DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 112: Old ancestor, cheer up one point

  The long sword was resting on Vidir's neck, and Li Wuji didn't bother to explain to this stubborn fellow.

   "You tell me if you can let us go, right?"

   The emotions of anger and shame made Vidir's expression very distorted, but he looked at Li Wuji and Ruel who were looking down at him, and he uttered a word in an extremely unwilling tone.


   "It would be nice to say that earlier? We have to do it!"

   Li Wuji put away his sword and asked Ruel, "How do you get there? Do you know the way?"

   Ruel shook his head awkwardly.

   Vidir saw that the two did not know the way, his eyes rolled around, showing enthusiasm and said: "If you don't know the way, I can take you there!"

   Li Wuji glanced at him with a deep look, which made Vidir a little guilty. There is such a big difference in attitude before and after, fools know that there is a problem.

   "How did you become so kind?"

   Vidir gave a dry cough and said, "We dwarves have always respected the strong. The strength of the two guests has conquered me, so I naturally want to respect you."

   This is pure fart, and the territory is almost robbed by the dark elves, and it's not that he is yelling at the **** every day, and I don't see much respect.

   But to be honest, Li Wuji is not afraid. Although he didn't remember much about the story of the dwarves, he knew that Augustus's soul was sealed in the altar of the dwarves. If he guessed correctly, Vidir probably wanted to lead them to the altar. That's just right, you can get another purple card at that time.

   "Okay, then thank you, Lord Golden King, for ignoring the predecessors!"

   Seeing that Li Wuji agreed so easily, Vidir couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly said, "It shouldn't be too late, let's go!"

   "You lead the way first."

"Ok, Ok!"

   Vidir walked ahead excitedly, secretly happy.

   Ruel asked strangely: "Hey, Li Wuji, how do I feel he has a problem?"

   Li Wuji was a little surprised: "Oh, it's amazing, can you see that there is a problem?"

   "Fuck! What do you mean? Although my brain is not good, I am not a fool, am I?"

   "It's okay, it's okay, praise you for how good your brain is!"


   Soon Vidir led the two through tunnels and came to a mysterious area, where there were stones floating in the air and many strange tombstones.

   Looking at a huge altar that appeared in front of him, Li Wuji exclaimed: "Is this the altar of the tyrant Augustus?"

   Vidir was nodding proudly, suddenly his face stiffened, and when he turned his head to see Li Wuji looking at himself with a smile, he asked with a pale face, "How do you know..."

   "Guess it!"

Vidir hurriedly crawled to the altar and said viciously: "Damn humans, and dark elves! Use despicable means to defeat me, and then want to take my gold, you will regret it! "

   Ruel asked Li Wuji curiously: "What's the matter with him? Why did he get up on his own?"

   "Watch him perform."

Vidir took out his thunder hammer, summoned the crackling thunder and lightning, and then exclaimed excitedly: "Arrogant human beings, you will definitely pay for your ignorance! And evil dark elves, you are right now You can see Augustus, the ancient king of our dwarf race, the tyrant who brought fear to you dark elves! Hahahahahaha!"

   Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, smashing the weird altar, and then the dark energy burst out from the altar.

   Vidir knelt on the ground and shouted feverishly: "The wise and powerful Augustus the Great, your loyal descendant Vidir begs you to recover from the ground and help me expel foreign enemies!"

  The black hurricane condensed in the altar, and the entire ground shook. A heavy breathing sounded from under the altar, and then a dwarf wearing black armor came out from under the altar, with a very cold breath.

   "Who...wake me up?"

   Vidir yelled feverishly: "It's me! Old ancestor! I am your descendant. Now our territory is being invaded by dark elves and humans. I implore the ancestor to clean up the enemy for us!"

   When he heard the three words Dark Elf, Augustus's body trembled visibly.

   "Ahem...Where is this enemy?"

   Ruel yelled, "Hey! Smelly dwarf, here is Grandpa!"

   Vidir pointed to Ruel and said bitterly: "It's him, his accomplices stole a piece of gold from me, and they want to come and steal it again!"

   Hearing that a piece of gold had been stolen, Augustus's eyes widened and angrily shouted: "What? Someone stole a piece of gold from our dwarf's territory?"

   "Yes! We have never been the only one who steals others, no one else steals us! Old ancestors, I can't stand this grievance, you must help me to be fair!"

   "Don't say you can't bear it, I can't bear it either! Good boy, don't worry, your wife and grandfather will help you uphold justice!"

   Li Wuji was a bit speechless. It turned out that Minette stole a piece of gold that caused Vidir to hate them so much, but guarding such a large gold mine, Vidir's stinginess also refreshed his three views.

   It's not that a family doesn't enter a family, it's true that there are descendants and ancestors.

   Augustus's soul floated into the air, his body became huge, and he held a big hammer tightly in his hand.

   "Ugly dark elf, take it to death!"

   The huge hammer hit Ruel, but Ruel was not afraid, and threw his sledgehammer over.


   The impact of the hammer was deafening, and Ruel was knocked back a few steps.

   Vidir exclaimed excitedly next to him: "As expected of the ancestors, even the soul state power is stronger than this muscular guy!"

   Hearing Vidil’s praise, Augustus became even more excited and frantically attacked Ruel.

   "Good boy, study hard and look good!"

   Ruel can only defend passively, but loses steadily.

   But Li Wuji wouldn't let him get what he wanted, so he took out his lightsaber and rushed upwards.

   Vidir yelled at the side: "Haha, **** human beings, that sword that can absorb lightning is useless? What else can you do to fight the ancestors?"

   Seeing Li Wuji attacking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Augustus didn't care. This human being is thinner and thinner than this dark elf, and he looks very bullied at first sight!

   Augustus made a fierce effort, and Ruel was thrown away.

   then threw his sledgehammer towards Li Wuji, but Li Wuji was too experienced against this kind of guy who could only use brute force.

   slightly turned sideways in the process of running, with a dragon chant, escaped the hammer swing, and flew to Augustus's side.

   "Be careful, ancestors!"

   Augustus was shocked, but it was too late, and the blue lightsaber slipped into his armor and entered his body.

  Because it is a soul state, this is not fatal.

   However, even Augustus is not immune to the effects of "Chaos".

   Augustus's body became shaky, and he said awkwardly: "Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

  How could Ruel let go of this opportunity, screamed, holding a big iron ball and slamming it on Augustus's head.

   Vidir looked terrified, and shouted hoarsely in his throat: "Old ancestor! What are you doing? You cheer up!"



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