203. I can only say that there is a gap in the ceiling, I choose Lu Ji!

The fried noodles from Lao Zhan and Lu Ji are out of the pot

The mobile phone camera slid back and forth to take close-ups of the two fried noodles, and then began to compare them carefully.

These two are almost the ceiling of the fried noodle industry.

Everyone saw that when they were frying the noodles just now, Master Zhan and Boss Lu were both very skilled.

Compared with the usual street fried noodles, their fried noodles are definitely not on the same level

The ceiling is the ceiling, and the strength is very strong!

In terms of quantity, Mr. Lu fried five portions in one pot, while Mr. Zhan fried three portions in one pot.

Anyone who has paid close attention knows that most chefs only fry one portion of rice noodles in one pot. If they fry too much, the taste and texture will deteriorate.

If there is a chef who can fry multiple portions of rice noodles in one pot, but the taste is the same

That means this chef is very good at making noodles.

Boss Lu fried five dishes in one pot, so is his skill better than that of Master Zhan?

That’s not necessarily the case, because I haven’t tasted it yet.

Now that the fried noodles are out of the pan, it’s the most exciting moment!

Which fried noodles are more delicious?

The answer will be revealed soon

For comparison, the customers who ordered the noodles contributed all the fried noodles, and everyone tasted them together.

A group of diners each took up their chopsticks, tried the fried noodles made by Master Zhan, and then tried the fried noodles made by Boss Lu.

Honestly, they’re delicious.

The street fried noodles are better than usual!

This is their unanimous evaluation

But if they were to spend the same amount of money on a serving of fried noodles, they would definitely buy the tastier one! so……

Diners who have tasted both types of fried noodles start to line up

After a while, the result became clear.

Two to eight

There are two people on Master Zhan’s side, and eight people on Boss Lu’s side.

“I chose Boss Lu’s fried noodles, which have a smoother and more elastic taste!”

“I also choose Lu Kee, it is more fresh and fragrant! Delicious!”

“I’m sorry, Master Zhan. I’ve been eating your fried noodles for more than 20 years. I didn’t expect that Lu Ji’s is even better. It’s awesome!”

“Boss Lu’s fried noodles are unbeatable. I originally thought that Lao Zhan’s fried noodles could compete with it, but it seems that older ginger is not always spicier!”

“I can only say that there is a gap in the ceiling, I choose Lu Kee!”

“I choose Master Zhan. I have been eating here for so many years and I am used to his taste!”


Lao Zhan Chao Noodles and Lu Ji are not competing against each other. There is no winner or loser.

But the customer is more willing to buy fried noodles from which restaurant, which one tastes better?

Most customers who want to eat fried noodles go to Lu Kee to queue up to buy them.

There are customers from Lao Zhan, but not many.

There is a big gap between it and Lu Ji

Boss Lu Qin didn’t care about winning or losing. He had only two goals in setting up a stall: one was to make money, and the other was to earn system points.

Nothing else matters

So he continued to take orders for fried noodles

However, the old chef next to him couldn’t continue to stir-fry the noodles.

Qin Hui called him here for a purpose, which was to prevent the fried noodle stalls in Annan District from becoming too arrogant.

No matter what other fried noodles are like, there is always a Lao Zhan fried noodles in Lianhua District

Master Zhan has been making noodles for 28 years. He has not raised the price just because his noodles are delicious.

Despite this, he still bought two houses in the center of Jiangcheng for his two children just by making money from cooking noodles.

It is enough to show that his fried noodles have always had many customers.

Lao Zhan fried noodles is a golden sign

Master Zhan has a hunchback for many years, and he can only straighten up when talking about stir-fried noodles.

That was the pride of his life!

The thing that Lao Zhan does most every day is to fry noodles. From his youth to his old age, he has been breaking through himself.

Breakthrough, breakthrough, it becomes the ceiling

But today, he met a young man

Customers prefer to eat this young man’s fried noodles

It means his fried noodles taste better

“Can I have a taste?”

