DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 107:

   After the meeting, the queen rewarded Ruel and Li Wuji with a lot of gold coins, but Li Wuji couldn't take them out, so they gave them all to Ruel. Ruel has regarded himself as Li Wuji's number one younger brother!

   After leaving the palace, Celia was ready to go back to the Principality with Saran and Krent.

   And Krent still looked at Li Wuji, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

   "What's wrong? Krent? Anything to say?"

Krent smiled awkwardly, and asked: "That's what you said about the resurrection of the undead in the dark elves cemetery... I want to ask if I have seen my dead lover Liz, who was wearing a black dress when she was buried. ."

   Li Wuji and Ruel looked at each other, and reached a certain consensus from each other's eyes.

   "Sorry, we haven't seen any undead in black dresses."

   "Oh, forget it if you haven't seen it, after all, she has been dead for many years, maybe the soul has disappeared." Krent said a trace of loss in his eyes.

   "Uh... let's change the subject, when are you leaving?"

   Krent replied: "I will leave soon. Now the Principality is in panic. We need to hurry up and sign an armistice agreement with the Principality."

   Li Wuji grabbed Krent's shoulders and said with a chuckle, "Brother, I have helped you so much. I beg you not too much, right?"

"Please speak."

   "I heard...you have something called an equipment booster, my lightsaber, can you help boost it?"

   Talking, Li Wuji took "Chaos" in his hand and showed Krent to look at it.

   Observing this blue lightsaber up close, Krent heartily admired: "This sword is very powerful. It must be made by a very powerful blacksmith."

   "It's really amazing, but I think it can be even better!"

But Krent shook his head and said: "I do have an equipment booster. I usually do business with that thing when there is no queen to issue a task. However, the booster can only boost equipment with different dimensional power. , This sword has no other-dimensional power."

   Li Wuji hurriedly said: "No, no, don't lie to me! I know everything, you will definitely make something called a ‘pure boost book’! You can forcibly add extra-dimensional attributes to equipment!"

Krent frowned, with black lines all over his head: "Pure Amplification Book? What is that? I can make a Purification Book and Clearing Scroll, which are specially used to deal with otherworldly equipment. As for what you said It is indeed the first time I have heard of that augmentation book."

   Listening to Krent’s tone, it didn’t seem to be a lie, but Li Wou-ki still asked unwillingly, “I’ve never heard of it?”

   "Really not!"

  Good Sang Xin, if only Kelly was here!

   "If there is nothing wrong, we will leave first, don't you really go back to the principality with us?"

   Li Wuji shook his head. He was a bit unaccustomed to staying in this dark environment for a few days, but there was no way. If he could leave, he would have left.

   Celia walked to Li Wuji and said worriedly: "I heard that Neupera is the birthplace of the plague. Even an alchemist such as Morgan has been recruited. You must be careful!"

   Being so concerned by Fei Sai, Li Wou-ki is very beautiful in his heart.

   "Just put ten thousand hearts!"

   "Also, here are some special drinks I have left, I hope it will be helpful to you."

   Li Wuji's eyes lit up, and he took these bottles of special drinks into his arms without a word, because he couldn't use cards, so consumables were a big problem for him!

   "Then I'm leaving, I will definitely explain to the Queen what you have done for the Principality, and you won't suffer in vain!"

Li Wuji patted Celia's scented shoulders and said seriously: "Actually, I still have a small request! Because you look like my wife, I haven't seen my wife for a long time, I remember... whenever I When I return from the adventure, my wife will say to me,'I will be relieved to see you safe and sound', and then my fatigue will be wiped out! So can you say this to me? Please this It’s really important to me!"

   Sai Liya's face turned red. Isn't this to make her act as Li Wuji's wife? Is this really okay? Isn't he playing a hooligan? But what if he really misses his wife?

   After struggling for a while, Celia, with a blushing face, reluctantly said: "I will be relieved to see that you are safe."

   Li Wuji showed intoxication.

   Ah, I'm all right.

   Today is another day full of hope!

   After speaking, Selya slipped away without looking back. She was too ashamed, but how could she say that line inexplicably smooth?

   "Huh? I seem to tell adventurers so often..."

   Looking at the figure of the three people far away, Li Wuji was lost, and he didn't know when he would see Celia again!

   Ruel touched Li Wuji's shoulder and said disgustedly: "Hey, don't look! Everyone is gone!"

   Li Wuji came back to his senses and snorted, "Huh, what do you guys with well-developed limbs and simple mind know? This is called watching, do you know?"

   "Cut! Twisted, I really don't look like a man!"

   "Ruel, you won't find a girlfriend in this way..."

Speaking of Li Wuji, it suddenly occurred to him that in the original plot, Ruel and the princess Paris of the smelly water ditch seemed to be rubbing something, and because he triggered the incident at the Alphalia camp in advance, he originally wanted to come to make a fortune in the war. It is very likely that Si will not come. Doesn’t it mean that because of herself, the fate of Ruel and Paris might be...

   "Hey! What do you mean by looking at me like that?"

   "There is no other meaning, but I feel guilty for ruining a marriage."

   "Why are you looking at me guilty?"

   "It's okay~www.ltnovel.com~Don't think too much."

   Ruel thought of something, and said dissatisfied: "Oh, by the way, when shall we go to Neupera?"

   Li Wuji looked at Ruel like a fool and said, "You don't really think I'm going to Neupera, do you?"

   "Then you told the queen in the palace before..."

   "Hurt! That's an excuse you can find at random. Think about it. Even Morgan, who specializes in dealing with infectious diseases, will never return. If he didn't work out the antidote, didn't he go to death?"

   At this time, a folding fan tapped Li Wuji's shoulder lightly, making Li Wuji startled!

   "Fuck, Minette! How come you are so amazing!"

Minette laughed and said, "I have heard what you said before. It is a big crime to deceive the queen. Oh, Li Wuji, right? You said well in the palace before. We really should go to Neupera for a more in-depth investigation. If you do not go, I will tell Her Majesty the Queen what you just said."

   Li Wuji's face was bitter, and he said mournfully: "Good sister, I'm only 20 years old, I haven't **** yet, I don't want to become a corpse thieves!"

   Ruel asked in surprise: "Didn't you say you have a wife?"

   "Ah, this... it was made up by an innocent girl like Celia, you won't believe it too?"


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