DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 103: Enter the Dark City

   The necromancer who signed the soul enslavement contract with Shaying suddenly felt his heart and his face turned pale. She looked at her shaking hands and said in disbelief: "Saying's soul...disappeared..."

   As a necromancer, even if Shaying dies unfortunately, she can also rely on necromancy to recall his soul. Even if the body is destroyed, as long as the soul is still there, she can resurrect with another body. But now her contract with Shaying has broken, which means that Shaying's soul has also been wiped out.


   After bypassing the shadow swordsman Shaying, Krent and others encountered a new roadblocker—the headless horseman.

   Krent's face became difficult to look. The route he took was originally the safest. If the appearance of Shaying was a coincidence, it would be difficult to describe the appearance of the Headless Horseman by coincidence!

   The headless knight, like Shaying, is the masterpiece of the necromancer, and the necromancer is a direct force cultivated by the elders.

   In order to prevent Krent from bringing back anything that might prevent the war, Sharpen went crazy and let these powerful guards stop him!

   Looking at the headless horseman in front, Shalan frowned and said, "The power of the Senate is too great."

   Karen nodded, using this level of power to bypass the queen directly. What if the elders would gain power again?

Ruel walked out angrily. He didn't believe that this headless knight was as powerful as Shaying. He had even fought Rommel, the first hero in the undead state. The little headless knight must be better than Rommel. Bully a little!

  Saran also came out, she is not a simple vase, she is the president of the Magic Association.

   Sai Liya didn't have Sister Saran by her side, and she seemed a little embarrassed. She didn't know what to do for a while, so she could only stand in a daze.

   Just as they were about to attack the headless horseman, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind...

   "Hi~ I finally caught up, your maze is really hard to walk, I almost got lost!"

   Ruel looked back and saw Li Wuji catching up safely, and laughed: "Haha! Great! So you are still alive!"

   Others also looked at Li Wuji in surprise, this human being doesn't look like Shaying's opponent!

   Sai Liya felt relieved to see Li Wuji alive. If Li Wuji died to protect them, she would definitely be ashamed for a lifetime.

  Walking up to Li Wuji, Celia looked at Li Wuji, who was covered with scars, and said worriedly: "You are injured, are you okay?"

   "Of course it's okay, how could that gloomy guy be my opponent!"

   In order to show the charm of a man, Li Wuji deliberately did a chest expansion exercise in front of Celia!


   Li Wuji's face became stiff, and the wound he had just injured seemed to be cracked.

   Celia frowned, and said angrily: "Don't pretend, I can see it, it will be no good if the wound opens again!"

Afterwards, Celia took out a bottle of Li Wuji’s very familiar drink from her pocket, and handed it to Li Wuji, and said seriously: "When I was in Huttonmar, Sister Socia and I learned some magic tricks. The method of medicine, I did it myself, I tried it, and it is very effective for the injury!"

   Li Wuji awkwardly stopped the chest expansion exercise, and then took the bottle of "Selia's special cool drink". When he was fighting with Shaying just now, he was also affected by the thunder and lightning he released, and the health bar on his head dropped by 33%. This is the time when consumables are needed!

   "Then I'm not welcome."

   Celia nodded and said, "Can you try it first, if it is not enough, I will still have it here."

   Li Wuji took off the lid and poured it into his mouth.

  "Tons, tons...hiccups~"

   After drinking, Li Wuji could intuitively see that the health bar on his head was about to be full, and his injuries were quickly repaired.

   Li Wuji pretended to be exclaimed: "Too great, Miss Celia, not only do you look good, but you also make these drinks that can restore your injuries. If anyone marries you, that would be a blessing for eight lifetimes!"

   Selia blushed for a while, and quickly waved her hand and said, "Don't say that, it's not as exaggerated as you said~"

   Ruel walked up to Li Wuji and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey! Li Wuji, why don't you bird me?"

   "Ah! Ruel, did you talk to me just now?"

   "Cut, see the obscure guy! Don't just look at the girl, look ahead of us, the road is blocked by the headless horseman!"

   Li Wuji only noticed a figure riding a horse about a hundred meters ahead, standing motionless there.

   "Why doesn't it attack you?"

Sharan replied: "The headless knight is different from Shaying. It is a dark city guard created by the necromancers of the kingdom. When it was created, the order of death was given first-it cannot kill the dark elves. Therefore, it appears in Here, I guess it’s just to stop us from moving forward."

   "Why do you try to get some monsters at the entrance to Dark City? Wouldn't it be troublesome for you to get in and out of Dark City?"

   Krent sighed and said, "These guards weren't here originally. Someone didn't want us to see the queen, so..."

   "Oh~ I understand. Then let's go and fight with it? I don't believe that this headless knight is better than Saying!"

   Ruel patted his chest~www.ltnovel.com~ yelled: "Haha! Just what I want! It's done!"

   When they walked in front of the headless knight, the headless armored warrior held a spear across the crowd.

   Li Wuji took out the lightsaber "Chaos", and he was surprised to find that this sword was a bit dim. It seemed that he had pitted it when he was playing Shaying just now, and he was playing his temper with Li Wuji!

   Soon the sound of knife and gun handover continued to sound, and Li Wuji was actively fighting the headless horseman. And Ruel used his huge hammer to hit the headless knight from time to time.

Sure enough, the headless knight is not as strong as Shaksha, or the strength of the two is similar, but the mobility is much worse than that of Shaksha. Heavy fighters like Ruel are most afraid of fighting against mobile enemies. The speed of the headless knight affects him Not a threat to life.

   So under the constant attack of the two, Sharan snapped his fingers, and a black magic ball fell from the sky, crushing the headless knight's armor into a deformation.

When Li Wuji was about to end the Headless Horseman, Sharan stopped him and explained: "The Headless Horseman is usually a guard who guards the entrance to the Dark City. It is useful to our kingdom. Moreover, this is enough for necromancers to repair. That's it."

   Li Wuji glanced at the headless knight who had lost his combat effectiveness, and sighed: "Well, then we should be able to enter the Dark City now?"


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