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Chapter 106: Ambassador celia

When Di Ruiji's black phantom emerged from the spider's legs, Sharpron's eyes moved from Li Wuji's body to the black phantom, lost in thought.

And Queen Maya was also taken aback by DiRigi who appeared on the spider's legs. This weird creature looked scary.

"Is this mysterious creature the source of the infectious disease? Do you know it? Where is it now?" The queen asked several questions at once.

Shalan replied: "Back to your Majesty, this is the truth explored by Tracing Magic. The evil magic that can spread infectious diseases is uploaded from this terrible creature. According to the investigation by Li Wuji and Ruel, this evil magic Not only will it ruin the dark elves' bodies, but it will also make the dark elves go crazy, mutate, and even resuscitate the dead. They have encountered seven resurrected ancient heroes in the hero mound."

Queen Maya was also a little surprised. The seven heroes were dark elf warriors who played a huge role in fighting against the evil dragon Spitz. They were buried in the dark elf cemetery after their deaths. The place where the bones are buried is also known as the Tomb of Heroes.

"Then...what about the resurrected heroes?"

"Ah...this..." Sharan looked at Li Wuji and Ruel.

Li Wuji and Ruel looked at each other, their faces were unnatural, after all, they beat the resurrected souls to death.

"Ahem...That's it. We just passed the Hero Tomb when we opened up the passage to the Dark City. Then the undead of the heroes were awakened by the power of Di Ruiji, but their spirits were polluted. Yes. We launched the attack directly. During the battle, they said that their greatest wish is to hope that we would kill them and let them sleep in the ground again... If you don't believe me, ask Ruel, he is also there."

Ruel nodded frantically, and said, "Yes, yes, I also had a fight with the strange force boxer Ucles! But he couldn't beat me in the undead state, and he said thank you when he was killed! Absolutely! It's not that we wanted to kill them on purpose!"

Queen Maya sighed slightly, but unfortunately, she also wanted to see those heroes.

Hearing that the undead in the dark elf cemetery can recover,...Chapter 106 Ambassador Celia (page 1/4),. Krent's brows were slightly frowned, and he looked serious.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Sharan continued: "Then I will continue to answer your Majesty's question. The very vicious creature just now is actually the Sixth Apostle, Black Plague, DiRigi."

The queen was also well-informed, and asked: "Apostle? Is it the same as the one in the Grieving Cavern?"

"Yes, this apostle is the incarnation of all calamities and diseases in the world. Everything that DiRigi travels will wither, and all creatures around it will be infected with terrible diseases! And the infectious diseases encountered by our kingdom are caused by As a result of DiRigi’s arrival, combined with Morgan’s investigation, we speculate that DiRigi should have descended on Neupera, where it is said that it has become a purgatory on earth."

Meia glanced at Sharpron who was silent, and asked, "Does the elder know a creature like an apostle?"

Sharpron sighed. He hadn't expected that the apostle was involved in this matter. Now the evidence is conclusive, their dark elves have no reason to attack the Duchy of Belmar, and many neutrals will not support him when the division is unknown.

"I just heard it slightly..."

"So now that we know the real culprit behind the infectious disease, let's get in touch with the Principality as soon as possible and misunderstand it. Now we should try our best to help the suffering people and shouldn't spend too much manpower on wars that shouldn't be launched. What do the elders think? "

Sharpron's eyes were a little unwilling, but he reluctantly replied: "The minister has no objection."

Seeing this uncomfortable expression on Sharpron, Meya was secretly refreshed.

After that, Queen Maya made a decisive decision and announced a meeting. After three hours of memories with all the elders, she finally officially decided to withdraw her troops and put her current focus on the rescue of the dark elves who suffered from the plague.

What is even more speechless is that Queen Maya publicly announced that Li Wou-ki would serve as the ambassador of the two countries and conveyed the meaning of establishing friendly diplomatic relations with the Principality.

This image ambassador was originally served by the adventurer, but at the current time, the adventurer has a high probability of playing with Rotes on the Skyshroud Behemoth! However, Li Wuji is...Chapter 106 Ambassador Celia (page 2/4),. If you can't leave the Dark Elf Kingdom, and if you want to leave Arad after completing the mission, this ambassador is still inappropriate!

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I promised Ruel to go to Neupera for further investigations. I will not leave the Dark Elf Kingdom for the time being. I think this ambassador should choose someone else."

Ruel's eyes widened and his face was dumbfounded, and he asked himself: When did I say I was going to Neupera?

However, Li Wuji glared at him, then glared back at what he was about to say.

Sharpen looked at Li Wuji's nonsense, and sneered inwardly. It doesn't matter if he doesn't leave the kingdom's territory, he hasn't settled with Li Wuji yet!

Queen Maya frowned and said: "Mr. Li Wuji has already paid a lot for our kingdom, it doesn't have to be that way."

Li Wuji said righteously: "Your Majesty, you don't understand, this is a man's promise. And there are people who are more suitable to be peace ambassadors than me..."

Celia, who was standing quietly, was pulled in front of him by Li Wuji and said, "Yes! In my heart, Celia is the most suitable person to be a peace ambassador, and she and Ms. Saran are good sisters. It must be peaceful again, and it is not suitable to use her as a symbol of friendship between the two countries!"

Celia's face was hot. She came here this time like a tourist, but she didn't do anything! How can you take this credit with Li Wuji?

And Saran did think about a lot~www.ltnovel.com~ Based on her relationship with Celia, she naturally hopes that people close to her will become ambassadors. She doesn’t know Li Wuji, but Celia is definitely peace-loving. .

"Your Majesty, I think Mr. Li Wuji is right. Celia is indeed more suitable for this honor."

Celia hurriedly waved her hand: "No way, no way! I didn't do anything, how can I..."

Seeing Celia looked a little flustered, Li Wuji was dazed.

Cute, want to... look at it more.

Li Wuji leaned into Celia's ear and said, "I can't leave the Dark Elf Kingdom. This is about peace between the two countries. You are the only one from the principality here. You can't refuse!"

Hearing that she is so important, Celia dropped her hands and said with a tangled face: "This............Chapter 106 Image Ambassador Celia (Chapter 106) 3/4 pages), it’s not impossible."

Although things are not as good as Queen Maya thought, the difference is not much.

"In that case, I would like to serve as a citizen of the Belmar Principality, Ms. Celia Krumin, as an ambassador for peace, to witness the peaceful development of the Belmar Principality and our Vanness Kingdom. I hope that Ms. Celia Together with the messenger Krent and the magic exchange ambassador Sharan, they went to the Principality to sign an armistice agreement and a treaty of friendly coexistence with Queen Skadi."

Saran and Krent knelt in front of the queen, and said in unison: "Yes."

Sharpron sighed inwardly as he watched the young queen confidently and calmly. Her Majesty, who is only two hundred years old, will also be on the political stage. The friendship with the principality was carried out as the queen, which meant that the queen began to seize power from the Senate.

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