customers who don’t buy food and curse.

If other stalls can divert some of the traffic, it will be able to shut up some of the diners.

Master Zhan has already started frying noodles

Lu Qin also has four or five customers placing orders.

Boss Lu got into the mood and started to concentrate on frying noodles.

Some customers excitedly took out their phones and started filming, already thinking of titles for their videos.

No matter how big the melon is, it’s not too big

【Lao Zhan Fried Noodles at Guozi Street in Lianhua District VS Lu Ji Fried Noodles, both are the ceiling of Jiangcheng fried noodles, which one tastes better?】

【Oh my god! A competition between two super delicious fried noodles at the food festival, a battle of both quality and quality!】

【They are all masters! It’s so wonderful! This is really a benefit for foodies! Not only can you feast your mouth, but you can also feast your eyes!】

【Lao Zhan VS Lu Ji, bet big or small?】

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The customers all looked excited, and more and more people gathered.

Qin Hui was observing all this from a distance, and he had expected this effect.

But he still underestimated the public’s ability to eat melons. So many people gathered around, and the food festival suddenly became more lively.

But it’s okay this way. Qin Hui invited three people here just to keep the Lotus District’s position in the Jiangcheng Food Festival.

The Lotus District will never allow the Annan District to bully them like this.

The process of frying noodles is actually very short. This kind of food is originally a quick meal, which requires stir-frying over high heat and serving quickly.

But the 300-degree flames in the pot and the chef’s quick flipping of the wok are very enjoyable to watch.

Some of the onlookers even applauded!

Awesome 666!

Master Zhan and Boss Lu are indifferent to the outside world’s discussions or filming.

Focus on one

Fried noodles out of the pan

The pot is steaming!

The fragrance is everywhere!

The diners twitched their noses and began to feel hungry.[]

Master Zhan fried three portions in one pot, and Lu Qin fried five portions in one pot

Lu Qin used a spoon to put five portions of fried noodles into boxes, and Master Zhan also put three portions of fried noodles into round plastic boxes.

At this time, Master Zhan turned his head slightly and glanced at the five servings of fried noodles on Lu Qin’s side. His eyes flickered.

Experts know the tricks

Lao Zhan has been cooking noodles for nearly 30 years. You can tell whether a plate of noodles is delicious by just taking a glance at it.

Just by looking at the color and looseness of the noodles, and smelling the odor from the wok, he concluded that the noodles next door must taste good.

The taste of a dish of fried noodles is 30% and the texture is 70%.

The competition between masters is mainly about taste.

Lao Zhan’s fried noodles are so filling that you can eat them in one bite with chopsticks. They are not sticky or tangled.

For ordinary fried noodles, when you pick them up with chopsticks, they are a fist-sized ball that needs to be shaken apart. This is the difference in quality.

He didn’t expect Lu Qin’s fried noodles to be this good.

Old Zhan then looked at Lu Qin. He didn’t expect that this young man had such good skills.


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