DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 106: The murder caused by 1 gold

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   After he and Ruel returned to full health, seeing that Minette hadn't returned yet, the two entered the mine together.

   The dwarves’ mines are very bright. In order to protect their gold, these dwarves take great pains to treat the gold mines as their own homes and set up tents in them.

   These dwarves are in a riot now, because a dark elf woman just sneaked in, and the golden king Vidir is furious!

   Entering the depths of the mine, Li Wuji and Ruel were amazed. There is so much gold here, and there are golden **** everywhere! There is also a big melting furnace, which is used to smelt gold.

   Then, a dwarf yelled angrily after seeing Li Wuji and Ruel!

   "The dark elf from outside broke in! Quickly copy the guy!"

   Soon a large number of dwarves rushed over from all directions in the mine with hammers and axes. Suddenly, more than one hundred dwarves surrounded Li Wuji and the others.

   "You guys were fighting outside just now? Why did you break into our mine! You must be coveting our gold!"

   Li Wuji shrugged and said helplessly: "Who wants your broken gold! We want to borrow a way from you to reach Neupera from here."

   "Where is the dark elf woman who sneaked in earlier?"

   "She just left, didn't you find out?"

   The dwarf who was talking to Li Wuji instantly turned red eyes, and asked angrily: "Damn dark elf! What did she steal?"

   "I don't know? Why did she ask me what she stole?"

   An angry roar came out from the depths of the mine: "Ah!!! Damn dark elf! Don't want to take my gold!"

  After hearing this voice, the dwarves turned pale, and all fell to the ground.

   Then a muscular dwarf wearing a crown came over with a huge hammer!

   The dwarves shouted: "Welcome your majesty!"

This person is the Golden King Vidir. Minette sneaked into his room before and not only attacked him, he was forced to agree to let the dark elves go to Neupera. He also took a piece of gold when he left. !

   I endured everything in front of me, but the incident of passing a piece of gold made Vidir think more and more angry, and feel uncomfortable! So he ran out in full gear to find Minette to fight to the death, and then saw Ruel and Li Wuji who had just entered.

   "Humans and dark elves?"

   "Hello, Vidir. We mainly want to borrow a way. There is a big sister in front of me that should tell you, right?"

   Vidir was upright, when he heard that the woman in front was an accomplice of the two people in front of him, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Is the dark elf woman in front your accomplice?"

   "She is our boss!"

   Ruel retorted: "Hey! I didn't admit that she was my boss!"

   "My boss is not your boss!"

   Ruel frowned and thought, and said, "It seems to make sense."

   Vidir glared, okay! It turned out to be that woman's subordinate, it must be better bullying than that woman!

   Vidir smiled wildly: "Hahahaha! If you kill you, that woman will definitely be very angry!"

   Li Wuji frowned, this golden king seems not very clever, what did Minette do to him to make him so excited?

   Then Vidir laughed wildly, raised his hammer high, and shouted, "Thunder!"

   The dwarves kneeling around stood up in a panic expression, and hurriedly fled in all directions.

   "Run! Your Majesty is going to discharge again!"

   "Your Majesty, don't worry, wait for me to run farther!"

"Da da da……"

   The dwarves who were kneeling on the ground respectfully soon ran away.

   Vidir saw Li Wuji and Ruel, whose faces were calm, and asked unacceptably, "Aren't you afraid? My hammer can summon thunder and lightning!"

   Li Wuji took out the "Storing Thunder" and said with compassion, "We just want to borrow a way, why do we need to fight?"

   Vidir laughed: "Haha, are you scared? But I will not be merciful, feel desperate!"

   Li Wuji sighed, he really couldn't figure out how this guy was stunned. It's not that he is arrogant, he can feel that Vidir is much weaker than Shaying, even if he is accumulating power here, he doesn't feel much threat.

   Soon purple thunder and lightning fell from the heads of Li Wuji and Ruel.

   Vidir showed expectation, as if he could already see the charred two!

   But the next scene directly made him doubt his life. The lightning that fell on Li Wuji and Ruel was absorbed by the "storage thunder", making the golden long sword shine.

   The quality of "Storing Thunder" itself is still a bit poor, it can only absorb the lightning around Li Wuji, and Vidir's hammer is also very good, but it is a bit worse than "Storing Thunder".

   Vidir did not believe in evil and summoned another wave of thunder and lightning. Li Wuji and Ruel remained unscathed.

   He was very angry: "You are right in front of me with your own weapons, right? Do you dare to fight close?"

   Ruel’s eyes lit up, and I’m not sleepy when you say this! He immediately walked out and rattled his neck!

   "Come on! Smelly dwarf, let me see how powerful your small body is!"

   How could Vidil stand this kind of stimulation, especially when he was taunted by a dark elf!

   Said that it was too late and it was fast, Vidir hit the tall Ruel with a hammer from round, but Ruel also picked up his big iron ball and ran into Vidir's hammer.

   The strength of the Golden King Vidir was a bit beyond Ruel's expectation, and he was able to touch him. Both of them are a little bit wrestling, and Vidir's face turns red because of the hard work!

   Ruel is also very strong ~ www.ltnovel.com~ but still shows a grinning smile, confidently said: "Hey, than strength, I haven't lost anyone yet!"

   After that, he burst out and borrowed 30% of his strength from unknown sources. The terrifying pressure slammed on Vidir, causing his face to change drastically.

   Ruel’s sudden force made Vidir scream and flew out, and fell to the ground frustrated.

   stood up with difficulty, and Vidir suddenly felt a trace of loneliness. He couldn't discharge electricity, but he couldn't fight melee. What's the point of being alive?

   But when he saw the gold melting pot next to him, he felt that his life was full of hope again.

   "Ah, how can life be boring with so much gold?"

   Li Wuji and Ruel walked to the side of Vidir and asked: "We are really just borrowing the way. Why are you so excited? Look, you are injured!"

   Vidir's face was pale, and he asked angrily: "Aren't you here to steal the gold?"

   "Of course not! Now there is something wrong with Neupera, we need to investigate it, so we plan to go through the gold mine."

   "Don't lie to me! Humph, how could anyone not like gold?"



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