DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 113: The situation is wrong, I retreat first

   It may be that the shout was too loud, and Augustus’s eyes instantly regained his clarity. The time he fell into "chaos" did not exceed three seconds, but a lot of things could happen in three seconds.

   The big round iron ball hit Augustus in the face, and he had no time to escape.


  How powerful is Ruel? It is no exaggeration to say that Li Wuji would be gone if he smashed it with all his strength.

   The helmet on Augustus's face shattered directly, and then he could only watch the hammer hit his door.

   "Old ancestors!!!"

   Augustus's body flew upside down, hitting Vidir's side, splashing a pile of rubble, and his enlarged body returned to the same size as Vidir.

  Because it is a soul body, it will not bleed, but the brain is buzzing, and the body has become a little transparent.

   It is more intuitive in Li Wuji's eyes, because the health bar on Augustus's head has lost more than half of it.

   Vidir helped Augustus up and shook his shoulder anxiously: "Old ancestor, cheer up!"

   But Li Wuji rushed over with the sword directly at this time.

   Vidir was anxious. Seeing that Augustus had been smashed, he couldn't wake up no matter how he shouted. He bit his heart and cried out inwardly: "The situation is not right, I will retreat first!"

   then threw the body of his ancestor out!

   "Old ancestor, you can go with peace of mind, Vidir will definitely avenge you!"

   But at this time, Augustus woke up again, looking at his tossed body, his eyes were full of inconceivability and incomprehension, mixed with extreme disappointment and anger.

   But Vidir couldn't see this look. He had already slipped into the secret tunnel he had dug and slipped away, leaving Augustus with a decisive back.

   "Ahhhhhhhh! Shameless offspring! Vidir, you dog!"

   At this time, Vidir, who was running in the secret road, heard Augustus screaming vaguely, and paused for a second with a guilty conscience, but quickly slipped away without looking back, faster than just now...

   At the previous altar, the smaller Augustus was lifted up by Li Wuji like a chicken, staring at the smaller fellow with a weird look.

   "Hey, Ruel, do you know why your dark elves have become so dark and lose the favor of nature?"

   Augustus heard Li Wou-ki's words, his face changed a lot!

   Ruel curled his lips and snorted, "Why are you mentioning this? It's all because of that guy from the goddess of beauty Venus!"

   "Then do you know why the dark elves and dwarves have been hostile to each other for so many years?"

   Ruel frowned and replied, "Because we took the Dark City?"

   When Li Wuji was about to speak, Augustus begged frantically: "Big brother! I beg you to say it! You put me as a fart, I will go back to sleep and never come out again!"

   Li Wuji glanced at Augustus faintly, and stabbed him again. Augustus screamed, his blood volume dropped, and his eyes fell into a stupid state.

Seeing Ruel’s puzzled gaze, Li Wuji explained: “This guy is not easy, don’t look at his soul state so bullying, but when you dark elves first moved underground, he was the tyrant of the dwarven race. The status of the dwarves is equivalent to the Barak of your dark elves."

   Ruel raised his eyebrows slightly: "What does this have to do with the curse of Venus?"

"Haha, it's a big deal. Venus, the goddess of beauty, first changed your hair color and skin color, and then expelled you to the underground world. The underground world was the world of the dwarves, but the arrival of the dark elves made Augustus Dread, then, under the bewitching of Venus, the **** of beauty, he brought the curse of Venus again, causing the dark elves to lose the favor of nature and greatly weakening the dark elves' talents."

   Ruel widened his eyes, pointed at Augustus and said, "Is this forcing a curse?"

"Yes, after that, the dark elves bloodbathed the dark city at that time in extreme anger, and then beat the tyrant Augustus to death. Then the dark elves occupied the dark city, and the remaining dwarves were forced to leave. Dark city, come here to live in the mine."

   Ruel took a deep breath, with a hint of anger in his eyes, pointed at Augustus and said viciously: "This guy is too bad, I want to smash him into meat sauce!"

   "Flap! Pop! Pop! The story is so wonderful!"

   Sudden applause appeared from Li Wuji's ears, and he was so frightened that he took a big step.

   "I'm lost! Good sister! Why are you like a ghost? Can you make your appearance more normal? It's scary, don't you know?"

  The person here is Minette. She came when Li Wuji started telling the story, and she didn’t say anything until Li Wuji finished her story.

   Minette smiled lightly: "What are you panicking, my sister is not scary!"

   "It doesn't look scary, but the behavior is scary!"

   "I'm sorry, the occupational disease left behind when I was an assassin."

   Talking about Minette, he leaned close to Li Wuji again, put his elbow on Li Wuji's shoulder, and smiled mysteriously: "By the way, brother, you seem to know a lot."

   Li Wuji smiled awkwardly: "Ahem...this is not important, let alone this, there is something to tell you, Vidir just ran away from that secret road."

  Minette glanced at the small hole in the ground. The hole was small enough for a dwarf to drill down. It couldn't be chased.

   But Minette said confidently: "It's okay, he won't run, after all, there is so much gold here..."

   "What about this guy? Your enemy of the dark elves!"

   Ruel clenched his fists and said fiercely, "Of course I smashed him into meat sauce!"

   Minette poked Augustus with a folding fan: "Huh? Why is this guy not moving?"

   Li Wou-ki slapped the dead Augustus with a "slap" on the head: "What are you pretending to be? They are all souls~www.ltnovel.com~ why are you embarrassed to pretend to die?"

   "Ouch! It hurts!"

   Augustus raised his head awkwardly, and said cautiously: "Actually, I am not the tyrant Augustus you just mentioned. I am an ordinary dwarf soul. You must have admitted the wrong person."

   "But just now your descendant Vidir said you are Augustus!"

   Augustus's face became stiff, and he cursed at Vidir's ancestor a thousand times in his heart, and then found that the cursing was on his head, and then he was even more wronged...

"Wow, don't blame me! I was threatened by Venus, the goddess of beauty. I didn't intend to target the dark elves. You see, I'm dead now. The dead are bigger, so I don't have to kill them all, right? Good to see each other!"

  Minette smiled, put the folding fan on Augustus's head, and said softly: "Don't you want to see each other in the future?"

   Augustus looked terrified, his eyes widened, and he said in horror: "You...what did you do to me... ah ah ah ah ah ah..."



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