DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 109: Necromancer and Barak

   Minette shook his folding fan and said faintly: "Come here to borrow a way."

   The relationship between the dark elves and the dwarves is a bit subtle. A long time ago, the dwarven tyrant Augustus once accepted the instigation of the beauty **** Venus and brought the curse of Venus to the dark elves.

   Of course, the dark elves are not easy to bully, they seized the dwarf race's territory and killed Augustus. The land grabbed is now the Dark City and built it into the capital of the Dark Elf Kingdom.

   So the aggrieved dwarves were forced to leave their original territory and live in these mines. Fortunately, there is a large amount of gold in the mines here, and the greedy dwarves take all the gold mines as their own, and no one is allowed to approach it! Not to mention the dark elves with feuds!

   "The evil dark elf must be coveting our gold, don't believe her nonsense!"

   "That's right! If you let His Majesty Vidir know that a dark elf comes in, you will be angry!"

   Seeing these dwarves resent their enemies, Minette shrugged helplessly.

   Ruel directly stepped forward, "Boom!" He put his big hammer in front of him, folded his hands on his chest, and said arrogantly: "If you don't give way, I'll hammer you little guys one by one!"

Facing Ruel's threat, the dwarves became even more angry. The leading dwarf with an axe said angrily: "Damn dark elves! Must want to seize our gold! I will never let you pass! "

   Ruel sneered and shouted in a loud voice, "Come on! You guys, I can beat ten!"

   "You nigga, don't be too arrogant!"

   "Who do you think is the black ghost?"

   "Haha, that means you! Dark elves are ugly black-skinned ghosts!"


   Li Wuji was a bit speechless, Ruel is such a big person, how come he quarrels with elementary school students, he seems to have fallen asleep.

   "Hey, good sister, what are we going to do?"

  咦, why didn't anyone respond? Li Wuji turned his head to look, **** it! People?

   looked around, is such a big Minette gone?

   When he looked up, he found that at the entrance of the mine behind the dwarves, Minette was smiling and beckoning him to say goodbye.

   "How come this black sister is like a ghost, she's so fascinating!"

   The group of dwarves who were scolding at Ruel only discovered that Minette had quietly circumvented behind.

   The dwarves turned pale and shouted, "Stop her! Don't let her in!"

   All the dwarves chased toward the entrance of the cave.

  Minette held the folding fan at the entrance of the cave and flicked it lightly, and a fan-shaped flame blocked the dwarves.

   "Li Wuji, Ruel, leave these dwarves to you! I'll go talk to the King of Gold to talk about life first~ Tweety~"

   After that, Minnet walked in, swaggering.

   When the dwarves wanted to chase, Ruel shouted and threw the huge hammer at the dwarves who wanted to chase.

  The dwarves are forced to avoid, they can only watch outsiders enter their own gold mine! They trembled with anger at the thought that their gold would be stolen by the hateful dark elves!

   "Despicable dark elves, deliberately scolding us to attract our attention!"

   "You fart! You are all looking for curses by yourself!"

   "Kill you black ghost!"

   The dwarves rushed towards Ruel with axes and hammers, but Ruel really hasn’t been afraid of anyone in close combat!

  Although the dwarves have a lot of energy, they are still a bit short of Ruel.

   Ruel hit more than a dozen one at a time. Although he was beaten steadily, it was difficult for these dwarves to hurt him.

   "Li Wuji, what are you doing? Come and help!"

   "Come on!"

   These dwarves are not very threatening to him, so he still takes out his lightsaber, and takes this opportunity to practice the ghost swordsmanship.

   With the help of Li Wuji, these dwarves were beaten back and forth, and soon, all of them became like fools and fell into a state of chaos.

   Ruel knocked them out one by one. As for why not kill them, Li Wuji felt unnecessary. Originally, he had no hatred with the dwarf, let alone borrowed a path before. And, more importantly, he looks down on these garbage cards.

   However, just when they wanted to enter the mine, a cold breath enveloped Li Wuji, a very strong sense of oppression pressed on him, and he immediately felt the threat of life.

   Li Wuji took a step to the side without hesitation.

   A huge black blade was chopped down, just to the corner of Li Wuji's clothes.

   The black giant blade hit the ground, causing the ground to crack. The cracks spread like a spider web. You can see how cruel the knife is.

Li Wuji looked up and saw the giant bigger than Ruel in front of him. He was wearing a black armor and a black cloak floating in the wind, with an emperor-like aura on his body. His image was a bit familiar, but he didn't think about it for a while. stand up.

"who are you?"

   The black giant didn't answer Li Wuji, and continued to smash the giant blade towards Li Wuji.

   This terrifying sense of oppression made Li Wuji a little breathless, but under the strong desire to survive, he still rolled dangerously and avoided the knife.

   The huge movement also shocked the dwarves in other mines, but when they saw the terrifying black giant, they were scared to death, and they slipped into the mine.

   Ruel was pale, and said dullly: "He is... the tyrant Barak."

   "Fuck, no wonder it's a bit familiar!"

   Ruel shouted: "There is a necromancer! Who the **** is it? Come out!"

   A black shadow came out from the darkness, she covered her face, obviously not wanting to be found out!

   Li Wuji asked suspiciously: "You are also a dark elf, why do you want to do it to me?"

   The necromancer replied coldly: "The dead don't need to know so much."

   Li Wuji's expression moved slightly, and he tentatively said: "Are you from the old man Sharpron? You are not here to kill me, right?"

   The necromancer's complexion became cold~www.ltnovel.com~ no longer talk nonsense, and controlled the tyrant Barak to continue to kill Li Wuji.

   Li Wuji dodged madly, but Barak swung his sword faster and faster. When he dodged one more slash, Barak took the opportunity to kick Li Wuji.

   The terrifying impact gathered on Li Wuji's abdomen, and he was mounted on the wall all at once, spitting out blood.

   This kick kicked 40% of his blood out, and he felt that his internal organs were bleeding. Barak was so terrifying.

When Barak was about to hack Li Wuji to death, Ruel roared and rushed forward. The black giant blade hit his sledgehammer. The force of the counter shock caused Ruel to dislocate his hands directly, and then he was kicked by Barack. Kicked.

   The necromancer said coldly, "It's over."

   Barak’s black giant blade has been raised high, Li Wuji cried out in his heart, "My life is over!"

   At the moment of the moment, a silver light and shadow appeared behind the powerful necromancer, and then a bright dagger was pressed against her neck.

   "If you don't want to die, let Barack go back!"

   Necromancer's face became extremely pale, and he did not dare to cut Barak's meal down. She said coldly: "Night Destroyer?"



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