DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 104: Minette and Queen Maya

   After leaving the Shadow Labyrinth, Li Wuji was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

   In the dark underground world, a magnificent town can actually appear. Although there is no sunlight, there are thousands of lights here. Roads criss-cross between the tunnels, various houses lined up, and the dark elves on the streets come and go, presenting a prosperous scene.

   Seeing Li Wuji's astonishment, Ruel proudly said: "How! This is the capital of our kingdom, Dark City!"

   Li Wuji praised from his heart: "Awesome, in such an environment, such a big town can be built!"

   Selia is also very pleasantly surprised. The architecture of the Dark City is the opposite of the Huttonmar style. The towns here are all in cool colors, giving people a quiet and quiet feeling.

   However, before he had time to sigh, a group of soldiers in armor quickly came to the crowd and pointed their guns at them.

   "No outsiders are allowed inside!"

   Krent walked out, took out the queen's token, and said coldly: "I am Krent, the queen's messenger."

   The soldiers wanted to take a look, put their weapons away and bowed to Krent, but they still blocked Krent and did not go away.

   Krent said with a sullen face: "Don't let go?"

   "Sir, please forgive me, on the order of the Senate, in order to prevent infectious diseases from being brought to the dark city, we prevent all outsiders from coming in."

   "Then am I an outsider too?"

   The soldiers had nothing to say, but still did not let Krent go.

   "Sorry, my lord, don't make us embarrassed."

   Ruel was furious, they worked so hard to investigate the truth of the infectious disease for the kingdom, and they were turned away when they returned to Dark City!

   "Damn! We are so tired from working outside, and we still have to be blocked by these miscellaneous soldiers. I can't bear it!"

   Ruel angrily stepped forward carrying the sledgehammer.

   Clentra stayed with him, and yelled: "Don't be impulsive! Do you know that it is a capital crime to act on soldiers?"

   Ruel stomped angrily and said to the soldiers in front of him with a fierce face, "When I return to the army, you will feel better!"

   As everyone knows, the soldiers are also shivering, being watched by Mad Cow Ruel, they will peel off if they die. But there is no way. Who said this is the mission of the Senate?

  In the dark, a dark elf necromancer looked at Krent and others being stopped, showing a successful smile, and then hiding in the darkness.

   In the dark, another dark elf lady holding a folding fan watched the disappearance of the necromancer, her mouth raised slightly, and she turned and walked towards the queen's palace.

   Li Wuji looked at Krent without deterrence, and sighed. The queen of the dark elf kingdom was really miserable. As the queen's imperial emissary, she could be turned away. It is conceivable how long the hand of the Senate has stretched out!

   Although Krent was angry, there was nothing he could do. Although he had a way to contact the queen, the queen didn't seem to respond.

   "Let them in, they are all guests."

   A cold voice appeared from behind the soldiers, and a dark elf girl with a crown on her head slowly walked over with the help of another dark elf girl with a folding fan.

   Seeing the people coming, Krent and Saran's eyes lit up, and they knelt down on one knee and shouted: "See the queen."

   Seliya glanced at the dark elf girl who came by with some surprise. Is the queen of the dark elf so young?

   Li Wuji is not particularly surprised. After all, Queen Maya’s green hair is too iconic, and the young queen is quite beautiful. Although her skin is darker, her facial features are very delicate and very seductive.

   Ruel stared blankly at Krent and Saran who were kneeling. When he was hesitant to kneel, Li Wuji kicked his knee angrily.

   "This is your queen! Can you behave better?"

   Ruel had never seen the queen, nor did he expect that the queen was so young, scratching her head in embarrassment, and kneeling on one knee like Krent.

   And Li Wuji and Celia are not members of the Dark Elf Kingdom, they just bow and salute, and don't need to kneel.

   The soldiers blocking Krent turned their heads to see the Queen coming, and instantly their scalp numb, one after another put down their weapons, knelt down and shouted respectfully: "See Her Majesty the Queen."

   Queen Maya saw the people who were being blocked, how did she not know that this was the work of the elders, even if she went to investigate, the old men would say that it was to protect the dark city from infectious diseases, and this group of soldiers over defended.

   "Get up, I will not hold you accountable." Queen Maya is also worried that this group of soldiers will become the target of the senators.

   The soldiers were so touched, they kowtowed their heads and thanked them all. If the queen held accountability, it would be them who suffered!

   "You guys get up too, thanks for your hard work."

   The queen came over to help Krent and the others up, with a gentle tone, giving Ruel a perfect first impression of the queen.

   Queen Maya looked at the unfamiliar Li Wuji and Celia, and asked suspiciously: "These two are..."

   Krent quickly introduced: "This is Li Wuji. This is Ms. Celia. They are all citizens of the Principality. They assisted us in investigating infectious diseases and provided great help."

   Queen Maya looked suddenly, and smiled and said: "I'm sorry, in fact, I have always wanted to establish a friendly relationship with the Principality, but because of infectious diseases, the elders insist that the Principality is behind the scenes..."

   "It's okay, we can understand."

  Sharan asked strangely: "How did your majesty know we are here?"

   Queen Maya smiled ~www.ltnovel.com~ and said: "Because there are also my eyeliners at the Senate, I will know when you get here..."

   "But the elders dragged me on the grounds of my safety and told me not to leave the palace, so they only came here now."

   Krent frowned and asked, "How did your majesty come here?"

   Queen Maya looked at the dark elf woman with a folding fan next to her, and said with a smile: "Thanks to Minette's help, I know that the elders will make things difficult for you, and I am able to come out thanks to Minette."

  Minette smiled and leaned, "It is incumbent to serve the queen."

   Li Wuji was slightly surprised. No wonder he was a bit familiar with this woman just now. It turns out that Minette. Minette was sent by the ninja family to support the queen, and his external appearance was neutral, but in fact it was completely on the side of the queen now.

   Looking at Li Wuji's somewhat surprised eyes, Minette raised his eyebrows at him with interest.

   After getting acquainted with each other, Queen Maya asked with a serious face: "How is the investigation of infectious diseases?"

   Krent replied with a serious face: "We have basically found out the truth about infectious diseases, and infectious diseases really have nothing to do with humans!"

   Queen Maya asked in surprise: "Is there any evidence?"



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