DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 114: Vidir's last stroke

   I don't know what Minette did to him, Augustus's already weak soul shattered like a broken mirror.

   Then under Minette's surprised gaze, the fragments of Augustus entered Li Wuji's blue card.

   "What? Give me Kangkang!"

   Regardless of Li Wuji's disagreement, Minette took the card in one hand and looked at the information displayed on it, a little confused, because it was the text of Qianling Continent, so she couldn't understand it.

   "Don't look at it, it's not a funny thing, it's just a tool to clean up corpses!"

   Saying that Li Wuji snatched the card back, and then threw it into his inventory like a magic trick.

   At this time, Li Wuji suddenly froze, because the system prompt sounded in his mind.

   "Congratulations to the host for completing this trial mission. You can return to Qianling Continent at any time before the end of the mission, or wait for the mission time to return automatically. Time remaining: 38 hours and 27 minutes."

   Saying that, Celia has already signed the armistice agreement, and the war that hasn't started has stopped like this. But although the war has stopped, the problem of infectious diseases has not been resolved.

  Although Li Wou-ki can go back anytime, there is still some time, so there is no need to go back in such a hurry. After all, every time he comes to Arad, the monsters he catches are earned!

   "What shall we do now? Without Vidir leading the way, I would not walk through these messy mines."

  Minette laughed and said, "I put something on that stinky little guy. I know where he goes!"

   Li Wuji was a little surprised, Minette was so thoughtful.

"Come with me."


   Vidir, who ran so far, knelt on the ground because of his soft legs, panting heavily, sweat soaked his body.

   He was very angry. He was trembling with anger when he thought that his gold would be snatched by the dark elves, but there was no way he could defeat those nasty invaders. As for the ancestor Augustus, death is dead, as long as he is still alive, there is hope!

   "I still have a chance to comeback!"

   Vidir got up with difficulty, with a strong hatred in his eyes, following his own memory, he walked towards a passage leading to a deeper underground.

   Soon, I came to a huge ruin, filled with many mysterious statues, these statues are bats holding long forks.

   Vidir knows what these are. When the dark elves first came to the underground, there were not only dwarves in the underground at that time, but also terrifying underground demons, a creature called Baroque. However, because the dark elves at the time were too powerful, Baroque was wiped out by the dark elves and disappeared into the underground world for many years. And this ruin is the tomb of the original Baroque king Batalusis. After being killed by the dark elf, the soul of Batalusis was split into three parts and sealed in this tomb.

Vidir had entered here while looking for more gold mines. At that time, he had heard the call of Batalusis and wanted to open the seal for him, but because Batalusis left behind. The prestige is too terrifying, he dare not open this seal.

   But now, Vidir is desperate. He doesn't want to die or give up his gold.

   Vidir came to a sealed gate, and there was a huge bat-like stone statue outside the gate.

   The stone statue made a weird voice: "It's you again, little man."

   Vidir asked in a cold voice: "Last time you asked me to help you open the seal of Batalusis, I think this matter can be discussed."

   The eyes of the stone statue suddenly lit up, but the body was still a stone statue, unable to move.

   "Then what are you waiting for, first help me get my seal off!"

   "Are you not Batalusis?"

   "No, I'm just the guardian of a clone of my king. I was made into a stone statue to suppress the clone of the king. As long as I open the seal, I can revive the clone of my king!"

   Vidir frowned, "Is it just a clone?"

   The stone statue smiled contemptuously: "A clone of my king possesses power you can't imagine!"

   "Can you beat a dark elf powerhouse?"

   "Hehe, those despicable dark elves only used group fights back then. If it is one-on-one, the scumbags of the dark elves are all my king's toys!"

   "Then how can I help you unlock the seal?"

   The stone statue excitedly said, "Just turn this statue of me clockwise!"

   Vidir did not immediately start, staring at the stone statue and said: "But I have the conditions! Can you make a promise instead of Batalusis?"

   The stone statue was silent for a while, and did not speak.

   Seeing the reaction of the stone statue, Vidir looked ugly. If he could not promise to help him, it would be meaningless to lift the seal!

   But at this time, an ancient voice came from behind the door: "May... by..."

   Hearing this voice, the tone of the stone statue suddenly became excited: "Wang, are you awake?"

   "No...outside...there is a great magical power...so that I can...shortly communicate..."

   Vidir said excitedly: "Batalusis! I want you to help kill two dark elves and a human! Help me regain the gold mine!"

   "You can..."

   After obtaining the consent of Batalusis, Vidir turned the stone statue in front of him excitedly.

After    turned around, the ruins suddenly trembled. The stone statue in front of him dropped a lot of rubble, and then turned into a human-shaped bat and flew in the air.

   "I am the guardian of the blasting fist! King, it's time for you to see the sun again!"

   Then, under Vidir's surprised gaze, the body of the blasting fist guardian slammed into the sealed gate, and its body was submerged in the sealed gate, making the gate collapsed like a key!

After the gate collapsed ~www.ltnovel.com~ the entire ruins had undergone mysterious changes. All the stone statues came alive and danced in the air with excitement. One by one, huge baroques came out from the ground, yelling. !

   Then inside the Sealed Gate, accompanied by a loud roar, the hot breath spread, and the magic circle on the ground was diluted by the fiery red lava.

   The scarlet flame demon, the body of Bakuyan Fist Batalusis rose from the ground.

   "Damn dark elf, how many years have passed! I finally came out!"

   Vidir was sitting on the ground with a pale face. It did not expect that such a big change would happen when the seal was unlocked.

   Batalusis slowly walked towards Vidir, holding a fist of rising flames, and said contemptuously: "Has the dwarf become so bad now? It was actually bullied home by two dark elves and a human."

   Vidir did not dare to refute, and asked nervously: "Then our agreement just now..."

   "Huh, I, Batalusis, is not an unbelieving person. I just used two dark elves to open the meat!"


  Minette led Li Wuji and the others all the way to track, chasing after them to a mysterious cave. Suddenly, there was a very domineering aura, which made Minette pale.



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