Master Zhan said to a customer who just bought two servings of Lu Kee Fried Noodles

“Yes, yes”

The customer opened the fried noodles and handed it over

Lu Qin slowed down his frying and looked over.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Master Zhan opened a pair of disposable chopsticks, picked up a bite and put it into his mouth.

He ate it!

After swallowing, Master Zhan’s lips moved slightly.

He didn’t say anything, but he already had the result in his mind.

Where did we lose?

The gap is not just one aspect, but many points

The first is the taste. The other party’s fried noodles are more chewy and chewy.

Why is there this gap?

Proficiency is one of them. There is nothing much to say about this. I can only cook three portions in one pot, but others can cook more than five portions in one pot.

This is hard power

Second, there are slight differences in their choice of ingredients.

Master Zhan tasted that it was Anyang rice noodles. He had fried it with Anyang handmade rice noodles before, but later found that Heyuan rice noodles tasted better, so he always used Heyuan rice noodles.

This may be a matter of habit. Which one is more suitable for you?

But other people use Anyang rice noodles, which are more delicious than the ones you make yourself

Second, their fried noodles are better in terms of oiliness and non-greasy taste.

This requires a lot of control over the heat, the speed and strength of the stir-fry. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

To put it bluntly, the basic skills are not as good as others

Third, seasoning

Everyone has different tastes. Some people like spicy food, some like salty food, and some like sweet food.

But Lao Zhan believes that based on the public’s taste, Lu Ji’s taste is indeed better.


Master Zhan glanced at Lu Qin. There was no frustration or anger in his eyes, only a hint of relief.

There are always talented people in every generation. very good

Master Zhan continued to stir-fry the noodles

He will continue to break through

Although Master Zhan didn’t say a word, the customers could see that Master Zhan’s silence meant he acknowledged that Boss Lu’s fried noodles were better!

The chef himself admitted it!


Regular customers of Lao Zhan Fried Noodles were shocked!

Is it true that Jiangcheng is home to hidden dragons and crouching tigers?[]

Lu Ji Fried Noodles in Annan District is even better than Lao Zhan Fried Noodles!

The official live broadcast room of the Lianhua District Food Festival is broadcasting this scene live

Wu Yiyi opened her mouth slightly, stunned

This scene is really exciting!

The live broadcast effect suddenly appeared!

The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolls rapidly!

Most of the comments were about”Lu Ji 666″ and”Boss Lu is awesome”.

Originally, the audience from the Lotus area accounted for a large proportion of the live broadcast room, but now, the audience from the Annan area is constantly pouring in.

Small gifts are floating all over the screen!

Boss Lu has brought honor to the Annan District food community!

My blood is boiling!

Qin Hui frowned as he watched the live broadcast room filled with comments about the awesome Annan District.

How could this be?

Lao Zhan’s fried noodles are not as good as others?

This is the golden signboard of Lianhua District fried noodles!

Qin Hui stamped his feet. He had no choice but to watch Master Zeng Quanyou’s crystal shrimp dumplings (Good Zhao)

Zeng Quanyou and Master Qian were enjoying the fried noodle competition.

They also know that Lao Zhan fried rice noodles is a stubborn old man who is only obsessed with fried rice noodles. He fried a simple rice noodle to the extreme.

But I didn’t expect that I would be outdone by a young man today.

Is this Lu Ji snack shop from Annan District really that awesome?

Zeng Quanyou suddenly got motivated and started making stuffing and wrapping crystal shrimp dumplings.

After the steamer was put on, people began to line up in front of the stall.

The freshly wrapped and steamed crystal shrimp dumplings are about to be served, and everyone is eagerly waiting for them.

Lu Ji also has crystal shrimp dumplings. Everyone who has tried it is silent while humming in their mouths. It is so delicious!

Boss Lu’s crystal shrimp dumplings can certainly be called the ceiling of crystal shrimp dumplings!

But where did the chef who was making crystal shrimp dumplings next door come from?

Looks very professional, the strength should not be underestimated

Is this another PK?

Here it comes, here it comes again!

The diners around started shouting with excitement again!


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