DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 115: Blast Fist Batalusis

   Seeing that Minette's face was wrong, Li Wuji hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

  Minette carefully observed the surroundings, frowning and said: "We may have come to the ancient tomb. This is where we once sealed the Baroque King Batalusis. I feel that some difficult changes have taken place in it."

   Li Wuji thought about the plot of the game, and asked: "Is the King of Baroque the guy who is full of flames? The demon with three forms: Blazing Fist, Blazing Master, and Blazing Sword?"

   Minette raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "You have a big problem, you know a lot!"

   "Not much, not much, just like to study history."

  Minette definitely didn't believe it. After Li Wuji appeared in Dark City, she also went to investigate this person, but the strange thing was that there was no information about this person on the Principality, as if it really appeared out of thin air.

   The only thing that can be found is that he was caught by Shaplun for interrogation a few days ago, and then he met Ruel inexplicably, and he could be a brother to Ruel, who is irritable. Of course, it turned to the Queen in the end, so Minette didn't intend to embarrass him.

   Li Wuji was stared at me by Minette, and said embarrassingly: "Sister, you stare at me like this, okay?"

  Minette chuckled softly: "Hmm, when this is up, I will take care of you."

   "Hey, it's okay, just pack up at that time."

   Anyway, now the task is complete, and he can slip away at any time. If there is no accident, he will say goodbye to the dark elf after finishing the ticket.

   "By the way, is Vidir really in there?"

   "I can be sure that he is hiding inside, maybe... that stinky little guy will wake up something amazing in order to get revenge."

   Ruel said disdainfully: "I care about him, I just go in and just smash him!"

   Li Wuji patted Ruel on the shoulder and said, "Don't be impulsive, I'm not wrong, if we encounter Batalusis in the form of a blasting fist, its power should be able to beat you ten!"

   Ruel's eyes widened, he turned his hammer upside down, and said unbelievably, "No? I think my strength is already the strongest among the dark elves!"

   Minette took a step forward, stretched his head and said, "Go down and take a look."


Vidir was talking to Batalusis about Li Wou-ki and Ruel's situation: "That human has a long sword, immune to thunder and lightning, and a blue lightsaber. If it is stabbed, it seems...will change. stupid!"

  Bata Lucis gasped for a breath of flame, and asked proudly: "Weak humans have nothing to fear, what about the dark elves?"

   "The dark elf is a muscular guy, he doesn't look very smart, he has a lot of strength, but I think it must be bigger than you!"

   While they were chatting, Batalusis’s gargoyles and the Baroques yelled restlessly: "Someone has invaded!"

   Vidir paled, and said in a panic: "They must be chasing, Lord Batalusis! You must protect me!"

   Batalusis stood up with a scornful smile, and the scorching flames rose from its fists.

   After Li Wuji and others entered the tomb, they encountered a lot of gargoyles flying in the air and a lot of Baroque.

Minette's eyes condensed, and he said solemnly: "I thought that the infectious disease caused by DiRigi would not spread here, but it seems that things have become very serious! Even if we don't chase Vidir, we will have to deal with them. The underground demons are strangling here. If they are let out, it will pose a great threat to the civilians of the dark elves!"

   Ruel wailed and took the iron hammer towards the Baroques, but these Baroques were not as weak as the previous corpse thieves. According to the level of the Qianling Continent, they had reached the Silver level!

  Although the Baroques are not Ruel's opponents, Ruel is not so powerful.

   The gargoyles flying in the air were also noisy, and from time to time they came down to poke Ruel twice, making him uncomfortable.

   Li Wuji sighed, and said to Minette: "I'll help him."

   A gargoyle took advantage of Ruel's hammering of the Baroque, and with a sharp laugh, poked at Ruel's younger generation in the air!

   Just when it thought it was going to succeed, a blue sword light cut the steel fork in half. Before the gargoyle could react, it was cut with a knife.

   Ruel found out that a gargoyle had attacked him after smashing the Baroque in front of him, and said fearfully, "Thank you brother!"

   "Be careful, leave these gargoyles to me!"

   The two fought back to back, and a lot of Baroque surrounded them and attacked them desperately.

  Minette bypassed the circle at this time, and then saw a huge baroque with flames all over the body.

   A hot aura radiated from it, Minette's face changed slightly, this amazing aura, besides the Baroque King Batalusis, who else is there?

   Seeing Minette appearing in front of him, the blasting fist Batalusis had an anger that filled his brain when he was killed by the dark elf back then.

   "Dark Elf! I want revenge!"

   Batalusis roared, and a fiery flame rose from the ground, and then his fist blasted towards Minnet with the fiery flame.

   The momentum of this punch was amazing, as if it was a big mountain pressing on Minette's body.

   But although Minette was born in the ninja family, he is a powerful assassin.

   A huge flame fist hit Minette~www.ltnovel.com~ but the fist pierced through it like it hit the air.

   This is the afterimage left by Minette, her real body has already appeared behind Batalusis, holding a bright silver dagger in both hands, her elegant and calm aura has turned into a murderous assassin.

   Following the movement of Minette, white afterimages appeared behind them, slashing at Batalusis' neck like lightning.

   The dagger cut through the skin of Batalusis, but the blood oozes like magma in the skin, burning the dagger red.

   Batalusis roared angrily, flames like magma emerged from his body, and the terrifying heat made the air a little distorted.

   Minette's face changed, and he had to give up the attack and retreat to a safe place.

   Then a heat wave erupted from Batalusis and spread to the surroundings. The surrounding environment became like a fiery purgatory, and the stones on the ground turned crimson.

   Although Minette ran fast, the large-scale shock wave still spread to her body, leaving her skin with some burn marks.

   Batalusis turned his head, twisted the neck that had just been injured, and sneered: "Dark Elf, can you bear this?"



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