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Chapter 110: Picked up a wild necromancer

The Night Destroyer is an organization affiliated to the King. Those thieves who were originally specialized in robbers were appreciated by the Dark Elf King and gathered these thieves to form the "Night Destroyer". These thieves Since then, it has been renamed "Assassin". Assassins are able to practice assassination, and the fast as wind and lightning fast fighting method is their label.

Although both the assassin and the necromancer serve the dark elf kingdom, their loyalties are different. The assassin is loyal to the king, which is now Queen Maya, and the necromancer is loyal to the elders, which is the elders headed by Sharpron. .

   The necromancer was held against the neck by the assassin's dagger, and now the situation is completely reversed. Barak in front of Li Wuji was forced to stop his attack, and he quickly fled.

   "I have told Barak to stop the attack, can I put down the dagger?"

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   The assassin shook his head and said coldly: "Take it back."

   The necromancer was a little annoyed, but the sharp dagger was pressing against her neck, and she had no choice but to agree.

   With a light wave of his right hand, the huge tyrant Barak quickly turned into black smoke and dissipated.

   Li Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, took out a bottle of special cool drink and drank it, allowing his injury to recover quickly.

   then said to the assassin sister who had saved him: "Thank you girl for saving her life."

   The assassin just replied blankly: "No, this is my task."

   "The task is a task, thank you or you want it. So how should this guy handle it?"

   "This is my business, you don't have to worry about it."

   Ruel ran over angrily, and said dissatisfied: "This guy is too much, he dares to do it to us! We are the heroes praised by the Queen herself!"

   But this young lady assassin didn't want to talk to him, and said: "I have to take her back to be punished, goodbye."

   Then, the assassin took the necromancer's neck and flew away!

   The two people in front of him disappeared instantly, as if nothing happened.

   "You deserve to be an assassin, so fast! I haven't asked the girl's name yet, Ruel, do you know her?"

"never seen it."


   Just as Li Wuji was sitting on the ground to rest, he was knocked on the head again.


   Looking back, Minette appeared behind her again like a ghost, looking at him with a smile.

   "Oh, why are you hurting like this after a while? You can't even beat a few stinky dwarfs?"

   Li Wuji looked at Minette bitterly: "Good sister! Because you just ran around, we were almost gone! A necromancer who summoned Barak came out from nowhere and furiously smashed me!"

  Minette looked at the cracked ground and nodded: "Sharpron hasn't given up on him yet, what are you doing to him? Did you steal his rice?"

   "Hurt! What can my strength do to him? Didn't it stop the war and make him unhappy?"

   "That shouldn't be enough?"

   "Who said no! At most I lied to him that I was his fan and would help him with things!"


   "What about that necromancer? Away?"

   Li Wuji pointed in one direction and said, "Just now an assassin from the Night Destroyer came to rescue me, and then the assassin sister caught the necromancer and went over there."

   Minette rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Then you go to the mine, I'll go play some fun."

   "Hey! Good sister, did you make a mistake? Didn't you say to protect me? You want to slip away again?"

   But how can Minette listen to him, in the blink of an eye, people are gone again!

   Looking at the disappearing Minette, Li Wou-ki summed up the following six points:


   On the road being crushed, the necromancer said coldly: "I advise you to let me go immediately. Behind me is the whole senator's association."

   The assassin smiled disdainfully, and sarcastically said: "If someone else hears this, they think our kingdom is the senator in power!"

   The necromancer also paused a bit. Although the Senate had been working to suppress the queen, it at least claimed that the queen was the symbol of supreme power.

   "Hehe, why don't you speak anymore? Wait until I take you to the queen, and see what secrets you have!"

   The necromancer smiled coldly and said mysteriously: "Do you think I will be caught so easily?"

   The assassin who caught her neck frowned, looked at the necromancer in his hand, and was smiling at her.

   But soon the person in his hand became gradually transparent until it slowly disappeared. The assassin's face turned pale, and immediately stopped and looked back. There was a lot of darkness, where there was a shadow of a necromancer.


   The assassin looked back, unwillingly, but couldn't find it.

   Just when she wanted to go back to protect Li Wuji, she was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

   The assassin's gaze condensed, his body quickly twisted, and he held a dagger and cut behind him.

   But being gently resisted by a folding fan, Minette poked his head out from behind the folding fan, giggling and saying, "Little Leirna, the speed is still a little slower~"

   The assassin blushed, quickly retracted his dagger, and bent over and said, "The member of the Night Destroyer, Leirna, has seen Lord Minette!"

   "Oh, why don't you be so polite, why are you sullen here?"

   Leerna looked down and said: "The necromancer who had just sent the elders to kill Li Wou-ki was caught, but she escaped with a substitute.

   "Oh! Isn't it a coincidence! I just found a wild necromancer on the road, do you think this is the one you lost?"

  Minette moved aside, revealing the necromancer behind her who was **** with a rope. The mask on her face was also taken off to gag her mouth.

   Looking at this poor guy, Lena's eyes are about to bulge out~www.ltnovel.com~ said incrediblely: "Ah this...this...I just lost a few minutes!"

   "Don't worry about it for a few minutes, do you think this is the one you lost?"

   glanced at this necromancer, even though he didn't cover his face now, it can be judged from the clothes that it was the one caught before! And this necromancer looked at Minette with deep fear, and he didn't know what he had experienced in just a few minutes?

   "It's... I lost it."

   "Look, when you catch a bad guy, you have to tie up like me, otherwise it would be embarrassing to be run away!"

   Lena lowered her head and said ashamed: "Thank you, Sir, I learned..."

   "Then what is this person going to do with it?"

   "Give it to Her Majesty the Queen?"

  Minette squatted in front of the necromancer, slapped her face lightly with a folding fan, and said with a smile: "If you hand it over to Her Majesty the Queen, you will also be pardoned by the elders. It's not good.


   "Of course it was to turn her into our person first!"

   Hearing Minette’s words, the necromancer shook his head frantically, his eyes revealed fear and grievance...



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